Cokes- back to it

Hello hon and just been catching up on your diary. Oh no to the arm/wrist it sounds very painful and i do hope its not the arthritis either.
what type of doglets do you have?
My gorgeous doggies are Bruno, almost 3 yr old Black labrador. Then there's Bonnie, who's 1, she is a golden lab x collie. She looks mainly lab but is a lighter build like a collie and also a bit more highly strung than my laid back lab Bruno. I have pics on my profile page. I figured out how to add them on there but can't figure it on this thread! x
Sorry to hear you are feeling rough. Hope the antibiotics do the trick and its nothing else!
Thanks Katie.

Unfortunately the antibiotics are probably not doing too much good as the ones I have taken are now down the toilet bowl along with everything Ive eaten in the last 6 months. Have the worst taste ever in my mouth and big purple marks all around my eyes. So not a good look.
Think I may be starting with chills too. God I'm sick of hearing myself moan. Think I'll moan to the doc in the morning again. Maybe she can give me some nice banana flavour medicine like you got as a kid. Gotta be an upside to this right :rolleyes:
glad you decided t5o go to the docs. but hmm to the unsure diagnosis.
if you continue to be sick and can't keep the antibiotics down then call your oncall dr service. it may be that you need to go into hospital for iv antibiotics, make sure you are getting them.
please keep us updated.
hope you feel better soon hun x
Poor Cokes that sounds awful, do as Marty says and get on to the oncall doctor service. Some antibiotics make me upchuck, maybe its the type you've been given? And rest, that's an order!
Oh no! I think you should def be on the phone again at half 8 or whenever they open. If you need the antibiotics then puking them is no good, sorry to say you may have to be admitted and have a drip. I'm not medical btw so I hope I'm wrong. Hope you get some sleep but I've got an issue at the mo and my doc has said to call out of hours or go to A & E if things escalate. If you need to do that don't be at all concerned just do it. It's what it's there for so please use it if you are in the slightest bit worried. And this is from someone who rarely goes to the doc and neither do my kids!
Thank you guys. I am gonna phone up at half eight, when they open. I so don't want to have to go to hospital for IV antibiotics. I have spent enough time in there. Ive been admitted at least 3 times since january and had one exploratory addominal op( only found fluid, they thought I had appendicitus).
Gonna have to contend with the job centre too this morning for signing on, may ring them to be excused but they're such a pain.
If I do go quiet for a few days then take it I have gone to hospital. Unfortunately my mobile package isn't including internet (seriously need to change) and it would cost me a fortune to check in. Hoepfully I can update later to let you guys know how things are. Thank you everyone x
Good luck - hope you get sorted fast!
Hi, I'm getting in for 11.24, so I'm just gonna hang around on net until then.

Job center excused me from going. Thank fully I spoke to someone nice. x
Ouch, not nice Rachel, good luck. I hate hospitals!!
Awful places to be unless you really need to be there. There are some very good staff and some awful ones. When I was in last time I hated having to ask one in particular for pain killers as she always used to walk away and forget. I don't like buzzing them and making a nuicense of myself. Then one time she forgot and I ended up being very ill, luckily the blonde nurse came on, took a look at me and ended up getting a doc and giving me morphine. My family were up a height with that. If I ask them they refuse to take me to that hospital anymore, but it was only that one nurse. The others were generally good, and if I have to go to A&E I prefer the staff at my nearest hospital. I really am going too often aren't I!
Lol, perhaps it is just me then. I take loads of books, my laptop, my phone, take away leaflets so that I can order in if I don't want the hospital food, all my fave bath stuff and get the neighbours to look after my animals. Then I relax and enjoy the rest! Free mini break! Lol.
I've only been in hospital about 3 times in my life, once when i was a kid to have my tonsils out, once after the Falklands war with pleurisy and a couple of years ago to have my left hip replaced, hated every second of that, i was out in 2 days. Been in a few times after rugby games of course, but not admitted thank god
Think I'd rather pay a bit and get some spa facilities though! And complimentary fluffy white dressing gown