Colour of Ketostix


I know how unreliable ketostix can be but the problem I have is that no matter how much I drink, they are always dark purple, nearly black.

I have 3 shakes with 400ml each, 4 litres of plain water, 6 large instant coffees and 1 green tea.

I can't possibly be dehydrated enough to be causing the stix to be so dark. I know that coffee can be a diuretic but surely that'll be more than balanced out by the 4 litres minimum of plain water?

Is it bad for the stix to be so dark or is I something I can just ignore?

No it's fine, mine are always dark too.
Folk say that it's a sign of being dehydrated - and it can be - but you know you aren't, so no need to worry. All those sticks know is that there are a lot of spilled ketones in your urine, which isn't surprising during the early stages of a VLCD. It takes a while for the body to fully adapt to being in ketosis and some people's bodies adapt better than others. Some people never get a pink stick at all - they make just enough ketones for energy and no more, so none spill over into the urine (or they excrete them in other ways - on the breath or through perspiration). Other people make loads. Most people's bodies get more efficient at ketone making over time, so Ketostix actually become less and less reliable as an indicator of ketosis the further into a low carb diet you get.

I've never bothered with them to be honest, cos it just isn't important whether you're in or out of ketosis. The important thing is sticking to the plan. Do that, and weight loss will surely follow. :)