Constantly dizzy- back from the wilderness

Hello lovely!

Posted congrats to you on the eternally slim thread! Hows hearing going?? I suppose now your off listening to things rather than typing on here!! lol


I'm having lots of fun listnening to things now I've got my hearing back :)....especially the radio, I've missed music & general background noise soooooo much :cry:but having it back is just fab!! and I'm gonna end up bankrupt buying CDs :rolleyes: Isn't ADELE amazing! I'd read loads about how good she was but never actually heard her until a few days ago :D

Back again for the weekend from my doggie sitting duties (BIL got me a thingy so I could get online up there....but I couldnt get it to work :mad: He said he will sort it this weekend) I weighed in with another 1lb off - would have loved a bit more......but the celebrating I did over having the 'magic ear' made 1lb most acceptable lol :p (It could EASILY have been a gain:eek:)

4 weeks on Sunday we go to Cuba so I really really want to shift this last 4.5lb to get my 4stone before then :fingerscrossed: BUT is flippin * week due time next week again:sigh: so I'm either due a small gain or sts if I'm lucky that week (unless the fairies are REAL nice to me:eek::innocent0001:)

Well time for a mooch around the threads now.
Hey hun!!

Adele is amazing!! lol Im so glad that you can hear stuff now, its funny how much we take advantage of these things!!

Dont worry about * week, if you stick to plan then even if it does cause a STS it will be off the following week!!

I May be a bit late in starting this.....But I think I need something to keep me on the straight and narrow ;)

Sooooo A bit about me....Im 42, and live with my fella in West Yorkshire I re-started SW on 6th June 2010. I had a bit of a break from it after having a 2nd lot of Brain surgery in march this year. Its a long slow process but Im slowly getting to grips with things and Im making steady progress with my physio.....tho not as quick as I'd like lol....still buggering about walking on crutches like an old drunk :rolleyes:

Anyway Ive also got a suspecpected hiatus hernia & ulcerated oesphagus (lucky me eh:p) from throwing up so much with having vertigo from the brain condition so Iv been plagued with bouts of painful eating and 'bunged up for days on end'......not great in the slimming mission:sigh: Im on meds so Im hoping things will settle in due course. In the meantime I seem to be messing about with the same couple of pounds and its just driving me nuts!!:mad:

SO - Im hoping that doing this Diary will keep me focussed, and maybe one of you lovely people may spot something I'm doing wrong :D

I normally do EE but lately Ive done the odd green or red day to see if it made any difference.

Thanks for goes.

Today. EE

Brekkie Banana & clementine
HEA milk for teas

Lunch (Asda cold meat counter) 2 turkey breast slices, JP, 2x birds eye steam fresh bags, 1 tsp bisto gravy granules (1syn)

tea braised steak & onions (1tsp cornflour (1syn) carrots,cauli & a mad cow triangle (1.5syn), new pots roast with frylight. Grapes.

HEB fibre plus bar

Syns penguin wafer 4.5 (plus 3.5 thru days meals) = 8 syns

Hi could you tell me where u buy the fibre plus bars? Also are they free on EE? Thank you
anouska3 said:
Hi could you tell me where u buy the fibre plus bars? Also are they free on EE? Thank you

Dizz isn't on here much at the mo as I believe she is dog sitting. However, you can get fibre plus bars in most supermarkets with the cereal bars and they're a Healthy Extra B choice on all plans

Diz!! How'd WI go this morning chick?? - or is it tonight??

I'll keep dancing just to be sure!!


:( I missed WI.....Had my flu jab on Monday and I've felt really crappy the last couple of days so just thought it best to stay under my quilt & hibernate :rolleyes:

On a plus side.....Ive eaten lots of sw soup this week so hope this helps combat the *week bloats & gains (*week STILL hasn't shown up:mad:so i've just got the pmt grumps & snarls)

Off to shove some washing in now & then do nothing much as I really still feel a bit pooey :sigh:
Yo, Dizz.
You back from Cuba yet?

It's ominously silent around here. And since you can hear again now, that's not a good thing.

How are you doing?
Did you have a good holiday?
Lots of BAD ice cream?
Put lots of lovely pounds on?

Come on, mate, where are you?
My namby-pambies are getting bored!
Hey Jimbob:wave_cry::sigh:

Got back from Cuba after a fab holiday to some pretty devasting news re mum in law:(
she hadnt been eating very much for quite a while (we all put it down to old age & being newly diagnosed with diabetes, anyway the Friday before we got back her doc arranged an emergency CT scan.....
we flew home on the Monday to be told she had late stage Bowel cancer which has spread throughout her abdomen-gone outside the Bowel and to the outside of the stomach wall-and is now in her lungs, she isn't expected to live more than a few weeks....Xmas if we are very lucky :cry:She was adamant she wanted to remain at home as long as possible, or go into the local Hospice where her Husband went if she had to....but on Thursday this week we had to rush her into the local hosp as her bowel has become blocked by the tumour so they are going to try put a stent in to stop it rupturing after some other treatment first.

THEN my own mum had her appointment with the Breast cancer Specialist, the last 3 drugs they have tried her on have all stopped working and the cancer has become very 'active'again. Because of mums blood condition (she has a rare condition where the blood doesnt produce its own clotting regulator) she can't have Chemo or Radiotherapy, and Anaesthetics aren't an option because she is in general poor the are going to have to now as a last resort have to do a double mastectomy under local anaesthetic even though there is such a high risk that she will either not stop bleeding/or clot during the process:( the thing is-if they dont do it-its so active at the moment its 'trying to get out' as the specialist put it, and it will head for the lymph glands and quickly hit the rest of her body:cry: so they are doing this just after New Year (mum refused to be admitted before Xmas because of MUM IN LAW and didnt want anyone worrying about her when they should be thinking about someone else:rolleyes::()

Oh and as for the holiday.....It was wonderful, the best place ever. Went out & about outside the hotel and met some lovely local people.
Gained a whopping 13lb !!!! (but I think some of that must have been in the week after we got back when we heard the news & I hit the pringles tub & warburtons thick white with butter:eek:) managed to sneak a quick WI at class on the way to Hosp this week and I've lost 5lb of it this week so it went in the right direction for 1 week at least!
Oh Dizz, I'm so sorry. What horrible news to come back to.
In which case a 13lb gain (particularly when now reduced to 8lb) is definitely the least of your worries.

Well, given that the namby pambies are banging against the cupboard door to be let out, I'll get them flinging for you. I'm really not sure how well they work against that horrible barsteward of a disease that you're up against, but they'll do their best.

And I'll do anything I can in terms of positive vibes this end.

Well, I'm glad you had a good holiday anyway. (Says she, clutching at straws.)
Oh Dizz, I'm so sorry. What horrible news to come back to.
In which case a 13lb gain (particularly when now reduced to 8lb) is definitely the least of your worries.

Well, given that the namby pambies are banging against the cupboard door to be let out, I'll get them flinging for you. I'm really not sure how well they work against that horrible barsteward of a disease that you're up against, but they'll do their best.

And I'll do anything I can in terms of positive vibes this end.

Well, I'm glad you had a good holiday anyway. (Says she, clutching at straws.)

Thanks hun....Just feels a little surreal at the moment, its all happening so fast its been a hell of a week and a lot to take in :confused: You keep flinging them namby pambies for me - cos I fear I'm in for a bumpy ole ride this next few weeks and may be in danger of getting thrown from the wagon a time or two if I'm not super careful:rolleyes:

On a positive note (but still a little daunting, my OH has seen a surgeon (at last re his latest scan results for his back- and they say they can help him with surgery....but it means having 5 or 6 operations as they can't do it all in one go as its too risky with nerve he is on the list for the 1st one some time after the new year but weve been told there is a 4-5 month wait time. Hey ho- its gonna be a busy time soon:eek:
Which would presumably leave him immobile for a while?
And you still being rather dizzy and on crutches?

It's going to be pretty a pretty tough time.
Do you have plenty of good friends nearby, who will be able to help you out?

I'd do anything I could - but I'm rather a long way away.
Which would presumably leave him immobile for a while?
And you still being rather dizzy and on crutches?

It's going to be pretty a pretty tough time.
Do you have plenty of good friends nearby, who will be able to help you out?

I'd do anything I could - but I'm rather a long way away.

Yes we have a couple of REALLY good friends who would drop anything at a moments notice to help (and often have in the past when I've been home alone & taken a dizzy tumble or two:rolleyes:) we also have SIL who is a nursing sister in an intensive care she says she will do anything we need her to do, Its going to be a tight squeeze with both of us fighting for floor space if they give him crutches too though ha ha :D:eek:

Mum in law is having her bowel stent put in place as we speak, so we're keeping everying crossed that its successful so that she can hopefully come home from hosp at the beginning of next week to have what time she has left where she really wants to be. She asked them if it will give her any 'more time' but they said they can't answer that - though with her attitude they wouldn't be suprised if she doesn't fight it just to try see out Xmas with us.
Its really quite amazing really - sometimes when you look at her & speak to her you wouldnt know there is anything wrong....then you look again & see how painfully thin & gaunt she has got - and how forgetful she is now getting:(

Anyway must go & get sorted for visiting......say a little prayer that things go smoothly for her will you my lovely jimbob x x x
Oh Dizz what terrible news!! Lots and lots of hugs and good vibes being sent your way from me.

I agree with Sarah, lbs are the least of your worries at the moment and you've done well getting off what you already have.

Hopefully this is a bad year for you so as of 1st January 2012 your good year with lots of good luck and lovely suprises will start - including everyone getting better!!

Lots of love xxx
Oh Dizz what terrible news!! Lots and lots of hugs and good vibes being sent your way from me.

I agree with Sarah, lbs are the least of your worries at the moment and you've done well getting off what you already have.

Hopefully this is a bad year for you so as of 1st January 2012 your good year with lots of good luck and lovely suprises will start - including everyone getting better!!

Lots of love xxx

Thanks Hun, yeah its not been the best of years with one thing and hears hoping next year everyone else starts getting better eh.

Managed to get to WI on the way back from Hosp.....Ive had a 2lb loss which was good news as I had an unfortunate close encounter with 2 toasted currant teacakes & a full fat hot chocolate in one sitting.....oh and a random selection of quality streets:rolleyes:

MIL has had her stent fitted, and has recovered enough (taking sloppy food) to be sent home today under the care of a pallitive care team-who are also arranging all the things with the local hospice for when it becomes necessary.
At the moment she is adament she is remaining at home for as long as possible.....and is even insisting on finishing icing the 5 xmas cakes she has baked for family members:confused::eek: she is not complaining of any pain, which is so hard to believe given that the cancer has spread so much already:sigh: We are just hoping now that they have managed to clear a passage through the tumour thats in the bowel that maybe it will prevent one problem at least.....and maybe give her a little better chance of getting her wish of seeing Xmas with us all, But they have warned us that because it is so widespread will hit her hard & fast in the end:(
Im trying hard to remain as focussed as possible on plan at the mo as If I fall off the wagon now I will just comfort eat myself back up to 14stone by the time my own mum has gone through her Mastectomy surgery too In the new year.
Just a quick post from me before we set off to see mum then MIL.

I've managed to stick to plan pretty darn well this weekend so far *gives myself a pat on the back* I even avoided the tin of quality street that was staring me in the face at MILs:D

Tomorrow my OH is at Leeds general for his Pre operative assesment for Operation number 1 on his spine in an effort to try stop all the nasty pain he has & get him eventually off all his tablets and the morphine patch they have now put him on (he hates it & its no good for his work either he says). Then its just a waiting game for his surgery date (though with everything else thats happening at the moment he says it would be better if the waiting list was quite a few weeks long to allow for my mum to get sorted first:(:eek:)

Right must get my skates on (not literally:rolleyes: don't think that would be a very good idea lol) x x
Ok Dizz.
Please tell me you're not really going to put skates on.

This world is not big enough....
Bit worried that we haven't heard from you, given all that was going on when you last posted.

Are you surviving, Dizz?

Big hugs, and a good twirl of the namby pambies coming your way, mate.
Well Its been a while since I posted.....and an awful lot has been happening for me so I'd best update you lovely lot.

My mum went into hosp while they took her off her meds to try control her blood clottingtimes prior to doing her mastectomy, I'm happy to say after quite a risky & tricky op (she can't have general anasthetics) she has just come home today :) she has to stay at my brothers for a couple of weeks where they will get some care in to help look after her....but at least we have her back home, we just have to wait & see now what the results are on the bodyscans/tests going forward as she is too unwell to have any chemo & they can't guarantee that the cancer hasn't already spread elsewhere :(

My MIL - despite being told she wouldn't see still hanging on in there, bless her. The stent they fitted is allowing 'sloppy foods' & nourishment drinks to get through her bowel now and past the tumour.

My OH went in for his 1st spine operation 2 days after my mum had her mastectomy (my stress levels were thru the roof that week:() he is doing pretty good & hopefully the docs/physios say he may be allowed home early next week.

I meanwhile have still been stuck looking after BILs dogs:sigh: whilst trying to visit 2 different hospitals & a poorly MIL who keeps going into the hospice while they sort her medications....really really hard work when I'm still not too mobile myself & have no transport. Thankfully though my good friend has been a rock and driven me all over - while my nephew has taken the dogs out when hes finished work-and also run me over to hosp when he could too.

Diet wise.....well its been the last thing on my mind to be honest :eek: and I stopped going to class as I simply had no time. I stepped on the scales at the hosp today and I'm back up to 11st so I think now things are settling back down I need to get a grip & try start again.

So here I am.......and I'll try get back on a bit more regularly - and visit the other diaries x x x
Glad to see you're still in the land of the living, Dizz. We were worried about you.

Obviously things are still not great in your life, and your stress levels must be stratospheric, but at least you're still hanging in there & doing all that you can.

Sticking to any diet 100 % must be impossible at the moment, so well done for keeping the gain within manageable levels. There's plenty of time to increase your focus when life gets (even marginally) less stressful.


S xx