Contraception and weight gain?


Full Member
hey - my docs been discussing contraception with me and going on what she says i think the contraceptive implant (in my arm) would suit me best..... but have seen so many people say that this has caused them weight gain, bad skin and excessive hair growth!
then considered the injection but that can have the weight gain effect also and your stuck with any side effects for 12 weeks til it wears off!
the pill doesnt agree with me - usually i get bad depression and erractic bleeding!
and i cannot take the thought of having a coil fitted it makes me squeamish!

any advice?
I was sterilised 16 years ago, so can't say it personally happened to me, but my 18yr old was on the pill and did gain weight, got the implant almost a year ago lost all her extra weight very quickly and has no periods or any problems.
I think its entirely individual. I had a horrible time with coil, implant and depo so went back to non hormonal

Now back on minipill and happy with it as usual, anything else for me has been awful

Unfortunately its all trial and error!! If you have trouble with hormones try and stay clear. It's a pain in the bum!!


Ps just to add I haven't had weight gain on any

But pain non stop, migraines, cramps, depression, constant sickness on implant.
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My sister in law has the implant and we saw her doctor yesterday and we said she gained weight with it and the doctor said no it doesn't cause weight gain at all but she is sure it did
I have had the implant in for nearly 2 years now with no problems or time of the month :)

I would never recommend the coil (the cramps & bleeding were beyond words) & as I fell pregnant on the pill I guess every person is different lol
It really is an individual experience, I had the implant for the 3 years and I had already put on 5 stone when I got it and I maintained it. Also my period would come to haunt me about twice a year, exactly when I would go on vacation :rolleyes:
Never had excessive hair growth and bad skin I can only attribute fault on the quick weight gain I had
It was right after I removed the implant that I started lipotrim so, I can't really say I gained weight with it but I can say I'd love to put the implant again but I'm afraid now I will put on weight
When I was lying to myself, I blamed the implant for my weight gain. I told myself it played havoc with my hormones and made me hungrier. But the reality is I just overate, cos how come I still have the implant and by controlling my diet using S&S, the weight has come off?

I also didn't have periods, until I started S&S. And many, with an implant, have noted that trend. Something to do with the reducing layers of fat.

You can only know how a contraceptive option will affect you by trying it out. If I'd had nausea, headaches etc from the implant, I'd have it taken out. But I've been lucky on that front. But as for weight gain....I was just a greedy gal;)
my friend has an arm implant and she does seem to have gained a bit of weight over the years but Im not sure if its due to that, I know she eats loads (shes not overweight just not skinny)
my sister was on the pill and since coming off it the weight came right off, like me she now has a mirena coil which I think do not affect weight loss/gain/anything at all, but they are scary to get put in, but once theyre in they last 5 years
the diet can make periods start, oestrogen is stored in fat and as you lose fat, its released but its good in the long run even if it feels like a pain at the time!
I had the implant twice and had no problem with it. I had the injection earlier this year but it made me put on a lot of weight. I now have the coil, which I was scared about but now I have it I'd recommend it to anyone
I've had the implant and it didnt agree with me. I bled solidly for nearly a year on it. Nothing too excessive just enough so its a pain. Had that out and went straight on the pill. Fell pregnant within 6 months whilst using it! After my daughter was born i had the depo shot and have never looked back. Been on it 5 years with no problems whatsoever.

I think all women who use contraception maybe vulnerable to a little weight gain as it all messes with our hormones etc.
perhaps its best to just try it and if it disagrees with you then try something else?
I think any hormones can affect weight but it doesn't make it impossible to lose weight
Depression will often make you over eat with out really noticing and also make you less likely to exercise, generally move about etc (I've had depression and it was the case with me, anti-depressions made me lose loads of weight though!) and hormonal contraception can often make people with previous episodes of depression more prone to further bouts.