couldnt think of a title

Hi Kay

Glad the op went well but sorry to hear another is needed - at least they are getting to the bottom (opps bad pun) of the problem and you will start feeling much better soon!!

Take care

Hey chick how u feeling xx
aw thanks steff, i have had a few mental days off, not eaten anything but chocolate, literally!!!!
have made my mouth and gums so sore from too much of it, not drunk anything but tea, basically just punished this damn body for giving me gip, but really its me i am hurting so today is a new one and i am back on 100% its only a little hmmmm tiny blip!!!
so this morning i have had my crispy haha choc shake, am just off to post my first reborn away to her new home in scotland hope she is the first of many.

thanks for asking stef i was really considering throwing in the towel and getting fat again (not really) but thats how i felt.
off for weekly bloods this afternoon, just know they are going to up my steroids now and i will never get rid of this moonface will i!!!! need to snap out of this moping about and face it there are people much worse off than me, i havent had a chance to read others diaries so will catch up later,
Good luck for day 1 you can do it and just think how amazing u will feel in summer

No giving up we aren't allowed to they the fat win we gotta show em and keep on trying :)
Aww I do not blame u hun I would of been the same with the chocolate,all that matters now is your getting back on track! I know ur strong enough not to throw on the towel :)
Hope the bloods go well today and hope ur not doing too much too soon xxxx
thanks ladies, lunch didnt go too well, whenever i eat its making massive holes in my tongue so dr has said i need to go back hospital tomorrow, if they put me on the dreaded no flavour liquid diet i am not going to be happy bunny, so for now a shake a bit at a time is what i am having.

also thankyou for the support from you all i need to stick to this, xxx
Oh no hun u are having no luck atall!! Focus on getting better, your health is more important than anything, Let me know how u get on xxx
omg i actually dared to get on the scales this morning only 3 days late for weigh in i had expected to had gained at least a stone after this weeks binge but ta dahhhhhh no i have stayed the same , this has made me feel great and more inspired to stick at it, have no idea at all how this has come to be but i am rolling with it, maybe getting back on track who knows??? anyways must go i have an appointment with a needle.

have a fab day!!!
Wow that's great news I'd not question the scales just keep on going and get some more off before next weigh in woohoo
Great news hun! Well done!! :) xx
yes am pleased after what i had done to myself, so today i have had:
choc shake
a truffle bar
tonight i am going for chinese with friends but i will do what i did before and just eat the veg and leave the noodles.
i am finding it extremely hard going to get back into ketosis i want to eat, i didnt find it this hard in the beginning so why am i now, is it because i cheated at the weekend??? i didnt even enjoy the food i was just on an angry rampage with my own body for what i feel is failing me, sounds silly i know, there are millions of ill and disabled people out there and you dont hear them moaning do you!!!
i need to get off this woe is me and get back to my carefree and happy me, watch this space :)
cable said:
yes am pleased after what i had done to myself, so today i have had:
choc shake
a truffle bar
tonight i am going for chinese with friends but i will do what i did before and just eat the veg and leave the noodles.
i am finding it extremely hard going to get back into ketosis i want to eat, i didnt find it this hard in the beginning so why am i now, is it because i cheated at the weekend??? i didnt even enjoy the food i was just on an angry rampage with my own body for what i feel is failing me, sounds silly i know, there are millions of ill and disabled people out there and you dont hear them moaning do you!!!
i need to get off this woe is me and get back to my carefree and happy me, watch this space :)

It can be extremely hard to get back on track sometimes but your doing so well sweetie.
I hope you have a lovely time tonight and pick wisely ;) xx

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Hi Kay

We nearly all fall off the wagon sometimes - it's only natural its how we deal with it afterwards that counts!

If I had to cope with what you have over the last couple of months I would literally have mugged the easter bunny and eaten all the eggs and hot cross buns with butter i could!

(i saw a picture if a hot cross bun with butter in a magazine today and have been obsessing about them ever since!!)

have a lovely evening

take care

I don't even like hot cross buns and I'm drooling at the sound of that!.... Anyway... Kay you are doing so well, you've had a lot to contend with and you're being really strong. I hope to see you back in ketosis soon. I know how you feel with regards to getting back into it, I had my first proper break for my birthday and since I've had another lapse. It is hard to restart but I think you just have to find that determination you had in the first week again. I am hoping I stick 100% until may 5th, I may reward myself with a little treat that weekend, then back to losing the rest after that. I hope it's good news from the bloods and the steroids don't have to increase. xxx
Your doing bloody amazing girl keep it up, you will be back in ketosis and carefree again, promise ;) xx
aw thats so sweet thankyou all soooo much,
well i did pick wisely last night i went to the cinema twice yesterday once with the kids then in the evening with my friends, so yesterday was a successful one at last.
the scales had gone up a lb this morning but to be honest that is nothing to what it really should be and now i am trying my hardest to get back into ketosis it should stabolize and start going down now, damn steroids are still on the menu so nothing i can do about my big moonface for now, so am just hoping i can get off them soon, or i will be auditioning for enid blyton books lol.
have just had a bar and choc shake as was a it peckish this morning, i did want to get the lawn done before i go away eek which is only on sunday but its too blimming cold so cant see that happening,
hubby is away for the night so eldest daughter has just said mummy!!!! you know they want something dont you, can you cook me chips tonight when i get in from work, now she is pushing it lol, right now to wave no3 daughter off she is goin gto thorpe park for the day so just me and little man today, hmmmm lovely daytime tv and a lego session i think.

all of the positive comments on here have really touched me thankyou xxx
have just measured myself, its very weird i have gained an inch on my waist but lost an inch on hips and bust?? its the same tapemeasure,
Ohhh noooo not CHIPS lol good luck with that, be strong :D
As for the measuring the same happened with me the other week i had put an inch on round my 'donut' lol duno how and why!!!
Sounds like a lovely day with your little man, hope your enjoying it :) xxx
Keep plugging away hun, sounds like you have a lot to contend with, be kind to yourself

I have had ulcerative colitis six years, have been lucky to control mine with diet. Only had a few serious flares. Hope your on the mend soon hun

Enjoy the sunshine x