Consolidation Couteaux - Consolidation time!! :)

Thanks for the mentions!! :) I've been seriously off it for a few weeks but have kept running (as much as I could, am a couple weeks behind where I should be!)

Food had just been a big issue and I've even tried a couple other plans/ other low carb, now just trying to eat better and get some of my extra lbs off.

I don't know what the issue is for me, but I'm keen to get on track again and think I need something new to get motivation/interest back where it should be.

I'm annoyed with myself that I just couldn't get my head into conso - I have major issues with allowing myself treats then getting back on plan, I definitely need to work on that!

So, it's not over... I'm just seeing if I can do any better with other plans. Will keep you posted!

Hope everyone is ok! Xox