Consolidation Couteaux - Consolidation time!! :)


you are starting with the run for week one aren't you? And so on? And do them three times as prescribed? You should only run short bursts with longer periods of walking. And remember to take it EASY 'gentle jog', which I appreciate is hard enough...

I think *I* still run a little 'too fast' but I am getting better at pacing myself. When I run out of steam or think I can not carry on (usually around the 20 min mark) I have been known to walk for a little just to get my breath back - like the other day when it was so very windy and I realised too late that I had to run back against the wind! It's ALLOWED! Just don't give up, don't stop moving (especially Ellie on the treadmill - giving up is so much easier then when you're not miles from home!). And if you're not yet comfortable with the week you have just completed you can do it again before progressing on to the next podcast/week.

I am still reading this book by John Bingham called
No Need for Speed: A Beginner's Guide to the World of Running, you can get it second hand on Amazon or probably find it in the library. The author goes on about running for enjoyment not competition, and fitness will happen alongside. I found it useful, even though I only picked it up when I had reached the end of my 9+ weeks. I still have a couple of other books on running here waiting for my attention, I'll let you know if they're any good.

I did a PP today too and it was a doddle ;-) I'm glad I swapped from Thursdays now - although these next couple of weeks I might do more than one PP a week (Cue my own diary update!)

As for worrying about what others think - they will probably not even notice you. And there will always be someone unfitter or slower than you out there somewhere... and wear sunglasses if you feel you need to avoid eye contact at any cost. Friends and acquaintances have 'spotted' me now and I am always mortified (esp because I don't usually notice or recognise them as I'm still to focussed on myself!) but they always make very complimentary comments.

Anyway - good luck, I'm sure you can do it, if I can, anyone can!
Hi Anja - I'm doing the 3 x per week - Walk for 1.5 - run for 1 min x8 until I get to the point of continuous running. 1 minute felt like an eternity.

YOu are right, I need to stop worrying about what others think. I am looking forward to it again actually. I'll let you know how it goes :)

I was sure I'd have a loss after my PP but STS. I am so baffled by my recent weight loss/gain. Not really making sense, but I am ok with it.

PV today and looking forward to it. Must dash, work starts now and soon kiddies will be up..
Well, I did it! I went for my run at lunch time and feel great!

One major annoyance was my iphone misbehaving completely. The running app kept turning off, so I was walking for too long, then my music just repeated the same songs over and over. LOL But I kept on and am so pleased I did it! :D It felt a little easier than the last time but I purposefully took it a little slower so that I had more energy.

Next run is Friday, then Sunday. Hoorah :D
Weighed in today and 11.13 again so just 1 up on my true weight.

I had a minor blip and ate a flapjack but was really pleased that I stopped at that and didn't go off on some crazy sweet feast. It was vaguely healthy - all natural (excuses, excuses) ;)

Feeling really positive about my running, I know it is early days, but I am thrilled that I am actually doing it! Hoorah :)
Last day at work this week - oh how I love being off with my babies on Friday and Monday!! After always working full time before, it is an enormous treat to have these days with them!

Off for a run tomorrow and into London for work today.

Just realised I forgot my muffins! Boo, at least I can buy an apple now and still be ok on plan. There's a gorgeous salad place by work and I may just have to treat myself. Looks fine Dukan wise :)

Have a great day all :)
HI Chris :) how are you?
Ok-ish here... Have been on plan up until yesterday when I had another little wibble, but I am considering it as a gala and actually didn't go too crazy. But I enjoyed some butter and bread :(

It's a weird situation at the mo, I have so many people saying lovely things and "don't lose any more weight will you, you look tiny" I really don't look tiny LOL but those comments go in and I think "well I can treat myself a little" and with the running too I think I am cancelling stuff out, but again, I'm not!!

Off for a run this morning then need to sort things out for my daughters birthday party and do school stuff, homework etc and will cook something good for dinner.

Having a couple PP days as I have been letting too many bits slide the last few days.

I have 5lbs to drop again - I feel so silly, I haven't even really enjoyed what I have had and have started exercising but eating silly stuff. Am annoyed with myself but I just have to get over that and get back on it 100% (how many time have I said that?)


Breakfast - galette

Lunch - chicken thighs and cottage cheese

Dinner - herby chicken breasts

Ran yesterday morning in the freeeeezing cold and it felt a bit better! I am really wanting to do more, even thinking of activity holidays. I have never ever done that, I was always big at school, never enjoyed PE due to size etc but actually feel able to take part in stuff now, that feels great and I need to keep going and stay at this size!
Morning All!

It is arctic out there! I am running on my own at lunch time and it'll be a real test of my determination as it is so so cold!

Woke up this morning and felt so happy to be back on plan! I love that feeling of being back in control, which begs the question, why do I fall off when I feel so much better eating good food?

I had a shocking realisation yesterday, my son had been weighed the other day and is 4 stone... I tried to carry him to bed after he fell asleep in our room and it was such a struggle. It then dawned on me that I have lost 4 stone.. I have lost as much as he weighs and I carried the equivalent of him around on me every single day. Yikes! It really brings it home and makes me feel sorry for my body & joints! lol they are much happier now ;)

Food - I am not quite prepared at home for another PP so it'll be PV today and cruising until Fri when I am out for dinner with my OH. We haven't had dinner just the two of us for over 2 years!! (that's what little children and no babysitting does to you) ;) I am really looking forward to it and will thoroughly enjoy a proper gala rather than me just scoffing silly stuff for the sake of it!

Breakfast - muffins

Lunch - Chicken & tomato omelette

Dinner - Pork steaks with roast BNS and mixed veggies
Hi Couteaux,
glad to see this weather is not putting you off running, it really is soooo cold. I have been wearing a scarf over my face to run as a ski mask or balaclava is recommended in this weather but I haven't got one so have made do with a scarf, the cold air really gets the back of my throat and the scarf keeps the air that I breathe in warm
Great tip Louschu! Thanks for that, It was painful on Sunday, the air seemed to burn my nose. Ouch! Scarf it is today :D

I would much rather stay inside in the warm, but know I need to do it or it'll be the first of many excuses ;)
From a fellow frozen runner here: I do the 'scarf thing' for cycling but not yet tried it for running but maybe I should - cut the Monday morning run short, it was just too painful on my face - but I should have carried on because my leg muscles were only just properly warmed up after 20mins! I can really feel a difference now trying to get going when it's cold.

Made up for it by some extra cycling (to ASDA to get Quark and Rhubarb ;-)... )
From a fellow frozen runner here: I do the 'scarf thing' for cycling but not yet tried it for running but maybe I should -
Made up for it by some extra cycling (to ASDA to get Quark and Rhubarb ;-)... )

Hi! :) I'm just back from the run, it went really quickly today! It wasn't nearly as cold as I thought it would be and I didn't wrap myself up very well with the scarf so it kept unravelling lol!

I'd definitely do it again on my early morning runs as I think it will help with breathing.

I am ravenous now! I wasn't very well prepared and just had some chicken this morning, then ran at 1pm. I've had a prawn omelette and some yoghurt with oatbran but still hungry!

Not sure if it is real hunger or in my head.

Next run is on Sunday and looking forward to it already :D
You're doing brilliantly with the running, and it's interesting to see how quickly it's become a "must do". As for the scarf issue, it really is infuriating when it unravels. I'm "lucky" in that I'm walking with a (heavy some days!) backpack so can tuck the ends under the straps, but even so... I also find I sweat under it, so open it voluntarily to "air" and that's not a great moment when the cold hits your moist face! ugh!

It's a weird situation at the mo, I have so many people saying lovely things and "don't lose any more weight will you, you look tiny" I really don't look tiny LOL but those comments go in and I think "well I can treat myself a little" and with the running too I think I am cancelling stuff out, but again, I'm not!!

You've hit the nail on the head there. This is where Conso really is a problem for some of us. Realising that stage 3 is still part of the diet and needs to be followed just as strictly as the previous two phases, yet we're at target and receiving compliments everywhere, and no one understands what we're doing, etc etc...

Take care and keep planning... :)
I think the running is great, half thinking I might give it a try although it's a good 10 years since I've done any serious running/jogging. Had injury problems and took a while to recover from back surgery, so not attempted it since. Now I'm that much lighter it may be easier.

This conso stage is weird for me. I've been so worried about slapping the weight back on again I've probably not eaten as much as I ought, still losing! Also OH has decided to do Dukan to clear crimbo tum lol! Complicates meal times a bit. But I had real pasta last night, with bolognese sauce and a sprinkle of Parmesan, with baked apple for pud, wonderful! Haven't managed a whole sandwich for lunch yet, sticking to salads and soups, but will tackle that soon.
Originally Posted by couteaux
It's a weird situation at the mo, I have so many people saying lovely things and "don't lose any more weight will you, you look tiny" I really don't look tiny LOL but those comments go in and I think "well I can treat myself a little" and with the running too I think I am cancelling stuff out, but again, I'm not!!
You've hit the nail on the head there. This is where Conso really is a problem for some of us. Realising that stage 3 is still part of the diet and needs to be followed just as strictly as the previous two phases, yet we're at target and receiving compliments everywhere, and no one understands what we're doing, etc etc...

Take care and keep planning... :)

Yes to what you both say - I found the same. After the 'you're not losing any more are you' - the incredulity that I was still saying no thanks to the chocolate cakes - most of the time at least! But it's been long enough now, the compliments will die back as everyone settles to the 'new you' so enjoy them while they last, but remind yourself that you have not yet (ever) finished "the diet" you can just relax a little and find your new 'normality'.

I'm cruising (sort of! too many PVs at weekends not compensated by extra PPs during the week) at the moment, but will probably have to return to Conso next week, as I have an event at DD2s nursery that probably involves food prepared by the kids - no way am I allowed to turn that down ;-) And once I have broken back into normal food I might as well continue on Conso proper.
I'm annoying myself now.... I was 100% on plan up until Friday when things all went rather silly and I consumed food I didn't need or particularly want.

The running is going well though, the pace is due to suddenly leap up by the end of the week which scares me a bit, but I have been able to do each one so far, so just carrying on :) also entered Race for life in July and I fully intend to run the whole thing - very excited and can't quite imagine it!

I'm wondering what my on off eating is doing to my longterm stabilisation hopes and timeline of conso etc. I was due to enter the 2nd half of conso in Feb, wonder if I can try and stick to that for a month longer but I know this is all psychological for me and not sure how I can fix that in the next few weeks!
Well done for entering the Race for Life. You're doing very well at this running lark! I'm very impressed!

As for the future, and stabilisation, is there any particular hurry to move from Phase 3 to 4? On French sites, most recommend staying longer and longer on Conso to at least keep some semblance of a routine in place, particularly for those people who have problems sticking to it. Is there anything you particularly miss on Conso? (I ask this innocently cos I'd be just the same, but it's the response which popped into my mind when I read you!).

Is your weight fluctuating as a result of your "on/off" (your words) eating? Or are you finding you're compensating after an "off" period (or should that be "on"!)
The running is going well though, the pace is due to suddenly leap up by the end of the week which scares me a bit, but I have been able to do each one so far, so just carrying on :) also entered Race for life in July and I fully intend to run the whole thing - very excited and can't quite imagine it!

Yay WELL DONE on both counts! I'd better get my RFL application in then ;-) there's one here in Cambridge too.

If you're talking about the upcoming 20mins running, it sounds so scary but if you have followed the plan then you CAN DO IT. Definitely. Don't push too hard, take it nice and easy and you will manage to keep going without walking, I promise! And you'll feel so proud afterwards.