Cruising for Eternity

After lengthy periods on any diet with restricted ingredients, it's nice to have two new things to try (goji berries and the konjac, although I must say, that I don't like the "look" of the konjac... I like my noodles "al dente" and these look soggy!)
lol they are tough until you boil them so you will have to play with the cooking time

Breakfast: Galette

Lunch: Grilled Chicken
Dinner: Grilled Turkey and Broth
Snack: Galette and Meringue
Snack: One lonely egg white.

Exercise: Running and crunches.

Going crazy being so close to target! Dreaming of celebration meals and then realising I might stall again when I am so close!
rofl at the lonely egg white!!!
dont worry this last 10lb for me has been a nightmare .......i want to do another 1/2 stone at the end but blimey its going to take some shifting I think
How on earth can you bear to eat an egg white! ugh!!

It's true that weight loss slows as we near target, particularly with a "low" target (been there, done that, sticking to a higher one this time cos only stayed at my "low" target one day in Conso!)
Must admit that I could probably go for a lonely egg white. Quite like them myself, although I'd rather have a nice runny yolk. Bless that little egg white, all alone on its ownsome.

Just keep plugging away, BE, and it won't be long before you get there. Fingers crossed that it won't be long now. :)
Well it was a cooked egg white - like a boiled egg but without the flavour!

I cut out having yolks when I restarted the diet because I had started feeling nauseous every time I had them, so I stuck to the whites instead.

However, yesterday my husband cooked an omelette and it looked too awesome so I succumbed and had had a two-egg omelette myself - it was like having a huge treat! Still felt nauseous later on though, so go figure.


Breakfast: Galette
Lunch: My lovely omelette
Dinner: Grilled Turkey and Broth
Snack: Ham which I have been trying to avoid :( and Mini Steak Burgers
Snack: Galette

So: I did my final weigh of the week today.

I had maintained at 130 for a while, and then mid week (doing my forbidden weigh-in) I had crept up to 131.5. However, as of my weigh-in today, I am at 129! Pleased to see a shift in the right direction at the moment!

Just a note about my goal weight:

It might seem like a low weight but it is one I have maintained before, successfully, for a long time.

I have lived on and off in the US for quite a few years (my husband is American) and, as most people correctly assume, all that awesome, unhealthy food in giant portions is available and affordable.

When I lived there I ate pretty well though, it's more expensive to eat healthily there (fruit and vegetables are outrageous prices) but I cooked healthily at home, and eating out we'd always share platters and never order seperately. But, whilst I consider myself a healthy eater, I do love desserts - my user name and avatar are for a good reason, the Dairy Queen Brownie Earthquake is my favourite, especially with double everything :D
So even though I might indulge in all sorts of ridiculous desserts (drive through brownie sundae anyone?!) I exercised a lot, swam every day, and didn't gain at all.

Coming back to England though, I made it my mission to recreate the desserts and everything I had been used to, as well as the type of food my husband considered home cooking - and that's Southern home cooking and that's truly unhealthy!
So, back home with no pool (I wish!!!) and a different life style, I found that I gained the weight and it never shifted much, especially with the PCOS.

Incidently, before I lived in America, I maintained my goal weight for years, eating reasonably and working out regularly.

So the end of my nonsensical ramble is that I managed to maintain my goal weight before, whilst still enjoying plenty of treats, combined with the right amount of exercise living in possibly the fattest nation on earth. So I hope I can continue to maintain it again!

Thanks for reading my thesis, guys :D
nice to read you reasons hun xxx
i swam competitively as a kid and train 4 hrs a day 6 days a week weight went on the minute i gave up
Ive hit 9 st a few times but never stayed there and 4 childbirths later , im now hoping that i will get to a sensible weight and keep it off , but sadly i know i will always have to work at it ...
Well thank you scrumper for reading my thesis :D

I swam competitvely too, I think one benefit is that (if you train at the right age) you do develop an athletic build which I think just hides away under whatever weight you put on, but doesn't actually disappear!


Breakfast: Galette
Lunch: Garlic Chilli Prawns
Dinner: Indian Turkey Curry made with yoghurt
Snack: Galette with meringue

Exercise: Managed a full yoga session plus mini-stepper!
ooo does that mean i have firm thighs under the blubber then
If "eating" were an olympic sport, I'd have a cupboard full of medals ;)... but alas that's as close as I'm likely to get to sporting prowess!

I thoroughly enjoyed your thesis, BE... and, as you say, through my Dukan journey I've realised that regular exercise is a large part of the solution to my compulsive eating (and I never thought I'd enjoy my walking as much as I do!)

Thanks for explaining!
BE - I must confess to having looked up your username when I saw the pic in your avatar. Yum!

As for the Southern home cooking, that is absolutely delicious: the barbecues, biscuits, cornbread, candied yams, etc. Possibly not terribly Dukan-friendly, though. ;-)

I really enjoyed reading your story. Thank you for posting it.
Ah dukandebut that's exactly what I'm talking about! You're making me hungry :p Southern home cooking is virtually entire carb-based, they are crazy for bread of every description with every meal.
I also got accustomed to Mexican food too - I won't get started on how awesome that is!

scrumper: I think if you work out enough, you'll find you regain those firm thighs more easily than someone who didn't have them in the first place - that's my theory anyway :)


Breakfast: Galette with small Milk

Lunch: Prawn Salad
Dinner: Vegetable Soup, Roast Chicken & Vegetables, Galette with half Muller Light
Snack: Making the most of vegetable day - loved that soup!

Exercise: Running, crunches.


Breakfast: Galette
Lunch: Worked extra time, no lunch!
Snack: Chicken
Dinner: Grilled Turkey and Broth
Snack: Galette with Meringue
Snack: One egg omelette!

Exercise: Failed! Crunches only!
Crunching on this diet on a PP day is something I still strive to find...

Oh! Did I misunderstand?! ;)
Aha! If the update changes from crunches to crunchie bar there'll be cause for concern ;)

Actually though, when I started on the diet I really missed having crunchy food! I know it seems an odd craving, but just for the texture more than anything.
I bought some 100% wheatbran sticks from a health food shop, but never ate them incase they weren't considered the acceptable form of wheatbran.

I now adore crunching on iceberg lettuce and cucumber on PV days... (today!!)
Carrot sticks are a good option, too!

I have been so hungry the last couple of days! Well, to be honest I don't know if it's hunger or just an insane desire to eat, regardless. So, I feel like I have eaten a ton but it's all been good stuff, I hope.


Breakfast: Galette with 1 Small Milk
Lunch: Grilled Chicken and Spinach Salad
Dinner: Grilled Turkey, Swedes, Leeks and Courgettes
Snack: King Prawns and Portabello Mushroom
Snack: Galette and Omelette with Muller Light

Exercise: Running and a mini yoga session.

iget the insane "binge wanting sessions "
I felt like that tonight so i had an extra muffin, well ok - 2 extra muffins. Naughty, but surely far better than so many of the other things that you could reach for in an evening!
That's what I tell myself too, Emma! Sometimes all it takes is a little extra oatbran - better than caving for a Snickers, I think :D

Yesterday: Appetite mad again!

Breakfast: Galette with Small Milk
Snack: Cold Roast Chicken came in handy - with vegetables that were supposed to be for dinner!
Dinner: Grilled Turkey and Roast Beef with Vegetables
Snack: Oatbran with Muller Light

Exercise: Mini Stepper
Feel so huge! Hopefully it doesn't show :eek:

Back to PP again. Cooking endlessly for others today though - baking fresh dough for 4 different pizzas, good test of my willpower!