crying and laughing at the same time


Full Member
I have just dropped my children off at school and have had the most embarrassing moment of my life. It is pouring with rain, and I was wearig an old skirt and longish boots but no tights or anything (and all my top half clothes obviously) as I was going to have my shower, do my hair and dress properly when I got home but as I bent to kiss my little girl goodbye my skirt fell right down to my ankles - In front of all the other parents. I want to die. If i'd had tights on it wouldn't have been quite so bad but no- everyone has seen my fat white legs and possibly my knickers (thank GOD they are nice ones that I bought in M&S yesterday) also there is CCTV so I could well end up on that Jeremy Beadle programme.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh blimey why do things always happen to me!!! I guess the day can only get better from here:cry:
Angel - that was hilarious!!! sorry - don't mean to be rude or aught but blimey girl, how much weight have you lost for your skirt to fall down!!!!!
Take it in your stride. You've made my day!
Well done on doing so well with your loss so far
As the others have said it goes to show how much weight you have lost, I have been lucky as I wear trousers, when my undies got loose and fell down my trousers supported them enough until I got home.....
You have to watch skirts and trousers for that when you have lost a lot of weight!!

I keep threatening to buy some braces!!

Yes, my friend popped in this morning to ask me why Charlies dad said he'd seen my a*se. She thought it was hysterical!!

I tried to get my husband to pick the girls up this afternoon, but he refused to drive for 40 minutes for a five minute pick up!!!
Heee Heee best get hubby to buy you a new tiny skirt, I've had trousers leave my bumola in the house but they're now sitting in the charity shop xx
LMAO too funny! I will look out for you on you've been framed - hey that £250 will get you some new clothes anyway lol You poor thing. Least you had nice knickers on!
Hiya angel,
Hope things went better today - just checking you wore your braces!lol
You did make me chuckle yesterday but just think how jealous they're all gonna be when you're a skinnyminnie! - You'll be wearing that skirt on purpose then to show off yer lovely pert bottie!Lol
Take care
well on the bright side at least you can say your loosing the weight so quick you cant keep up with ur wardrobe!!!!!
To cheer you up i would go on a shopping spree since it sounds like you could do with some smaller sized clothes so it wont happen again.
Oh my god.....poor u! Least it's better than doing it when you were 82lbs heavier! x x