D*mn it, I ~DID~ fit in my dress!!!!! :o) I'm now married!! Report & pics included!

Sorry, that was more of a book in it's own right rather than a simple diary entry!!
It was my birthday yesterday!!!

It was my birthday yesterday!!! Had a really lovely day - went in to our local city and realised our wedding rings were ready so picked them up!! Then went to get some travel insurance and found NO ONE will touch my knee - not even through a broker.. So am taking a risk by having it excluded but the worst I'd need would be brace, crutches and painkillers - which I'd have with me!! One nice thing though, she misquoted me - she told us the price per person was actually for both of us - and didn't realise until right at the end, at which point she honoured it! So we had our insurance for half price!!

By then h2b had finished his lectures (he's a student nurse and was only in for the morning thankfully!) so we went to grab some lunch somewhere and then went to the cinema, we've seen loads of films recently so saw Blades of Glory - we were crying with laughter, fab film!!! We then just chilled out at home for a few hours before meeting some friends for a meal in the evening. Also had an email from the honeymoon hotel as I'd asked whether we could prebook our spa treatments and it seems we can!! We've also made a reservation in the really nice restaurant there - you need to book WAY in advance when you're there so we've booked it for 2 days after we get there and we'll book again when we arrive for our last night.. We are both getting sooooooooooooooooooooooo excited about the honeymoon, it's going to be absolutely gorgoues!!!!

Had a pudding and some chips with my prawn salad.. But it was my birthday so didn't mind!!

Meeting the florist today and having another dress fitting, will post pics later!! I'm 4lb lighter than when I last tried it on - and I think I'm the same weight now as when the sample dress fitted me so will be interesting to see how much extra I have to lose now to account for the sample stretching!!

Back on with the shakes!!!!
Went in to the bridal shop again today - another 4lb down since I last tried it on and it looks even better!! It's possibly only come in by half an inch or so - but certainly around my waist it's looking a lot smoother... Plus the muffin top effect (thank you pixie!) isn't quite as pronounced now!! It's actually starting to look pretty good - and I know that if the wedding was tomorrow, I really could wear it with the back panel now.. Infact, the skirt part of it may even need to be taken in now as it's a little on the loose side - and, if I lose the (at least) 9lb that I want to by the wedding, it will be too big!!! The last 9lb should get the bodice to fit nicely too!!!

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Belated birthday wishes hun.
well done on more lbs off. You are doing well and the dress is looking better each time you try it on.
Ahhhh, thank you Sonkie!!!

I'm nothing like as worried about it as I was - I know I can't afford to be any less focussed as I am but I do know that it's acheivable now!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaargh, got back from church last night and was reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally hiungry - so I had a couple of boiled eggs...

This morning the scales had gone up by a pound and a half!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know that's unrealistic as that would mean an extra 5250 calories consumed than I needed - which I obviously havent!! But still not nice to see them going up!! Maybe that's my birthday pud paying me back!!!!!

But - will keep going, I know it works and am sure today will hopefully just be a blip!! But wow, you can't budge an inch from this diet - I kinda like that though, keeps ya focussed!!
Scales have come back down again a bit which is cool.. Realised it's TOTM too which probably didn't help..

Had a couple of really busy days at work - I'm so sore this morning!!! At least I have a day off today.. But I'm keeping going, ignoring all the sweets/chocolates/biscuits/cakes/donuts at work - anyone who's a midwife or a nurse will appreciate just how much of it there is around... Patients (well, their parents in my case!) can be so kind! I used to eat chocolate to make up for the fact I didn't get breaks and chocolate was a way of keeping my blood sugar up - but, of course, it's a vicious cycle as you get a rapid rise but an equally rapid fall.. So I'd have another chocolate and off I'd go again.. So much easier to just not eat them at all!!!!

H2b is working today unfortunately so I have the house to myself until half 8 tonight.. Once I get back from church I've got a bit of housework to potter with and I also need to make some more invites for people who we were giving evening invites to but are now going to have day invites instead!! So really need to get those delivered! Hopefully the weather will stay nice too as would be nice to get out with the dog again this afternoon! H2b and I took him out last night when I picked him up from work, went up to a part of the moor we dont go to as much now - we saw sooooo many foals!! We live on Dartmoor, there are loads of wild ponies on the moor - and it's foaling season! Very cute..

Anyway, better go, the chickens are kicking up a bit of a commotion, considering the early hour and it's sunday I probably ought to go and hush them up - a can of sweetcorn usually does the trick!!! Bless, they are full of the joys of spring at the moment but it's great when it's winter as we get a lie in from them!!!!!!!!
So this week I had a half pound gain.. Which I was expecting considering I'd had a couple of evenings where I'd eaten "off plan"!!

Still have 6 weeks to go though - and I really want to make it down to 10 and a half stone by the wedding - 1st 2lb to go to do that.. 16lb in 6 weeks - do-able, just.......

Things are really busy at the moment - and I actually called in sick for work today.. I had to change my shift as my manager wanted me to work yesterday instead of sunday - which was fine but it meant I had to do a 15mile drive in the middle of my shift to a physio appointment and back again, by the end of my shift I was in lots of pain and it didn't get any easier at all by the end of the evening.. I slept really badly for it too, it woke me a few times... Am sooooooooooooooo looking forward to my knee getting back to the point where I can start living properly again - think I'm a few months off that yet though!!

Went out with a friend last night who gets married on Saturday, am sooooo excited for her now!!! Can't wait to go to the evening part, will be so lovely to share her day!! Made it all seem really real for us though to - I remember us both saying "you've got 18 weeks to go, I've got 24 weeks" and all of a sudden she's got 4 days and I've got 6 and a half weeks!!!!!! I know people said when I still had 2 years to go that the time just really flies when you get to this stage - but I honestly didn't appreciate just how much it does... It is absolutely racing round now!!! Which is good in a way for the motivation factor for CD as I know I can't slip now, even for a second! We went to a carvery (carvary???!!), I had roast turkey and some veg.. It was mad though - I was pleased with myself that I'd piled on lots less than usual, but what made me laugh was I didn't even eat HALF of what was on my plate!!! My appetite is so much smaller now!!!

Off to the pub now for lunch, they do a lovely chicken salad.. Mmmmmm!! (and yes, I hold the dressing and the croutons!!!!)
lol sonkie...

It was lovely too!! (h2b although sat next to me with a cheese and bacon baguette.. But I didn't want any, was really impressed!!)
Wowb well done, you are being strong keep it up and you will be in that dress in no time at all.
Thank you!! How are you going in your first week of CD? Looking forward to finding out how much you've lost? :)
Well today is my first day, had choc which is like lipotrim choc and just had butterscotch which is nice, a bit sweet but certainly drinkable.
Good luck with it, hope you enjoy it and find it works for you!!
Alright little Miss skinny! Hows it going?
hee hee - how about calling you that???!!!!!!!

Yeah, going ok... Have decided I'm going to go to 790 for a couple of weeks, just to give me a bit of a boost....

Feeling quite overwhelmed at the moment with my knee, struggling so much with going back to work... I honestly thought I'd be back running again by now babe - you remember how damn proud I was to have done that half mara, there's another one on Sunday that I'd entered - I'd give anything to be able to run it but can barely walk at the moment still... Really thinking I'll be having that arthroscopy when we get back from HM... And really want to be doing some overtime - I've got no spare cash at the moment at all, none... But I can't even cope with working half hours, let alone doing extra... :( So feeling a bit down in the dumps today, plus we have a funeral to go to tomorrow so have h2b's parents arriving in a couple of hours as they're driving us up there and using us as a break in the drive for them (they live 2 hours away, the funeral is 2.5hrs on from us).. But, on the bright side, I'm still thinking about how I can do CD tomorrow, think I'll have a drink in the morning and lunchtime, not eat anything at the wake and then have a salad here in the evening.... *sigh*

But still, apart from that everything else is ok, sorry babe - didn't mean to turn that into a moan!!

Thanks babe, sorry - I hadn't meant for that to turn into that much of a moan, obviously needed it!!
Yesterday went as well as it could, was exhausted by the time we got home though and ended up going to bed at 9pm!! I'm still quite tired this morning, I'm working today but then am off tomorrow and Monday... We have a wedding (evening do) to go to tonight which should be fun.. Tomorrow we're going to hear our banns read for the first time - it's going to be a bit of a mad dash, the church in my parish has mass at 9.15.. However the church we're getting married in has mass at 9.45.. They're about 20 minutes away from each other.. Tomorrow, luckily, there's an ecumenical service at my church which means proper mass (as such) isn't until 10.30 - because I'm in the choir I'd need to be there by 10.15.. So I'm going to the church in my parish to hear the banns being read, slipping out of the service and then rushing off to my church... Not sure whether h2b will be with me - there's a half marathon being run about 8 miles from where we live which we'd both entered.. I wouldn't even be able to walk a half marathon at the moment but h2b may well still be running it although he has a slight sprain at the top of his foot at the moment - if he doesn't run then he'll be running around churches with me!! We then have a friend coming over in the evening as it's his birthday - so am making him a birthday cake later today! (Before I go to the wedding, arrrrrgh, so much to do today!!)

I've made a decision re CD - I'm going to really hit it with a bit of a mission.. It's now 6 weeks exactly today until the wedding - so..

28th May - 10th June = Sole Source..
11th June - 24th June = 790
25th June - 6th July = 1000 plan...

I've always been really nervous about SSing, but with the fact it's only for 2 weeks I think I can do it.. Plus I really do need to get some more weight off before the wedding and, realistically, I'm going to be having proper dress fittings from the 25th June onwards..

So - am sticking to the 1000 plan this weekend (as much as I can considering what we've got on!) and then hitting the SS on monday..

Any tips/hints/help would be really appreciated - how long does it take to get into ketosis, what does it feel like, am I going to be hungry etc etc.. I dont drink tea or coffee and only ever have coke zero if I'm in the pub - so no worries about caffiene withdrawel..

Bring on Monday!!!!
Aw you'llbe fine I ss'd for 17 weeks!
If I can do it anyone can.
I made banana ice cream today its yummy!
I agree with you on some of the bars, choc, toffee and malt toffee are GROSS:jelous::jelous::jelous:
I like peanut, cranberry and choc orange.
I only have choc etc left tho now :eek:
Choccie milkshake is lovely too.
I did this with LL though liked things then hated them the next day!