Daily menus

PP day.

Cup of black tea then

Breakfast - porridge made with oat and wheatbran and skimmed milk, mixed spice and sweetner. Black coffee.

Lunch - Peppered steak with mustard. 0% fromage blanc

Snack - 0% yogurt

Dinner - Tuna with lemon juice and fromage blanc/herbs

Going to be hot today, so lots of water too!
sounds good Laura.

morning ladies and gentleman ;)

B- scrambly eggs and ss
L - tina, king prawns and caviar (the cheap stuff)
D - chicken tikka gallete

ex - have done 60 leg masters this morning. might do 20 mins step but my legs are stil hurting so might have night off. will do 30 mins power walk round tesco later lol
Breakfast - water,left over turkey bits from yesterday, vanilla mullerlight.

Lunch -salmon Salad eek never been so pleased to see a tomato. (salad is tomato &onion salsa with balsamic vinegar)

Dinner-Not sure yet, maybe 2 scrambled eggs, can I have mushrooms? must look, if so I will have mushrooms with it, if not, well, something else from the veg list.

plus more water +various hot drinks
yes mushrooms are ok and glad cos i love em!
Phew, I love them too, I only have tiny button ones, I would have liked a big flat juicy Portobello one.
mm go get some :D
I remember that feeling, it makes you feel like you can eat normally again! We had come from atkins and were sick to the back teeth of veg but after a few days of none at all we were desperate!
pv day -

B ob and wb porridge

L - 3 little tom and onion quiches with red onion ,tom's and cumber mixed with a little cottage cheese

D - salmon with red onion ,tomato and cumuber salad and cottage cheese

quiches where yum yum vicks !!!
mmm sound lush babes x
pv day for me tomorrow

Breakfast - porridge with ob and wb and skimmed milk/spices/sweetner.

Lunch - salad with whatever allowed veg is in the fridge and tomatoes, ham, gherkins then a 0% yogurt + sweetner

Snack - crabsticks with 0% yogurt/salt/pepper dip

Dinner - grilled chicken with courgettes, 0% fromage blanc
Sounds great Laura :D
brilliant new Jet ;) on both the quiches and the counsellor
morrrrrnninnnnggg :) buzzing this morning (will tell all in dairy)
B - scrambly eggs with a little cayenne to kick start the old metabolism
L - chicken tikka galette
D - steamed salmon and haddock

ex - 20 mins step, shake weight and 60 leg masters ALREADY DONE THIS MORNING.
Claudia Schiffer evil abs workout later :D