Daily Tracker

It is!! Not that we are actively trying but not that we aren't iykwim!
Are your cycles regular?
Yeah I know what you mean babe. Yep they are usually 30 days in saying that only been tracking since July but pretty regular babe. Its just so mental to think you only have 2 days per month to conceive especially as we concieved Jack first time!! I wasnt expecting anysort of a wait tbh :(
I know it is all so bloody scientific! And there is all these skanks on JK who just pop millions out! No fair!
I know! LOL you're so funny babe! I was thinking that today actually watching JK and this one had 7 kids!!!! 7!!! Ah I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed I guess and hopefully it will be soon xx
Yes massive fingers crossed- hoping you get your smiley face and you can get busy soon!
Thanks babe xxx
OMG I'm freaking out!!! Stephen is going away on Thursday for 4 days............guaranteed to ovulate while he's away :( devestated!!
Better get him to leave some ... **ahem** .... product behind ;) .. it keeps for a little while in the fridge I believe & have you got a turkey baster? ;) .... or would that not be the same ;) :p xxx
Haha exactly what I was thinking Jan! Not quite the same though!
Ha ha jan that's brill!

They can live for about 5 days in the fertile cervical mucus (sorry for tmi!) which is about 5 days before and on the day of ov so just make sure u get busy these next couple of days before he goes and as soon as he gets back!x x
Jan OMG I just asked him to do that........he looked at me like I was crazy!!! Hopefully I can talk him into it!!! That's great advice Lisa we shall get busy asap :) xxx
:rotflmao: Jaaaaaan!!!

Emma, stop stressing about it - what will be will be. When you are meant to have you're next child you will :) and woman, be patient! lol Good things come to those who wait! x
Thanks Tanya!! I know you're right but I am the most impatient person ever haha!!

Anyways I am delighted to say I go my :) this morning!!! Beyond pleased! Gonna make sure we are busy busy up until Stevie goes away on Thursday....not easy working 12 hr days up until then though bah!! xx
Hope you have had lots of " busy " time hun! I know how you feel about it all don't worry! I think it could all make you go a bit crazy! Everytime I see someone who is pregnant etc I can't help but feel so jealous. Like proper painful jealousy! Anywhoo fingers crossed for you hun x
Ha ha Mary I wish :)

Had some busy time early hours of this morning lol and I'm on my way home from work now for some more fun ;)

I know what you mean hun, I am trying not to get my hopes up but it is hard!! x
Bit of a rubbish day food wise guys! Actually I've had a very carby week :(


B- Just tea
L- M+S lf chicken and prawn pasta salad
D- Homemade pizza

That's Stevie gone now for 4 days :( cry cry cry!!! I only got home from work at half 5 and his taxi came at half 6!! Still managed to squeeze in a little baby dance hee hee ;)
a little baby dance ....... :giggle:
Doesn't the planning of it all and the worrying about having to do it on certain days take the fun away from it?! x
Hmmm I guess over time it might but tbh it's not as strict as it sounds! I just pee on a stick each morning purely so I don't miss my "best" time, if it's not the perfect time it doesnt put us off we carry on as normal ;) We're both really excited ya know and want this so much, so when we got the smiley face on Wednesday we were like wahey!

If we were only to get busy when there was a chance of conceiving that be like only 1 week out of 4.............hmmmmm no chance!!
HaHaaaaaa 'baby dance' love it! :) xx