Daisy's Diary

Hi Daisy. Hope today has gone well for you, and you're naughty inner voice isn't telling you to go and get toast from the kitchen tonight! Well done for resisting. It's so hard sometimes! You know the rewards though, and your last post to Ssusee explains that so very well. Lipotrim is literally the only diet I've ever lost any substantial amount of weight on. As hard as it is (and I totally understand the feeling sorry for yourself whilst on this diet), it's the only thing that I can get good results with. I'm just praying that this time, I will learn the lesson and not regain - or at least reign it in well before I do. After this coming year, I never want to have to do TFR again! It's just to hard!

Just noticed we're exactly the same weight at the moment! Hopefully we'll get into normal BMI at the same time!
I agree with you about not having the patience to go the whole way on weight watchers. I find it so easy to just cheat and convince myself that I can't lose weight, after all I've been this size for over 10 years now so its what I'm used to! I think doing this diet is accepting that you can be thin (not that you will always be fat!!)
Hi Daisy

"I was very desperate and very lost. I pretended I didnt care and carried on regardless........ One day when I felt so low I didnt see anything ever improving I decided it was LT or carry on being miserable and bigger. So basically what im saying is I found the TOOL that for works for me, and since re-starting Ive been feeling sorry for myself but why??"

I can so relate to your post above, I was in total denial about my weight and I know LT is for me. I really feel good on it, have so much energy surely we can cope with the odd hunger pang, I KNOW we want to keep it up. After all in the overall scheme of things 12 or 16 weeks is a drop in the ocean.

:) Thanks Jayne, and well said frenchy!

Well day 4 :eek: its gone so fast, I cant wait for weigh in on Monday evening. I fogot how much focus you need to do lipotrim in the early days it really does have to be your life 24/7 until it becomes second nature and you relax about it and it becomes a natural way of life I underestimated that part as when I was on it last year I was on it so long I didnt have to think about it I just got on with my life but at the moment I have to focus on it to get back in the zone, which was much easier when I was huge lol. The good thing is I know all this will sort its self out in time. Im finding a lot of adverse reactions to me doing LT this time round though. I have to say people who have been really supportive last time cant undersand why i would want to do it again....... hello?? coz it works?? lol :D.
Hi Ssusee, Thats the best thing about LT, the fast results. I think most people would agreed that they could put up with something difficult if they knew it was gong to end, I love looking at my signature weeks and goals because I cant believe I did all those weeks last year and now 9 weeks seems so doable. Its the best thing Ive ever done for myself :)
hey daisy im glad you are feeling so positive youre really an inspiration around here for doing so well!...

I too couldnt face having to deal with weight loss in ww for so long, so this is the place to be.. i must remember not to take it for granted though!... these nine weeks will fly by,, and at the end youll be so proud, because you could have just done nothing and then where would that leave you!.... hope the rest of the day goes well x
Thanks Pudge, Ive been reading all of your lovely supportive posts to people all over the forum you are a great person to have around so thankyou :)

Ditto!! x x
Hi Su, I think you,me and ssusee are all getting weighed on Mondays. Happy Mondays!! :D pmsl xx

Not at the same time, on the same set of scales??? :eek: :eek: :eek:

I have been reading your diary... You are doing fabulous, as usual hun... Keep it up x x x
thanks Daisy and Su! treat others as you wish to be treated and all that jazz! ...:D x
thanks Daisy and Su! treat others as you wish to be treated and all that jazz! ...:D x

That's so true hun, but don't forget the last bit of that saying "..... and then treat them how they treat you!" x x
Pmsl Su, I think we would need to visit the cattle market to all get on the scales together but the combined loss would be fantastic lol xxx :D:D


Well done Daisy, you're doing fab and thank you for your lovely comments on my diary xx
Monday weigh in for me too :) Happy Mondays! :D xx
Thanks Paula, your welcome :)
Jayne thats great it will be fun to see how we all do on Monday I have to get weighed in the eveining so that a bit of a downer I like to get weighed in the morning and last time I lost more in my 2nd week than my first lol ;)
That's so true hun, but don't forget the last bit of that saying "..... and then treat them how they treat you!" x x

i sometimes manage to forget that! but i will remember it from now on thanks...:)....x
Nearly the end of day 5, Ive found today much better, Im beginning to not be bothered about food and food smells. It hasnt been easy but not as hard as the first time round that has surprised me. I remember last year some people who had a lot to lose were splitting their weight loss into 3 or 4 stages and I though they must be so strong but now I do think it can be done that way. I already feel like my trousers are slightly loose and fitting better so Im looking forward to feeling trim again, since eating over xmas and drinking alcohol Ive felt bloated and I dont like that feeling it makes you feel fatter than you are.:( I know its those dreaded carbs! I know one thing for sure I need a strict plan 'before' i finish LT because it so easy to eat the wrong things once you start enjoying food again. It starts slowly with a bit of this and a bit of that and before you know it you are on the road back to where you started. :confused: Im not going down that road again !:D
oh gosh no!! we have battled with this for so long , i refuse to go back down the same road. im heading to ww when im done and sticking with low carbs.. carbs are a killer!!

glad youre feeling good today! weigh in is nearly here :) good luck for it :) x
I know one thing for sure I need a strict plan 'before' i finish LT because it so easy to eat the wrong things once you start enjoying food again. It starts slowly with a bit of this and a bit of that and before you know it you are on the road back to where you started. :confused: Im not going down that road again !:D

Good thinking, I'm with you on that one! I'm thinking of following a low GI diet when I finish, not going to deprive myself of what I want but will think twice about shoving random rubbish in my mouth for the sake of it. It'll be so weird just trying to maintain and for once not trying to lose! Can't wait for that :D

I received my book today, its called "Overcoming Overeating" if you check it out on Amazon, all the reviews are very good and claims to help you give up dieting forever. I'm not normally one for self help books but I've got a new attitude and am hoping to suck in some new habits and philosophies.

Great to hear you're doing well today, the thought of having to re-start LT petrifies me so hoping it will be a good deterrent for ever coming off. Did you ever waiver while you were having a break or were you always determined to get back on LT?
