Daisy's Diary!

Fatty_no_more said:
I love and prefer home made chips and wedges but just the time to do them.....

What's the chipolata like? X

Yea that's the thing with homemade,need time set aside for it,hard when you have little ones.The chipolatas are nice,prefer them to WW sausages and they are the same pp,cheaper to buy aswell :0)
For homemade chips and wedges I just buy a bag of cheap potatoes cut them all up and parboil them for 5minutes then cook some for dinner and freeze the rest then you can just cook from frozen so much less hassle! :) x
May have to try. I make a sausage BBQ bean and mash bake which my family love and can't do it cos it's high in pp so may try these. :) x
icklerockchick said:
For homemade chips and wedges I just buy a bag of cheap potatoes cut them all up and parboil them for 5minutes then cook some for dinner and freeze the rest then you can just cook from frozen so much less hassle! :) x

You are my very own Gordon Ramsey(minus the swear words of course!)i must admit I never par boil mine but great idea bout freezing them :0)
Fatty_no_more said:
May have to try. I make a sausage BBQ bean and mash bake which my family love and can't do it cos it's high in pp so may try these. :) x

Aw shame it's high in points as I quite like the sound of it myself :0)
Fatty_no_more said:
May have to try. I make a sausage BBQ bean and mash bake which my family love and can't do it cos it's high in pp so may try these. :) x

Actually you've reminded me of a sausage,bean potato and cheese pie I used to make,it was one of my exes favourite meals ;0)
Yea that is literally it.
Cook 6 sausages and cut up, put in a dish with 2 Tins of BBQ beans and cover with cheese and mash with a sprinkling of BBQ seasoning.
It's very homely.

Re chips I pop them in the microwave for 8 mins then pop in oven. :)
I freeze my bns, I cook it in the oven for an hour, that loosens the skin, then let it cool, cut into chunks and freeze what u don't use. Xxx
Fatty_no_more said:
Yea that is literally it.
Cook 6 sausages and cut up, put in a dish with 2 Tins of BBQ beans and cover with cheese and mash with a sprinkling of BBQ seasoning.
It's very homely.

Re chips I pop them in the microwave for 8 mins then pop in oven. :)
I freeze my bns, I cook it in the oven for an hour, that loosens the skin, then let it cool, cut into chunks and freeze what u don't use. Xxx

My now OH likes the sound of my sausage pie,lol thanks for reminding me about it,it's a meal I can do him and freeze then he can have it when I'm not about for dinner :0) thanks for the heads up on the chips :0)
Sausage bean potato and cheese pie hmmmmmm that does sound good!!!! Xxx

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Anything that reduces cost and effort I'll be all over it lol ;-) its great having spare in the freezer to just spray with frylight and cook from frozen hardly any more effort than oven chips really :)

Parboiling just helps them be a bit softer in the middle as I like them crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside :-D x
bulldogdaisy said:
Thanks Stef,will be cooking that soon :0)

And then sending some to me :D

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icklerockchick said:
Anything that reduces cost and effort I'll be all over it lol ;-) its great having spare in the freezer to just spray with frylight and cook from frozen hardly any more effort than oven chips really :)

Parboiling just helps them be a bit softer in the middle as I like them crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside :-D x

Lol like your style as always,I appreciate any help so thank you :0) yea will have to freeze some for sure.
Dinner looks totally yummy, Daisy. Mmmm. And I am definitely liking the idea of this sausage, bean, potato and cheese pie *drools*.

I also microwave my potatoes before roasting in the oven, I find they only tend to take about 30-35 minutes to crisp up then rather than about 45 minutes if parboiled. I have also started doing chips and wedges with new potatoes rather than old potatoes and they are so so tasty - the inside ends up tasty almost buttery. Definitely recommend trying it. As a bonus they also take less time to microwave too!
bulldogdaisy said:
Oh and how long to cook from frozen please?

Think about 40mins and then just keep an eye on them til they look ready. I have one of those mesh tray things from pound land helps them cook a bit more evenly and quicker. X
icklerockchick said:
Think about 40mins and then just keep an eye on them til they look ready. I have one of those mesh tray things from pound land helps them cook a bit more evenly and quicker. X

Thanks,am planning a trip to Poundland soon