Dave's diary - back on plan, back on Minimins

Hello Dave, hope you don't mind me nosing in on your diary, am new to minimins, a returnee to SW after a break of 7 years (via a lot of ups and downs weight wise on the way). I haven't officially started yet, got a mad day with dinner and a show in London tomorrow, so am just starting to put some plans and ideas together to begin on Thursday. Anyway I just wanted to say I have found your diary very inspiring, you have done extremely well, best of luck for your WI tonight :)
Hi JoRoger, and welcome to my diary :) I don't blame you for waiting until Thursday to start, and planning ahead will enable you to hit the ground running as it were. Best of luck.

I am back from WI now, another 3lbs off, which I am very happy with. I checked and I am only 2.5lbs off my 12 week of christmas challenge which was to lose 28lbs! And I am only 4lbs off getting my Club 10 award, and hitting the 2.5 stone mark too! Sadly I can't get to weigh in next week due to working late turn both Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, so my next WI will be in two weeks time.

Which is a good thing, as I am out all day tomorrow at a trade union meeting in London and have no way of sticking to plan (bringing my own food, and favouring a diet drink over a lager with that lot will see me thrown out of a window lol). I will have brekky as normal, but lunch and maybe dinner may be off plan, with a few beers too. I will try to guesstimate the syns tomorrow night then flexi syn for a few days until I am about equal again.

I've got a lot planned for tonight - gammon egg chips and beans for tea, and Biggest Loser and lots of other stuff on TV too. And who said multitasking is only for women lol :)
Congratulations on your weight loss! You are doing so brilliantly. Don't forget to change your signature! Is there a new series of Biggest Loser or is it still the american one? We had to get rid of our sky sadly, is the only programme I really miss.
Anyway, try not to be sabotaged tomorrow by your work friends. Re missing next week, make sure you still weigh yourself, and please please don't be tempted to fall off the wagon, I have done that SO many times and it is a deep hole to pull yourself out of. That said though you have done so well I think you know yourself not to go to mad. Don't beat yourself up about tomorrow but make sure you get straight back on plan. I don't mean to sound like an old nag but you've done so well it would be awful to spoil anything. Don't listen to the devil on your shoulder! And once again well done for tonight's result, and for being so close to your christmas goal already, and your 10%.
hi dave yes u were right the wii fit was just about right i lost 2.5 lb tonight just half a star to do on my tree well done u and as u says to me just take the uni day as it comes if u just get straight back on plan as soon as u should be good 2 weeks till wi how will u manage lol wii fit and tell or keep it till your wi :)
well done on another good loss Dave,sure things will be ok tomorrow,you are so good the rest of the time!!

Men ..? multi tasking..? you mean like thinking AND breathing, at the same time ..? surely some mistake!!!!
Hi all, I'm back again

Just thought I ought to explain something about tomorrow ... I do have a gun being pointed at my head making me come off plan, but I am holding it myself!

I have been going to these meetings as a delegate from my branch for about 6-7 years, 3 meetings per year. Most of the time I join in the social side of it, which is a pub lunch couple of beers, then a few more beers after. But the last few meetings have been while I was healthy eating so I did the 'right' thing and either took lunch with me or bought it from Tesco and avoided the pub at lunch and afterward.

Well, I know I am yet again on a diet plan, but I have decided that as it is the last time I will be going to these meetings (my new job next month forces me to change branches :() I will indeed play my full part in everything.

I'm not worried about coming off plan at all, it is just one day, and Thursday I will get right back on plan again. I'm going to enjoy tomorrow for what it is. Just like I will be doing for the three days over Christmas I come off plan.

I intend to stick to this plan until I am at goal weight, and then keep a close eye on things and conitnue going to classes for the rest of my life.

An odd day off here and there really is no problem.

Goodnight all :)
Dave, after reading your earlier post about going out tomorrow and having to come off plan because of other people not accepting it, I texted you about it as I really felt that knowing you as I do, you would not be influenced by others. As it turned out, the reality was that you had decided to come off plan which I assume accounts for your latest post about wanting to join in with everyone else as it was your last union meeting, can't blame you for that and I apologise if I was a bit hard on you.

I am so very proud of you and what you have achieved so far, and see how you inspire others too :) I know you won't give up and there is nothing wrong with having a day off or as many days off as you want :D

My club leader said it's also important to have a life whilst you're dieting so enjoy tomorrow, have fun and tell us all about it when you get back xxx
great news on the 3lbs Dave, great going, especially over 6 days!

As for your day off plan, you're right, it's just one day, I've never met anyone so motivated to lose weight with Sw and you'll still lose next week for sure with your exercise and following the plan.
Enjoy your day off!!!
I agree with Bayside & Marie... enjoy your day off and have a great time - but make sure you get right back on plan the next day.

I think as long as you sort it in your head before you have a flexi day then it is easier to justify and get back on plan tomorrow - my downfall has always been when I haven't planned my meals for the week, or haven't done the shopping, get home hungry and start eating the wrong things then carry on because I think I have blown it!

Enjoy your day!
Hi all,

My day off plan didn't exactly work out as I had envisaged!!

Plan A, I was going to not have brekky at home, but instead join my colleagues in having some in a cafe in Hampstead en-route to the meeting as we normally would. In fact Plan B came into action, and I had my usual SW 2 weetabix with 250ml semi skimmed milk and some syn-free splenda!

Plan A, I was gonna join my colleagues in the usual pub in Hampstead for a pub lunch and a beer or two, although I was gonna do my best and pick one of the healthier options. Again, plan B came into action! Nothing on the menu struck me as being particularly healthy, so I asked them if they could rustle up a jacket potato for me, only to be told no. So I went off to a nearby cafe, all alone leaving them in the pub :(, and had a jacket potato (no butter) with beans, and a diet coke. All no syns. It was served with a salad, but as it had some kind of dressing on it I just left it. Billy no mates haha.

Then after the meeting, Plan A was to go back to the pub, and basically have a few beers then come home. Once again Plan B kicked in, and I had vodka with diet coke instead of beer. I worked a pint of lager out to be 10 syns, whereas I worked out a vodka (25ml) with diet coke was only 2.5syns, so it seemed far better value!

OK, ok, ok, so I had too many of them hahaha, 8 in total, 20 syns for the day, but considering what could have happened today I think that is a phenomenal result. I will claw back the 5 extra syns I used today over the next couple of days, no problem.

When I got home, at about half ten, I was of course very hungry - having only had brekky and lunch and a load of vodka/diet coke - so my lovely wife made me some savoury rice and a couple of boiled eggs (free of course), and I then had 2 Ryvita and 2 Dairylea Original triangles (my other HEa and HEb).

In my abscence my wife has planned out menu for next week, and although I can't remember the details right now it sounded scrummy when she told me. Tomorrow after dropping the boys off at school, we are off to see my sister who we haven't seen for AGES, and also to do a wee bit more christmas shopping. We may well be having a cafe lunch out, but that is easily dealt with as I found out today! Tomorrow afternoon we have to go shopping, then tomorrow late afternoon/early evening, Marie is coming over for some dinner - Quorn korma! (Madras for me though)

I love it when a plan comes together, A or B! ♥
Well done Dave, that is a brilliant result, and good for your wife for supporting you so much by helping you with your plans. How has today been for you? Quorn Korma/Madras sounds rather lovely! Bet you feel very pleased with yourself today, and so you should be, well done.
Hi Dave, not been on here for a couple of days so just had a quick catch up on your posts. I made the quorn Chow Mein this week, went down a storm with the other half. I marinated the Quorn pieces in soy sauce, 5 spice, fresh finger, and chilli before cooking it. Seemed to make all the difference.

You refer to a quorn Balti you make, can you let me have the recipe, I know it's probably on here somewhere but not stumbled accross it yet. I've been using the Pataks Tikka Masalla paste as it's only 1 syn per level tablespoon, the others are all 3-4 syns. It's not bad bu7t always keen to try something new when it comes to curry.

Got the bike out for a quick 6 miles on Wednesday then played an hour of footy last night so not a bad week all round.

Good luck with the 100km bike ride
Hi all,

Sorry I haven't been on as often but despite being off work all week things have been manic my end and I haven't seemed to have time for any of the things I want to do! It's been one of those weeks where I feel like I have been really busy all the time, yet I have nothing to show for it haha.

For the first time since I began on SW, I haven't even got a food plan that I am following (that is to say a piece of paper with all my foods on), just been so busy I haven't done it yet. That's not to say I haven't been 100% SW of course, I have stuck to plan perfectly - I just haven't written anything. This isn't something I am going to make a habit of though, and as soon as I am done updating my diary I am going to do it for the last two days, and the following five.

Ricky, funny you should mention the syn-free chow mein, as I have just had one for dinner! I got the recipe for the Quorn balti from here and here is a link to it for you: http://www.minimins.com/slimming-world-recipes/116628-loads-quorn-meals.html#post2002469. How do you find the cycling? It took me ages to properly get into it and feel comfortable on the bike, but now it's like a second skin :)

Yesterday we had Marie round for dinner and we had Quorn madras (well, they all had Quorn korma because they have no taste in curries ;)).

Today, as mentioned, we had the chow mein, and for the next few days we have Quorn balti, spaghetti carbonara, omelette, and Quorn meatballs.

Tomorrow we are going out after lunch to my mother-in-law's for an afternoon and evening of fireworks and a bonfire. As with last weekend, there will be a syn-free winter bake for dinner which they are preparing, which I am looking forward to. I will be having brekky and lunch here as normal, taking my syns with me for the journey. We are staying overnight, and I will be able to have my brekky before leaving on Sunday which is super :)

On the way home we are stopping off at Argos to pick up a food processor/chopper thing which I am paying for with the vouchers I was given by my work. Happy days :)

I have just watched what I guess is in effect the semi-final of Biggest Loser USA, in which the player who went out lost TEN POUNDS that week. Sick or what? I find myself getting very emotional watching the show! I think it has the perfect theme tune, 'Proud' by M People which contains the line "What have you done today to make you feel proud?" - a mantra I feel we could all ask ourselves with positive answers on Minimins :D I can't wait for the final!
I love the biggest loser, Im quite addicted to it in fact. You are doing really well on your weight loss.
What series of biggest loser is it? We just cancelled our sky and its the one thing I'll really miss, find that programme so motivating and inspirational, I wish I could go on there even though I'd probably cry at being ordered around so much by the fitness trainers. But it is SO worth it though, I love watching the finals and seeing the difference before and after as it just doesn't seem possible that people can lose that much weight!