Day 3 of LT 100%! Would love a buddy

Omg so you're surrounded by food at work!
I sometimes find cooking for the family very hard!
I'm not honestly sure how long I'm gonna be able to stick to LT but it sure is helping at the moment!
I've got 13st in my head, I worked it out I should be there around middle June and then try WW again but as we all know this diet isn't easy!! TBH if I could stick it til I got to 12 I'd be over the bloody moon
I'm constantly drinking water too always nipping for a tinkle
What day r u on now? How are you finding it?x
Hahaa yh I do and it's so hard at times, although I have just got in from work and sitting there is my fella munching a kebab and my little girl sausage and chips from the local kebab shop!! :( I wanna get to 10st I'd be happy with that. I'm on day 25 and I'm loving it 21lbs on my last weigh in which was weds. Stood on the scales this morning just to see where I am at and seem to be at a stand still this week for some reason?!
pmsl you do make me laugh! I will always bang on about drinking Green tea to help keep you regular. After the ketosis sets in as well it doesn't taste bitter and horrible like it usually does, you learn to appreciate it's sweetness.... and it's side effects :sick0019:

Fantastic news about your weight loss too! I'll ask my pharmacist about the shakes changing because new flavours would be amazing! Don't worry, you'll be sitting pretty at 13 before you know it, maybe even before June

That's a good idea with the water bottle, Liza! I'm a big hot drinks person so I have a huuuuuuge mug that I drink tea from, but a bottle would be better I think :)

I also work in a supermarket! I work for Asda at the moment so I know exactly how you feel, I mark down everything coming up for it's due date and it's especially tormenting when things I like are becoming cheap :rolleyes:
It is a good idea, I have already had 3 litres today on top of the water within the shakes. Although how much water is to much? Awwww someone who knows my pain. I work for Sainsbury's, I'm a checkout teamleader so I run the department. It's when I smell the cooked chickens or cooked pizzas awwww mouth watering lol
Although how much water is to much? Awwww someone who knows my pain. I work for Sainsbury's, I'm a checkout teamleader so I run the department.
Awwww so you probably see all the things come through as well while you're scanning them xD I get so many recipe ideas while I'm marking stuff down, but nothing to act upon :p

I am on day 4 and clearly not on the ketosis yet as I am still starving ..
Keep at it, Sarah :) The hunger never really disappears to be very honest with you, but after the first week it gets easier to control, and by the end of the second week you stop really caring about it. You will get there, don't worry. Keep us updated how you go, starting Lipotrim is always the hardest part

Awwww so you probably see all the things come through as well while you're scanning them xD I get so many recipe ideas while I'm marking stuff down, but nothing to act upon :p

Keep at it, Sarah :) The hunger never really disappears to be very honest with you, but after the first week it gets easier to control, and by the end of the second week you stop really caring about it. You will get there, don't worry. Keep us updated how you go, starting Lipotrim is always the hardest part

Just got up from a little nap lol so tired. Fighting with myself at the mo. One part of my brain saying order a Chinese and the other saying no lol
Just got up from a little nap lol so tired. Fighting with myself at the mo. One part of my brain saying order a Chinese and the other saying no lol
Aaaah don't, feel like I fight those demons all the time as well. Chinese food is one of those things I really miss. Need to learn how to cook healthy tasty things when we're in maintenance :D
Aaaah don't, feel like I fight those demons all the time as well. Chinese food is one of those things I really miss. Need to learn how to cook healthy tasty things when we're in maintenance :D
I have been researching all healthy fresh made reciepes and writing them down in my new recipe book so I have them to hand when the day comes. But when the day comes as I do have another 6 stone to go i can imagine it's gunna be very daunting to eat because gunna be scared of gaining the weight back
Hi girls this new weigh has the strawberry, vanilla and chocolate shakes but! BUT theres also porridge yes something for us to actually eat
Im hoping its pleasant to eat lol
Hi girls this new weigh has the strawberry, vanilla and chocolate shakes but! BUT theres also porridge yes something for us to actually eat
Im hoping its pleasant to eat lol
Ooooh that sounds fantastic! Bet it would taste really nice and quite satisfying in the mornings too. Is it still Lipotrim or is it a different company that your Pharmacy has swapped to? Either way pleeeeease stay with us on these forums :innocent0001:
I don't know from where @Fedupbeingafattie! is but here in Ireland they stopped selling Lipotrim and swapped for this New Weigh shake. It has a tiny bit more calories and in my opinion, it tastes a bit different as well. When I asked the pharmacist about it, he said it was the same thing but they had to change the name to comply with EU rules. That got me super worried so I googled and couldn't find any explanation. So, I've emailed New Weigh and here's the answer.

"NewWeigh is a Very Low Calorie Diet programme as is Lipotrim.

We have 5 new flavours in our strict programme (chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, porridge and chicken and leek soup)

Our formulas now have Omega 3 and 6 added, along with extra fibre and less iron to reduce the risk of constipation.

You don’t need to watch a DVD anymore as all our paperwork is new, bright and easy to understand.

All product information e.g. vitamins and minerals, allergens and how to make up the shakes are printed on the sachets.

In regards to our website we are about to launch it this week.

They are separate programmes, NewWeigh is a new product. I’m sorry but we don’t supply Lipotrim TFR anymore we do supply the Lipotrim Maintenance programme."

I am on Lipotrim/New Weigh since November 2016 and have lost almost 3 stones, but I cheated. I ate a lot during the Holidays and I still eat on weekends. I'm super frustrated and now it's very hard to maintain focus to lose those last 20 pounds.
Ahh a move to Ireland may be on the cards for me at some point in my life (my partner is from ROI) so if that ever happens at least there is a program over there.

You'll have to let us know how you get on with it, Fedup

@MayBride17 how did you find they tasted? We're they a good different or a bad different?
Hey @BeviSiwel , at first I thought that the flavor of this new weigh one was horrible and very different from Lipotrim. But I had to stick with it as there were not any other option for me -- I just couldn't handle the stress of having to pick a new diet and TFR has really worked for me. I can't wait to go on refeed.
I cheated badly during the holidays and still do a little, I find that maintaining the weight is not too hard. Lipotrim helped to understand that most of my eating was because of stress. I started paying attention to when I would feel most hungry and it was always because of stress. On my good days, I would never feel hungry or even tempted.

How are you doing?
Hi all. I live in NI and can still get LT here - I hadn't heard of New Weigh but hope it works. I wish they had more fibre in LT because last time I was on it the constipation was a nightmare. Has anyone got any tips to relieve that particular problem? I tried the fibre powder and it was hopeless. Good luck today everyone x
@MayBride17 definitely agree with LT making you realise the stress-food relationship. Been a really really hard day at work today and just wanted to binge, but most days I'm pretty stalwart. -2kg at my weigh in on Tuesday, I can't help but feel disappointed, I know it's a good loss but I always seem to expect more, and I'm worried the pharmacy is suspecting me of cheating when I've been good.

@Aine333 I keep harping on about the benefits of green tea but it's definitely helped me. My 'plumbing' clears out daily, but I drink about 3l of it a day :p
So just adding a large mug or two will help you get more regular

How are you all doing this week? Xxx
Hi all, day two down 100%!
Here for a month to reset the greedy brain and shift some timber xx
Hi all
I'm on Day 20 and going ok
Still get odd occasions I have a longing for something just for the taste really!!
My chemist only had vanilla n strawberry so bit miffed I've not tasted chocolate this week
I'm still on LT but the new program will be starting shortly
I was told it's a bit sweeter than LT
They'll suit me
I'm not sure how long I can stay on this but I'll stick it as long as I can
Good luck to everyone this week x
Well not been on for a while, had loads going on in my life and not been doing the diet. Gooed news no weight gain. I am back on it from today as still got those amazing clothes to fit into. I am finding it quite easy so far today craving the water like mad :) Should get into ketosis quite quick. Well done on everybody's weight loss, hoping to show mine in a week.
Hey all,

Greetings from Dubai. Just started doing the program here with two of my friends :)

I'm on day two. Yesterday I was hungry a lot but today is so much better!!

I took my 'before' photos last night and that has given me some motivation . I want to judge my weight loss by my clothes feeling looser and looking better rather than focusing on the weighing scales!

How is everyone doing, I have a feeling Monday is gonna be hard as it's my first day back to work
Hello there! Welcome to the clique :D
Having before photos really does help, I took some really unflattering ones as well as the flattering ones (not holding in my belly, sideways on etc) so that I could get a real measure on what I have to lose and it's helped me lots as time has gone by!

the first week is the hardest, and the fact you're already on day two before you have to go back to work is good going, some people suffer with 'keto flu' as their body switches over to metabolising fat, so having a few days to get over the worst of that without having to go to work is the best way to start off LT.

Best of luck, and keep us updated!