day four and hello!


Hi everyone,

I'm on day 4 and i seem to have gotten through the worst.I know i shouldn't weigh myself yet but after 4 days, it's saying albs off!! woooh!! This forum has been a real help to read thanks everyone who shares their experiences.

How is everyone doing?

Come on lipotrim!!!

Hi Libs. Im on day 3 now and I'm still feeling really hungry all the time. Im drinking loads of water and that takes the edge off a little. Im hoping that the hunger will start to fade over the next few days.

Its hard though because I have to cook all day for my two children and my husband! Aghhhhh I recon it would be easier if I had no contact what so ever with ''real food''

Like yourself I weighed myself this morning and the scales to my surprise said I was down 4lb. :)
Hi Libs/ Catherine
Don't worry it does get easier, mine did around day 4/5. I'm in my second week. No cravings but I do go crazy when I see plated up food, it looks so scrummy, so yeah probably best to avoid!
Hi libs, im on day three now and going through phases of being hungry, when im busy doing stuff its not too bad :/

Just hope the weight comes off on my weigh in monday!!
Hi! Welcome to the forum and congratulations on getting started :) I promise it does get easier as the days go on and the weighins really help keep you motivated too! I find that distraction seriously helps to take your mind off things - painting my nails has become such a habit to the point that the first time I did the diet I would change the colour about 3 times a week lol baths are good too and pamper sessions are a great idea! Keep going strong everyone and look forward to eating how you all get on! :)

Tc all!
Thanks for replying guys, Catherine I know how you feel about having to cook for everyone!! I've got 3 kids and it's been a nightmare, I've been saving my lunchtime shake for about 4ish while i'm cooking and i've been having a massive glass of water before I have it, It's kinda helped me not taste anything, i'm determined not to let anything pass my lips except water and black coffee.

Is anyone else looking at this as like a medication? (it helps me resist the temptation at the moment!) I'm just saying to myself "I can't eat, i'm on medication(shakes)!! Lol!!

Willowfire, you have done brilliantly! Inspiration! How do you do those mini targets after your ticker?
Rach, i'm excited for monday!! :D can't wait to get on the scales properly can you?

good luck!!
You are all inspiring, I'm struggling on day 2 and I'm not touching any food!

Keep it up!

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
Hi James,
The first 4 days for me was really tough, just use your will power to get through, it will be worth it. Felt bad for those first few days!
The weight comes off quicker than most diets so hopefully won't be long before you're back to eating food. :-D good luck
Thanks Lynzi! I'm sure gonna try!

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
Hi guys, best of luck to all of you - stay strong through the highs and lows and you WILL reap the benefits! It all becomes second nature after a while. This morning I was even thinking to myself "I could do this forever, I don't even miss food anymore!" - that was probably my mind exaggerating things as I probably couldn't do this forever, but the point is it honestly does get miles easier. My other half can sit next to me with a plate of food now and even when it smells delicious I just don't find myself suffering with the same insane temptations any more like I did for the first few weeks. You will all get to that stage before you know it and the weeks will start flying, just keep going! :D
Great to hear, I will be like that one day!!

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
I sooo agree skinnylove,
I've already settled into it, I'm mid week 2.
Only feel hungry when I'm due a shake and can easily sit will other people eating, of course their food looks good, but I don't want it.
I was a bit poorly thur/ fri with an upset stomach for no apparent reason :-( and had to leave work as I felt so sick/ weak, thought I would have to stop the plan... but feeling great now! Back on track :-D.... Looking good with my loss so far this week, I've had a sneaky weigh!

Good luck everyone, keep it up! :-D
Hi all im on day 6, first weigh in tomorrow !!!! Im nervous but im hoping iv done well. I have to say feel fantastic. My husband is doing this too and i can see his loss in his face just after 6 days. Can anyone tell me if im allowed to drink Nettle and peppermint tea and Spearmint and euculuptus tea???

Wish us luck for tomorrow and keep up the Fab work everyone xx x

Hi sorry im still trying to get to grips working this site ha! Well its monday and the first weigh in went really well 11lb off :D

How has your week been?