Re: 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge

Well the speed foods helped me last week I must admit. Had 2 days off planish and lost 2 lbs last night.

B choices I have planned this week are:
Hifi bar
2 x ryvita fruit crunch
Porridge oats
70g apricots
80g prunes
28 pistachios
Hifi light

Because I'll be doing red and green days I also have some back ups to have for my second b choice -

Ww petit pains
Ww pitta
Ryvita sesame
Ryvita sweet onion
WM bread
WM roll
Extra virgin olive oil

Think that covers it all :D xx
great selection, are we supposed to have different everyday and different to what we usually have ? I don't start till next week as am still speeding! but will need to plan my shopping lol
Well the speed foods helped me last week I must admit. Had 2 days off planish and lost 2 lbs last night.

B choices I have planned this week are:
Hifi bar
2 x ryvita fruit crunch
Porridge oats
70g apricots
80g prunes
28 pistachios
Hifi light

Because I'll be doing red and green days I also have some back ups to have for my second b choice -

Ww petit pains
Ww pitta
Ryvita sesame
Ryvita sweet onion
WM bread
WM roll
Extra virgin olive oil

Think that covers it all :D xx
Re: 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge

great selection, are we supposed to have different everyday and different to what we usually have ? I don't start till next week as am still speeding! but will need to plan my shopping lol

All it says is a different b choice everyday. So I guess you can interpret it however you want?

I have all these in and use them as a b choice anyway but tend to get stuck in a hifi/petit pain rut so I'm happy to have a full on rotation xx
I'm already on the hexb challenge & so far I've had bread, ryvita wholemeal crackerbread, tinned apple & today I think I'l have weetabix as a snack later. The only thing out of that lot that I wouldn't normally have is the tinned apple, but I bought them the other week for our SB challenge.

In the past I would never have considered having tinned fruit as a hex but now I have I don't really see it as a waste of hex, I do like tinned fruit & you do get a lot for a hex.
Oh dear, it's no wonder I'm no good at this maintaining lark, I don't even know how I got to target!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't be silly you have done great! My c used to talk about speed foods a lot so that's why knew a few more but I have looked at my book more in the last few weeks for this challenge than I think I ever have which is good.....I think!
Don't be silly you have done great! My c used to talk about speed foods a lot so that's why knew a few more but I have looked at my book more in the last few weeks for this challenge than I think I ever have which is good.....I think!

I must admit I now have my book in the kitchen I do look at it constantly now, I need to take a look at it before shopping though!
I must admit I now have my book in the kitchen I do look at it constantly now, I need to take a look at it before shopping though!

You could type up all the speed and super speed foods and keep a copy on the fridge.
I'm tempted to do that. Its amazing what foods are a speed food like the other day I had chicken looked it up and was surprised to see it was one xxx

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