
Im crossing everything for this week!! Im really looking forward to getting my hair cut!! I will hopefully be able to put my 6 stone picture up with the new hair cut!! I might even jazz myself up with a bit of makeup!! (i dont usually wear it)

I dont know if its just me, but I really cant take in the achievement of what I have done. If someone said to me they had lost 6 stone I would be floored, but because its me, and I still feel really fat, I dont see it as that much!

Does anyone else feel like that too?
Mel & Peony

you girls have done fantastically well, you must be proud of yourselves.
Keep it up and just remember where you both started.
i know what you mean though I sometimes find shopping for clothes harder now than before but I think we get a bit more critical of ourselves.
Looking forward to your glam pics Mel!

love to you both, you are an inspiration to us all
Milli x
Hi Milli - I will certainly be putting some pics up.

I really dont feel like an inspiration!! I have had more issues than than the TV Times!!!

I just hope I can get there in the end!

Have a good day everyone!!
That may be so Mel but the easy option would have been to say "messed it up now might as well give up" but you haven't. Theres the inspiration we all need!
Agree with Milli Mel - you have really shown inspirational staying power.

Not doing so badly yourself Milli - really on the home straight now, you'll spank those last 20lb in no time, you have done really well.

Fabulous news in my house today - I have woken up 2lb lighter than yesterday turning my potential low loss week into a very respectable 3lb one. woohoo - I have achieved my six stone, and 1lb on the way to 7 stone. Over the moon!
WELL DONE YOU PEONY!!!!! Hopefully will be right behind ya. Ill know tomorrow night.

Thanks for the nice words milli x
Mel and Peony I know exactly how you feel. I still find it bizarre and actually this week I have had some really funny head moments!

We are all amazing and our achievement is incredible! We must keep telling ourselves this!

Good luck tonight ladies, I can't wait to hear how you have done.

Kat xx
I hit my 6 stone!! Woohoo!!! I lost 3lb
well done melarnz :)
wooooooooooooooooooooo Mel!!!! yipeeeeeeeeeee!!
Fab stuff Melz!!
Fantastic Mel - what a star!
Hi everyone,
I thought I'd introduce myself. I am Mairi and this is my 13th week on lighter life. I join my developer group on Monday. So far I have lost 45 lbs and would like to lose another 55lb to make a round 100. Can't believe how fast foundation past, but what a difference it has made. I have been skulking around on the forum for a while and posted occaisionally but feel I really need to make the effort to join in and get the support. So here goes!

Mairi xx
Firstly YAY MEL!!!!!!!!!! fab news - well done on your loss.

Mine is down in writing now too, 6 stone 1 lb yippee!

Hi Mairi well done on your loss so far - you are right it does go amazingly quickly and you'll have your 100lb loss before you know it.

Something else I have to say may come as a surprise to those that know me as I have got on amazingly well with LL - as my 6 stone loss in such a short time is testament to. But I have made the decision to defect, probably after christmas.

I still think LL is the most amazing and wonderful diet and I fully support it and feel I owe it a big chunk of my success to date. However I have been finding my group has got less and less useful to me though with little counselling going on and what does go on is really far behind what I have been fortunate enough to learn through one to one CBT I had a while ago.

Most weeks there are only a couple of us at group, and my group has been mixed in with RTMers. There are only 3 of us left who still have several stone to lose and I don't think either the other 2 will be around much longer. I feel as though I am paying a premium for the counselling but am not getting what I am paying for. I have brought up the issue and maybe for a week we do something vaguely useful before going back to nothing much again. I really do find more useful support, advice and counselling coming on the minimins site.

So I have been mulling this all over and have decided to switch to exante till I get to target. I will continue to be 100% abstinent and have chosen xmas as a watershed as I know most of the group are not coming back after.

I plan to still post here if you will have me and when the time comes I will follow LL RTM but using Exante.

Sorry this post is so long - I thought I'd keep you posted as I have had so much support here.

Much love
Peony, congratulations on your 6 stone hun that is amazing!

As for stopping LL and switching to Exante - you have to do what is right for you hun and if it is a decision you have thought about, which it sounds like it is then you go for it and I wish you all the luck! Of course you are still welcome to post here and I am sure I speak for us all when I say that and if you don't we will bombard your private message box till you come back :D

As for your class - I know exactly what you mean. When I was ready to move to RTM my LLC suggested that I stay in the developers group that I was in as I knew everyone and they would be ok with me talking about RTM stuff. The first week that should have been my RTM there was a whole new group that had moved across from foundation to developers and I found myself sat for an hour & a half wanting to talk but couldn't and snatching a couple of minutes at the end and I don't feel like I got my questions answered and maybe to some extent the not so great in my head week that followed had something to do with that. When I went back this week there were more new people again so I just got my packs, had a 1-1 15-20 min chat with LLC then left and told her that as of next week I shall be moving to RTM on the Weds. She said that the group are at the stage now where they come, get packs and go but if I needed to stay and chat I could - I said at this stage I want to.

Good luck with Exante at Christmas hun :)

Kat xx

Firstly YAY MEL!!!!!!!!!! fab news - well done on your loss.

Mine is down in writing now too, 6 stone 1 lb yippee!

Hi Mairi well done on your loss so far - you are right it does go amazingly quickly and you'll have your 100lb loss before you know it.

Something else I have to say may come as a surprise to those that know me as I have got on amazingly well with LL - as my 6 stone loss in such a short time is testament to. But I have made the decision to defect, probably after christmas.

I still think LL is the most amazing and wonderful diet and I fully support it and feel I owe it a big chunk of my success to date. However I have been finding my group has got less and less useful to me though with little counselling going on and what does go on is really far behind what I have been fortunate enough to learn through one to one CBT I had a while ago.

Most weeks there are only a couple of us at group, and my group has been mixed in with RTMers. There are only 3 of us left who still have several stone to lose and I don't think either the other 2 will be around much longer. I feel as though I am paying a premium for the counselling but am not getting what I am paying for. I have brought up the issue and maybe for a week we do something vaguely useful before going back to nothing much again. I really do find more useful support, advice and counselling coming on the minimins site.

So I have been mulling this all over and have decided to switch to exante till I get to target. I will continue to be 100% abstinent and have chosen xmas as a watershed as I know most of the group are not coming back after.

I plan to still post here if you will have me and when the time comes I will follow LL RTM but using Exante.

Sorry this post is so long - I thought I'd keep you posted as I have had so much support here.

Much love
Bless you Kat - thanks for your support. Yes it isn't that I have a problem with the RTMers being in the group, there just isn't the feeling of being all in it together so much if you know what I mean, For example personally I have no problem talking about food (I watch enough cookery programmes!)I just feel like the kid that didn't get invited to the party and the other kid's are all getting excited about it at school! I find myself coming home from group feeling quite down and we all know that isn't how it should be!

Sounds like you are making the right decision for you too - if I had a few weeks left I wouldn't even consider changing, but at my estimate I won't be starting RTM till end March with a good wind/mid to end April without. I am a very strong minded person and feel certain I can complete the journey under my own steam using the tools I have learned so far on LL and also those I was lucky enough to gain through personal CBT.

Also, when I put the weight on in the first instance I was suffering from depression and work related stress, this and the anti depressents all contributed. I had always had to concentrate on keeping my weight down but at that time I took my eye off the ball and put the weight on incredibly fast. I got better for a few years, then got ill with it again and this time chose CBT in place of the anti depressants. The tools I learned enabled me to completely turn my life around - I gave up my job, set up my own creative business and started to be happy again. I have grown so much and learned so much about myself that I know for certain that when it comes to maintenence I have a very very good chance of being able to manage it fine. Wonderful thing CBT, I am it's biggest fan!

Well look at me rambling again!
Thanks again for your words.
Bless you Kat - thanks for your support. Yes it isn't that I have a problem with the RTMers being in the group, there just isn't the feeling of being all in it together so much if you know what I mean, For example personally I have no problem talking about food (I watch enough cookery programmes!)I just feel like the kid that didn't get invited to the party and the other kid's are all getting excited about it at school! I find myself coming home from group feeling quite down and we all know that isn't how it should be!

That is exactly how I felt from the other side.

Good luck with your decisions hun :)

Kat xx
Oh My!! A lot has happened here today!!

Mairi - Good Luck with development! I could do with a new friend on here!!

Peony - I feel like Im the last one now (mind you, there was only really 3 of us from July starters in the 1st place!!). Im really pleased for you that you have decided to make the switch. I can see why!! I know that you can do it on your own and as long as you keep coming here and letting us know your weight loss then crack on!!!

Kat - I really hope you get what you need out of RTM. Has she ben good up until now?