Diamonds Diary

Diamond, you've been on here most of the time that I have and I think you've been doing really well. I only have 2.5 stone to lose and I find it really hard now as so many things happening and I'm travelling a lot, I look at your stats, whatever diet you started on, with great admiration. Some of the others, too, have been so fantastically persistent - Maintainer for instance. It really helps, I'm sure I'd be off this by now if it wasn't for the example of people like you, who just get back in there and go on.
Lausanne said:
I'm the same - didn't like the baked cheesecake at all - a real plastic taste. Made a non bake lemon one yesterday for PP today, had a little spoonful last nite and boy am I looking forward to dessert today ......if it lasts till then!

Hope you had a fun Dukan day in Hastings. :)Xx

Hastings was very good but hectic!!
I was a very good Dukaner, took our travel fridge and had my own lunch and dinner while the rest tucked into party food, cake then fish and chips!!!
Result was another 1lb loss this morn :)

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Topaz63 said:
Diamond, you've been on here most of the time that I have and I think you've been doing really well. I only have 2.5 stone to lose and I find it really hard now as so many things happening and I'm travelling a lot, I look at your stats, whatever diet you started on, with great admiration. Some of the others, too, have been so fantastically persistent - Maintainer for instance. It really helps, I'm sure I'd be off this by now if it wasn't for the example of people like you, who just get back in there and go on.

Thank you so much, after Sureslim it's so lovely to eat food without multiple limitations etc
Dukan is versatile but with enough restrictions to give good losses :)
I too struggle and think I always will but yes I'm determined to keep getting back on track whatever to have a healthier and happier future.
We will both succeed, thank you so much for your kind comments xx

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Hastings was very good but hectic!!
I was a very good Dukaner, took our travel fridge and had my own lunch and dinner while the rest tucked into party food, cake then fish and chips!!!
Result was another 1lb loss this morn :)

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Yay for you Diamond! You seem to be striding along nicely now! :)Xx
Well done on the loss, Diamond! :D
Good woman, look forward to catching up on your news when you have more time. All good on the Dukan front with me too. :)Xx
I have a house of poorly men, all got temps and losing voices ( peaceful apart from coughing )
All great on Dukan front, having small losses every day at moment :)

Tonight we had BBQ chicken and homemade burgers :) and just eaten a baked custard ala "Jo aka Maintainers" :)

I'm sitting with my feet on my new shiatsu foot massager, trying to get my poor weakened muscles back to life in leg and back. Physio helping but gentle exercises in week not enough so massage also needed. Hubbie can't bear doing it as they feel very strange.... 3 years weakening has taken it's toll.
I invested in the massager fir foot and one for back and there really helping..... I will awaken those pesky lost muscles somehow lol

Hope everyone's well xx

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Made delicious cottage pie....topped with mashed cauliflower YUM :)
Gotta love Dukan!!

My kitchen scales battery ran out last week and I haven't replaced it yet because I don't need them :) such a good feeling not being ruled by the weight of my food.

Off out on site visits at work tomorrow, hard hat, boots and high vis oh and jeans in 27 degree heat is not going to be good lol but at least I'll be out enjoying the sun.

Lunch prepped and cool bag ready so not caught short, the guy I'm going with is a sucker for McDonalds, good job i'm not fussed by them anyway!!

Off out with the girls tomorrow night, leaving my boys alone with their lurgy!!!

Hope alls well xx

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Lovely to read you Diamond, and hope you're taking plenty of vitamins yourself so as not to catch your boys' lurgy! My officemate has been coughing and spluttering next to me too!

You're absolutely right about the kitchen scales! I use mine far less than on any other diet, but I admit to using them a little more now than on Cruise so as to keep an eye on "normalish" portion size (ok I'll be honest, and also to ensure I get "my share" when I'm opening a pack of smoked salmon :D

Enjoy your site visit ugh! It's jeans day at work today and I can't face them in this weather so I've compromised with a denim skirt!
Oh get you and your denim skirt ;) miss slinky lol

Site visits went well, hot and sticky and checked around 35 houses!! Plenty of exercise :)
Lunch went pear shaped when got taken out with work colleague but was very good and had chicken and bacon salad, ok had to have PV day on a PP but can do PP tomorrow.

Off to get ready now for girly night out :) xx

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Oh my word life is a b**** is crazy, tons to do at home and both hubbie and son have the lurgy - 8 days of it now.
I'm not getting much sleep as there coughing is keeping me awake boh!!!!!

Just wanted to say hi to all and will catch up properly soon.....oh will post a pic of my mums new puppy she got on Monday
Awww what an adorable puppy, Diamond. She'll keep you smiling even while you're running after the invalids. :)
Pippa the puppy is adoooooooorable! Hope all those poorly men are fighting fit again.

How you getting on, chica?