Diary of a binge eater.

Men eh?!
Hugs x
Hi hun I've had a really busy week, weighed in last mon lost 2 and lost another 1 this week. Not quite sure how.
Bit gutted I've had to cancel my gym membership as can't afford it anymore & can't fit the classes in since moving will hopefully get some DVDs for at home.

Well done on the losses :)

Know what you mean about the gym - used to be a member but struggled to afford it & as my hours in my old job were somewhat erratic just couldn't justify when some weeks I'd only go a couple of times if that. Am now trying to make up for cancelling my membership with walking - much cheaper :)

Hope the fellas behaving now, & not driving you to the fridge. You're doing so well this past couple of weeks, so can't let irritating men get in the way!

Well done on the losses :) Know what you mean about the gym - used to be a member but struggled to afford it & as my hours in my old job were somewhat erratic just couldn't justify when some weeks I'd only go a couple of times if that. Am now trying to make up for cancelling my membership with walking - much cheaper :) Hope the fellas behaving now, & not driving you to the fridge. You're doing so well this past couple of weeks, so can't let irritating men get in the way! X

Hi hun he's been much better this week however I've still eaten all the wrong things. This weekend has consisted in chippy, pizza Burger King. Been decorating my sons room all weekend so not had much chance to cook but it'll be finished today and I'll be back on plan.

I'm following your footsteps this week going to have a go at the 5.2 with a friend from work.
Decorating must have burned a fair few calories. It's good it's all finished & newly decorated now though :)

Ooo, defo let me know how you get on with fast 5. I found the first few fast days tough, but quite quickly got into the habit of it & stopped feeling so hungry. Even now though, I quite often go slightly over my 500 kcal as I figure it's better to have an extra 50-190 kcal of healthy food than to give up or binge the next day. Anyhow, best of luck with it! Xx
Decorating must have burned a fair few calories. It's good it's all finished & newly decorated now though :) Ooo, defo let me know how you get on with fast 5. I found the first few fast days tough, but quite quickly got into the habit of it & stopped feeling so hungry. Even now though, I quite often go slightly over my 500 kcal as I figure it's better to have an extra 50-190 kcal of healthy food than to give up or binge the next day. Anyhow, best of luck with it! Xx

Hi hun did my first day yesterday, got through it but went to about 650 cals I've read that the first few weeks are hard but get easier
How's your week? Xx
Phew busy day it's my daughters 5th birthday & there was temptation all around but I got through it. I did have some birthday cake but resisted lovely food at the play centre, sw quiche in the oven yum yum

Here's today's food


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Well done on getting the first fast out of the way, hopefully it will get easier for you as well as time goes on. I also find if you keep busy it makes a massive difference, but maybe that's coz I struggle to keep away from the fridge / cupboards when bored ;)

Hi guys I'm bk, took a break from everything my headed wasn't in the right place but feel so much better and more positive about things now

I have gained weight but I'm rejoining sw on Wednesday. I need the structure of class and wi.

I've learnt my lessons from past attempts so I'm doing things differently this year

I'm so getting to target in 2014 bring it on! :)
Hi Kel, Glad you're feeling positive & motivated. I'm also restarting after a couple of months totally not in the zone, which resulted in a stone gain!! X

Hi did ya have a good xmas? I sometimes think it's good to take a break, my head wasn't in it & I was just making myself more miserable. I regret the weight gain but I'll shift it
What ya restating sw & 5.2 ?
Good luck xx
Yeah, I felt exactly the same. And although the weight gains a bit frustrating, I'm now feeling positive & motivated to lose it again.

Yes, I had a lovely Christmas thanks - spent it with family, was really nice. How about you?

Yeah, I felt exactly the same. And although the weight gains a bit frustrating, I'm now feeling positive & motivated to lose it again. Yes, I had a lovely Christmas thanks - spent it with family, was really nice. How about you? X

We had a lovely family one to now getting ready to tackle a massive ironing pile for back to work/school :( x
Morning Kel, how are you today? Hope the first day back at work / school went ok. X

Hi it went well feels good to be back in a routine
How are you xx
First class tonight. My new start weight is 14stone 8.5 eek :(
I'm not dwelling on this looking to the future I'm not going backwards.
Feels good to be in control but I won't lie it's not easy to stop these bad habits right now I'd usually be munching on choc but I'm playing it safe and come up to bed.
Overall I'm really enjoying the food, yesterday I made a chicken korma using the Greek style coconut yoghurt. It's really yummy :) the only mistake I'm making is forgetting to buy any b choices will put it on my shopping list for 2mo.

Today's food- EE

B- apple
L-sw korma,rice& green beans
T- gammon,salad & sw chips
Hex a- milk hex b-

Snacks- mixed berrys & Greek muller, grapes, mushy peas

Syns- mayo-5 yoghurt-1
Had a lovely family day today, popped into town and treat the kids to lunch. Was going to have a turkey salad from subway but it was packed so went to a cafe had jacket spud, cheese,beans,salad & coleslaw (all within syns) we then went to the cinema to watch frozen it's a fab family film with plenty of laughs. I resisted all goodies

Today's food, EE

B- bacon,peppers,onion & chopped tomatoes
L- jacket spud (cafe)
T- steak, salad, batchelirs low fat chilli noodles

Hex a- milk hex b- cashews

Syns- cheese-6, coleslaw-4, yoghurt-0.5

Just chillin watching cbb love this series.