Diary of a menopausal Yorkshire lass...

It was great. I was really impressed with the consultant and there was 2 other newbies. Hopefully the threat of a proper wi will do the trick.
I'm reading all the books now...
I`m glad you went. Good luck with your first week
Thursday 6th June

Day one of the new me (the latest new me after the 648 other ones)

Breakfast - raisin bran and milk

Lunch - sandwich with ham, lettuce, spring onions and grated carrot

Dinner - fish cakes, smash, veg of some sort

Snacks - pear and maybe peaches and ice cream later

It's easy at the moment because Rob is working away for a couple of days, so I only have to please myself.
Thanks for all your encouragement to join a class - I think it was a good move x
Have just had a bit of a lurk on your diary and you have made me smile and even laugh out loud especially the alcohol tracking - I should try that myself, not that I'm a lush (says me who tends to have a glass in her hands most nights!!) :giggle:
Anyway, just wanted to say Hi :wavey:, hope you don't mind me noseying on your diary, but will keep up with you to see how you are getting on, you sound motivated so keep on trucking and I'm sure you'll have great success!
Hi Claire
Welcome and lurk away!
The more people I have checking up on me, the less likely I am to blow it lol.
Friday 7th June

Still motivated, but dunno how I'm going to get on. I'm taking my Mum out for lunch and she's really tricky to feed, so it'll be a matter of going somewhere she likes and getting the best option on the menu. My husband is also back tonight so I'll have the temptation of a takeaway and wine.
I'm all for this health eating lark, but the thing is I really enjoy takeaways and wine *sigh*


Breakfast - sultana bran and milk.

The rest....watch this space....

All I can say is I will add every single item that I eat.

Am about to pop a polo - sugar free of course!
I'm not capable of making owt after wine...
The rest of today's diary

Lunch - turkey breast, half a roll, new potatoes, gravy, lettuce.

Dinner - maggi bbq chicken, dry roast new potatoes, salad.

One small voddy and diet coke
Half a bottle of rose

All syned, all allowed and no binge pending!
Weekend day one a success - YAY! ;)
Just found your thread, I love it. I'm on a massive learning curve so it's great to see your progress so far. I'm trying to do EE and although not sure if I'm doing it completely right the scales are (slowly) moving in the right direction and my work trousers are definately easier to do up!

I have to say mandyboo you don't seem to eat very much, are you often hungry?
You're moving in the right direction and that's the main thing, you'll probably have noticed that last month I actually gained - oops!
I eat lots, I just can't be bothered writing the same stuff down all the time so I just put in the basics now.
A bit like bikerbabe and her 35 bananas.
Have you got a diary going? X
You're moving in the right direction and that's the main thing, you'll probably have noticed that last month I actually gained - oops!
I eat lots, I just can't be bothered writing the same stuff down all the time so I just put in the basics now.
A bit like bikerbabe and her 35 bananas.
Have you got a diary going? X

i don't keep a food diary but do a blog everyday, to myself really, just to keep focused and track my progress. Still not entirely sure how this site works, do most people deep a food diary on here? Lol it's good to know ur not logging everything, I was comparing my food intake and thinking I eat wayyyy too much. I've been looking at the body magic book today and thinking about getting off my bum and doing something today, I'm a bit lazy so gotta make the effort.

What day is your weigh in? I'm not doing a group so just weigh myself on Monday's, and a couple of times in between but trying to limit that.

Bikerbabe u must really love bananas :)
I don't really know what people do, I did this like you as a bit of a blog, I just landed in this section for some reason! It's great cos I've made friends along the way.

I really need to do some exercise too, I thought I was quite active but the last couple of days I've worn a pedometer and I'm not doing anything like enough!
Saturday 8th June

Brunch - beans and egg on toast

Dinner - chicken biryani

Snack - pear and ice cream

There maybe more to come...
I've had a busy day and haven't felt hungry at all which makes a nice change.
Alcohol - 0 yaaay

How sad am I lol

Extra - oats and muller
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Hi Moira
Just seen your earlier post - I wasn't ignoring you!
Sorry to hear about the funeral, was it someone close?
It's still lovely here too, long may it last. I've not done anything very interesting today, just a bit of gardening at my mums and my house and the usual Saturday jobs.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow, we're having a day out in York - I think my saved syns might get used!
Sunday 9th June

Breakfast - Sultana bran and milk

Lunch - currant teacake

Dinner - pizza express leggera

Alcohol - 2 glasses of white wine

I know I shouldn't do this but am counting day as ww cos it sort of works that way!!

Had a lovely day in York. I went to Lakeland and bought a burger press that can also make stuffed burgers and a gadget that can make an ice lolly in under 10 minutes...I can't wait to try them out.
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Monday 10th June

So not in the mood for work today!

Breakfast - sultana bran

Lunch - warburtons wrap with chicken, iceberg, grated carrot and spring onions

Am going to sneak into Morrisons when I go to the bank from work so I'll know better then what I'm having for tea...
Morning Mandy, Nothing worse than not feeling like going to work. I remember it well. Trouble is I also remember the pay packet at the end of the month. Doesn`t help when you feel like not going. Hope the day turns out better than it started.

If you get a mo at some point could you tell me what you did for Chicken Biryani. I love that at a restaurant but haven`t spotted a recipe anywhere.
It's a schwartz kit I use, you put chicken, rice, tomatoes, peas and onions into an oven bake bag, sprinkle in the spice mix, swish it around (carefully) and bung it in the oven. It's really easy and very tasty. I count the whole kit as 3 syns. It's also nice cold as a snack or reheated in the microwave.