Diet advice needed!


happy new year everyone.
I've only just heard about this site thro netmums. I'm after some diet advice. I've been doin low carb but started to feel un well on it altho good weightloss at first then slowed right down. Could anyone recommend a good easy diet to try. Many thanks x
Hi Traytray, That's a pity you are having a problem with your diet .. do you think perhaps you are not having enough protein? It's okay cutting down the carbs and calories but you still need food that will build up your body otherwise you will end up getting quite ill.
What is your daily intake? Do let us know what your meals consist of then we will have a better idea of how to help you.
Take care.
Hi thank you for your reply. I'm not on a diet at moment! I'm looking into different diets out there and just wondered what people thought were the best and easiest to follow. I'm not doing low carb again as it didn't really suit me and made me un well. I've got to much xmas goodies to get through before I embark on a new diet lol, any info on diets will be gratefully read. Many thanks.
Oh my goodness .. mustn't let those goodies go to waste! :)

When it comes to dieting there isn't one that is easy .. it's all a case of how much you can stick to it when things get tough!
I am counting calories and keeping the carbs as low as possible which for me is quite difficult as I do like a bit of bread and an occasional piece of chocolate. I have found that it is the one that has worked for me plus I am rather addicted to calorie counting anyway.
Aww thanks again for replying. I'm thinking of calorie counting too, but to be quite honest with you I don't know where to start. How many calories should I have? Snacks? Full fat or skimmed? (That comes from low carbing for so long "low fat is evil" was drilled into me lol) I guess I need to get motivated and do some research. Just feeling a bit down so it's a case of being bothered to but know I'll feel better once I'm losing. Hope your mor motivated than me and have every success in losing weight
Exante is great in terms of not having to work it all out, calculate numbers but most of all it's easy because there are no decisions to make about what to eat or not eat, you just pick a meal product and that's all your decision making done!
One thing that's really important is to be sure of a plan for coming off the diet and maintaining your loss. Many people on here have yo yo'd with it many times and that's obviously not what you'll want.
If you're confident about a healthy exit plan then I recommend Exante.
The best thing about it is the speed of your weight loss (only if you stick to it 100% of course). Seeing the weight go quickly encourages you to keep going. Also it means that you only have to be on the weight loss part of your diet for a minimal amount of time before moving into maintenance.
Low carb diets can make some people feel rubbish, everyone's body responds slightly differently. Drinking plenty alongside the diet is a must to help you feel ok.
I tried Cambridge diet (similar to exante) years ago and felt terrible on it but I've felt amazingly fine on Exante. I don't know whether that is because it's a different product or because my body and health was at a different state when starting the diet.
Whatever you decide, most of the above is good to bear in mind.
Good luck! X