diet, coke zero, what's the difference !


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what's the difference between pepsi max , diet pepsi, diet coke, coke zero???!!!! coke zero caffine free ?!
None of the above are caffeine free, the difference is that they all taste different.... They're all sugar free though.

Coke Zero and Pepsi Max taste like their brands full sugar equivalents.
Certainly, from reading around the forum, there does seem to be a difference if you're on some of the VLCDs, as there's something in Diet Coke that you can't have but Coke Zero is ok I think ( any VLCDers please jump in and correct me, lol). But if you're just calorie counting or the like, I think it's mainly the flavour, as Stackhead said. Healthwise, it's best to give them all a miss really - I do feel better since I stopped drinking fizz; I just have one as a treat now if I go out for a meal. :) xx
ok thank you! I love pepsi max too much I tried to give it up and I have Been without it for 3 days but I miss it too much! it satisfies my sweet tooth x
No idea what's in them that's different, but I much prefer coke zero and pepsi max!
same as what betty said. If your on a VLCD then you can only drink coke zero or dr pepper zero they have no citric acid in were the other diet drinks do and would bring us out of ketosis.
Hi, I once read that they brought out coke zero to target a more male audience as men didn't like buying "diet" coke but would buy coke zero as it sounds more masculine. No idea how true this is but good to know about the vlcd and the zero coke so thank you!