Diet on Hold......Watch this space......

Well done Gemma, head in the right place and all going well!
WOW TL you are super organised!! lol good on you.

Anything to keep you on track and raring to go is a massive help.
"YOU GO GIRL" - Officer and a gentleman style not rikki lake style ;-)
Hey Gemma
Dont know if Im too late, but hope you have a FAB camping trip. Hope the weather stays good for you, and just enjoy the food, but try and reduce portion size, and you will be grand.
See you when you get back.
Hi Gemma, just found your diary. Sorry to hear of your troubles of late, but you seemed to have picked yourself up again.
Hope you have great time camping - I only did it once in the Lake District when I was at college, arrived in the pitch dark in a blizzard with only the headlights of the car to put the tents up - ended up with 4 of us sleeping in a badly constructed two man tent till the next day! Was great fun though and I will always remember it:D
Hiya everyone. This is just a quick message to say goodbye until next week sometime. I will be busy organising today, so I don't really have time to come on the computer.

flumpster67, thanks for saying hi, I will pop in on your diary if I get a chance. Lovely to see you here. :D

Thanks for wishing me a nice holiday, I will try my very best to be good with the food, but if I don't I won't get too upset, back to work when I come back. ;)

I would also like to wish you all a wonderful weekend and beginning of next week. I am sure that you will all be amazing, especially since you are all so supportive to each other. Take care, have fun and don't be too hard on yourselves. I am sending out a million hugs to you all:grouphugg: and will be thinking of you while I'm away. :vibes::vibes::vibes:

Love to all.:flowers:
See you soon
Have fun :)
Well I have been back from my camping trip since last Tuesday and I have finally made it into my diary.

The trip was ok, but not as great as I wanted it to be because of the piggin' rain, which is never nice when your living in a tent. :( But hey, its gone now, we did get a lovely 6 mile walk on part of The Quantocks, such amazing 360 degree views. I have photos which I will share when I take them off of my camera.

Anyway down to the real business. I have had a major setback this week, anything bad like crisps, chocolate, chips, sweets, Chinese, you name it I have eaten it this week. So I am really not proud of myself.

Today is Monday and I thought that I would get back into the mindset of diet again but I have started my TOTM and feel really rubbish, no energy and really don't have the drive to do it.

I am actually really disappointed and I am not sure how to get back the determination I had at the beginning of my diet. :(

I think that I might leave my diary alone for a while, because right now I am not feeling very positive about myself and how my life is. I don't want to come on here everyday and complain and moan because my life is miserable, thats not who I want to be and not who I am. Its not fair to the people reading or to myself to be constantly in a negative mood.

I will still continue to read and support my friends in their diaries, because I think you are all wonderful and I love hearing about your successes and how you combat your tough times.

But I think except for the odd post, I will leave my diary for a while, until the time when I get my zeal back.

Love Gemma
You have been the most fantastic support to so many of us here, and we are here for you. Lordy, look at the turmoil I have gone through every week. For gods sake girl, be gentle on yourself, especially when it comes to TOM. Come here, have a moan, have a laugh, cry etc, I wouldnt have gotten through the past 5 weeks without the support I have gotten on here. You are one of my buddies, and I want you to know that we are here to listen.
You will come back to the weight losing when you are ready, it may be just babysteps, or with a bang, but this is for life for us all.
Please dont go, and please feel free to let your feelings out here,

Diary is for each day you will get the zest back quicker if your here venting and celebrating what you need too. Trust me i am the emotional rollercoaster girl!!
Gemma...... you've supported us through tough times, let us support you through yours. We're your friends.
Everyone has down time and bad time. Give yourself a break, don't be so tough on yourself. Thats what you always tell everyone else.
You will get all your positivity and zest back! I know you will!!!
See you (on here) soon!!!!

Umm hey girls, I'm not sure what to say really. I am sitting here nearly welling up into tears because of how supportive you all are and because of how rubbish I feel.

I just feel like I am down more than up and I am fed up with always moaning, I know that there are people in the world with more problems, worse problems than me and compared to them my problems are small. I just don't know what to do with myself. I thought I had sorted it out the week before my camping trip but I have come back even worse than before.

I don't know what to write because its so hard to explain how I feel.

I need other things in life to change but I don't know where to start. I think I want to go back to work, but really not sure what to do. I phoned up a job for an application form today, so maybe thats a start.

God this diary started off so well and was supposed to be about my weight-loss journey and now I feel can't get back on it again, its gone downhill completely.

I tried to be healthy today, I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast and lunch and then my dinner (pour-over mince, my fav), but then I had a Snickers bar because I wanted one, how silly is that? I have a bag of cola bottles next to me too, and I just want to eat the lot, but can't bring myself to open the bag at the same time. My feelings are bit all over the place. :break_diet:

Oh god, see this is exactly what I don't want to do is be negative, this is why I am not sure about the diary. I know it helps to vent, but I hate being miserable, and thats not how I want to be. :cry:

Sorry everyone, I don't know whats the matter with me.

Love Gemma
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Hey Gemma!!
You cant help sweetheart if you feel miserable, you cant help how you feel! And true friends are there for you through the good times and the bad, and even though we are "cyber" friends, we are TRUE cyber friends! Feel free to post away, dont think of your feelings as being a burden to us! A problem shared is a problem halved! And remember, stop telling yourself that you cant do something, as your brain will start to believe it. You can do anything you want if you really want to! (a sentence i have learned from my LL councilling!) and its oh so very true!
I hope you feel better soon sweetheart!:patback::hug99:
Hey Gemma!!
You cant help sweetheart if you feel miserable, you cant help how you feel! And true friends are there for you through the good times and the bad, and even though we are "cyber" friends, we are TRUE cyber friends! Feel free to post away, dont think of your feelings as being a burden to us! A problem shared is a problem halved! And remember, stop telling yourself that you cant do something, as your brain will start to believe it. You can do anything you want if you really want to! (a sentence i have learned from my LL councilling!) and its oh so very true!
I hope you feel better soon sweetheart!:patback::hug99:

I second everything Jellybabie said!!! Excellent post there!

We are your friends, albeit cyber friends, and we're here for you. Don't forget that.

It's better to get things out. When you keep things locked up in your head it can be hard to identify the problem because its mushed up with other thoughts. Once it's out, written down, ordered, you can see where your problems lie and you can find a solution and resolve them. Does that make sense? (Well it does to me)

I think going back to work will be good for you. If you're anything like me you need that structure in your life because it helps you to stay focused on other things.

Meanwhile, why not see if you can do some charity work? It looks good on a CV, it will get you out of the house and stop you overthinking all those negative thoughts and might give you a bit of a confidence boost.

Don't worry too much Gemma. You're feeling a little down and out right now, a little lost. But you will find your path again, get yourself back on track and be more like your old self... bubbly and positive. The Gemma all your cyber friends love!!!

Chin up hun

Hey TL,
CyberClarri here!! Hey this all links in quite well to your liking of DR Who!!!!! Anyway, enough trivia, how are you this morning. I 2nd, 3rd, and 4th everything that has been said above, we are here for you, and even at your most miserable, all we will do is support you, because, here we can really let our emotions out, and not cause too much upset our nearest and dearest. Dont know if that makes sense, but I know that I tell you things on here that I dont want to upset my friends and family members about, because I know that even though if I tell you upsetting things, it doesnt resonate through to everyone around you. Oh I think that all sounds like gobbldigook, but I know what I mean!!!!
Anyway, pour it out, even if it is in a pm, cause I know things are tough for you.
Please don't stop - we all have crap times and I think by putting these times down along with the good really can help - you have been a great support for loads of people on here, thats why we all like it on here. No one judges you for any failings you think you may have, I doubt theres anyone out there who NEVER has negative feelings, or cant explain why they are feeling the way they are. No=one would think of you as a moaner, just human.
Theres nothing wrong with feelings, don't be ashamed to have them

I am so annoyed right now, and thats putting it lightly. I have just spent the last 20 mins pouring my heart out about my day and getting some things off my chest and then my laptop crashed and I lost the lot. This is the sort of cruddy rubbish that happens to me and I don't know what I have done to deserve it. :cry: Maybe I just wasn't meant to share it with you or something.

I do want to say thank-you to everyone. You are all so supportive and are true "Cyberfriends" (I love that by the way, it does sound like something from Doctor Who and that made me smile :)) You have reminded me why I joined this forum for support and I am admitting it now, I do need your kind words to spur me on and help me stop sinking further into this black hole so thanks for sticking with me. :eek:

I just don't have the energy to write what I originally wrote. I will say today has been not a particularly easy though, but I'm trying to make some changes. Food situation wasn't too good, not had a proper meal, just picked on crisps, cola and a few sweets, oh and 3 slices of toast for breakfast and a cup-a-soup for tea. Thats it, just not wanted to eat today really.

Hoping tomorrow will be better, and thanks for being there for me.

Im really glad your sticking around with us, we need your support! And we all want to help you on your way. Of course its difficult ans shi*t and sometimes a bit soul-destroying but it can turn into something satisfying, awesome and generally ok :)

I totally know what you mean about the writing everything out and it crashing on you, so bloody frustrating! those things make me think food, its all the emotions sabotaging us.

Still onwards and upwards, you are being strong by keeping going. remember they will be speed bumps along the way, its usually a long arduous journey, think of your cyber buds as the DJ recovery crew (like the AA man or RAC man but the Diet Journey girls) ready to help get you back on the road

Think i might be rambling rubbish now so i'll stop lol
Im really glad your sticking around with us, we need your support! And we all want to help you on your way. Of course its difficult ans shi*t and sometimes a bit soul-destroying but it can turn into something satisfying, awesome and generally ok :)

I totally know what you mean about the writing everything out and it crashing on you, so bloody frustrating! those things make me think food, its all the emotions sabotaging us.

Still onwards and upwards, you are being strong by keeping going. remember they will be speed bumps along the way, its usually a long arduous journey, think of your cyber buds as the DJ recovery crew (like the AA man or RAC man but the Diet Journey girls) ready to help get you back on the road

Think i might be rambling rubbish now so i'll stop lol

DJ crew. I love it!!!!

Hope you had a better day Gemma!!!
