Diet Soft Drinks?


Full Member

I wonder if anyone can help. It's not about Exante, but wasn't sure where else to post. I'm just watching Supersize, Superskinny on CH4.

I have a total diet soft drink addiction, like litres a day. I've always known it's really bad for me, but what I hadn't realised is that the chemicals can affect your blood sugar. So, that would affect your weight? I don't know if I am putting two and two together and getting five, but I think the Dr mentioned Phosphates...don't suppose anyone happens to know anything about them and soft drinks in terms of weight?

Thank you.
Fizzy drinks even diet ones are not good, im addicted too and have limited myself to 2 cans a day and still have side effects from not downing pints of it! I think theres loads of research being done on it at the moment, but its not good. Im not sure if its effects your weight. :(