Dirteewrongen's Diary x

You don't know what you're missing.


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Mines so bad now I think my tongue bars may disintegrate by morning

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That's the one thing I can honestly say I stick to religiously! I drink loads of water, even when not on this. :)

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My breathe is enough to kill small animals! I've scrubbed my teeth twice already! Oh well will keep OH at bay lol x
Chellywelly said:
My breathe is enough to kill small animals! I've scrubbed my teeth twice already! Oh well will keep OH at bay lol x

The thing is, it's not your teeth that are creating the smell-it's inside your body, giving off ketones-so however much you brush your teeth won't help!
I know :( isn't it the smell of the ketones? Or something I need some sugar free gum!
Chellywelly said:
I know :( isn't it the smell of the ketones? Or something I need some sugar free gum!

You cant have sugar free gum either, but in the main s&s forum someone has posted today about some breathe strips we can use
Welshtigger said:
The thing is, it's not your teeth that are creating the smell-it's inside your body, giving off ketones-so however much you brush your teeth won't help!

I'm pretty sure she is brushing her teeth purely to freshen her mouth up, I'm sure she doesn't think poor oral hygiene is the problem.

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Dirteewrongen said:
I'm pretty sure she is brushing her teeth purely to freshen her mouth up, I'm sure she doesn't think poor oral hygiene is the problem.

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I never said it was poor oral hygiene :confused:
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Did a bit of zumba and just dance sweat today, must admit I really wasn't up to scratch at all, I rarely do the zumba but I do use the just dance series a fair amount. This was the first time I've done any since starting s&s but even so, really didn't expect to tire as much as I did, ESP as I do just dance so often. All the more reason to stick to it!

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Still hanging in there and its going well, hence I feel that this week will be a very low loss lol! How is everyone doing?

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Not really looking forward to weigh in - I know its going to be disappointing this week - need to keep motivated and hope the next weigh in shows my hard word :)

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Yup, Wednesday weigh ins :s. Although I've stuck to it I know tomorrow is going to bad bad - it has to nose dive at some point :(

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Past few days have gone out of the window - breakfast has been the only constant - we've been sat by my nan's bedside at the hospital, waiting for god as they say, so haven't been in a position to stick to it although I have still kept the calorie intake as low as possible.

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