Doc says no

my doc charged me £10 for a signature once, cheeky sods.
BabyB, that's so sad... my bmi was under 40 but still had to send form off & cdc kept hassling me & him until he'd signed form & returned it... so maybe you still need signature anyway? Could you go and see him & ask why he has refused? Failing that, ask to see a different doc i the practice and keep fingers crossed, or do as Vamp suggests and do SS+ as results sound just as amazing on this. I'm so sorry, it must be such a disappointment!
I had a response back from my CDC to say if my BMI is over 40, whether I SS or SS+ then I will still need a doc signature...

Good luck hun...x

Oh great!!! If it only needs a nurses signature then thats no problem, I could get anyone to sign it. Failing that I could ask occupational health in the nhs to sign for me...