Dreamingmaid....is seeing this through to the AWESOME end!

Hi DM, how is the 1000 plan going? Hope you are having a good day today xx
Hey DM, The 1000 plan can be tricky as no ketosis to chase away the hunger, so I've made sure to plan my food out with times n everything that way i know i'm having something when i know i'll need it. Great that you are looking for a plan B though hun, it's much better to do something that's right for you at the moment, you have the choice hun.
Hope it goes well
Hope that WW goes well... you can do it DM!

Morning DM,
Hope you are well and had a good weekend
Wishing you a great week
Happy Monday DM... hope you have a lovely week ahead!

Hi DM, how is the WW going.... going okay this end. Hope you had a good weekend, dont forget to drop by and let us know how it is going, good or bad....xx
Hi my darlings,

I'm still here...not sure which way i'm headed yet but i can see the sun through the clouds and things are hopefully looking up. Dr's have upped my antidepressants and can feel the benefits already.
Cd is beckoning me again but am waiting for the right time to strike :)

Thanks for your comments
So pleased you are still with us DM and really glad that the sun has come back out from behind that nasty cloud. xxx:)
Glad you're still there DM! The sun was shining here too, it lifts the spirits and makes you feel like anything is possible... time we all pushed our own personal rainclouds away. Yay to the tweak in meds, hope it helps. Keep dreaming... and make the dreams happen.

Morning Dm, Glad you are feeling alittle better hunny, yes the KD post is fab and really helps makes sense of what goes on in our heads sometimes.
Wishing you a fabulous Friday
Morning DM, well done you for sorting out a plan and sticking with it. Glad it is all going well for you hon.

Hope you are having a fab day xx
mmmm loved atkins when i did it years ago unfortunately for me, i still ate too much...! Glad you are getting on well hun, have a fab week
Great news! My DH has done Atkins with great success! I'm not a big meat eater so not a great one for me, but keeping carbs under control is key for many of us, I think :)
Well done on doing Atkins DM, you've made a good start. xx
Good to hear from you DM and that Atkins is suiting you... yay! Half the battle is finding a plan that suits us. Have a great wednesday!
