Dukanista's Diary: Part III!

Hurray!!! That's great news and you can definitely uncross your fingers a bit now. Have fun at the BBQ - what's on the menu?! Jx
That's the housewarming BBQ I'm having for all the minimins when I move in :)
How fabulous that you met up!! You look so slim the pair of you! x
Haha, thanks you guys! And see you all at Caro's barbie?! Jx
Enough wine and you won't smell a thing, I swear!

Sorry to be scarce lately, work is absolutely nuts and I did almost 15 hours today. Taking an online course at the same time - half way through, luckily, but I'm stubborn as hell and can't just put in the bare minimum. So this diary will be a teensy bit quiet for a while, until I can poke my head back above the water.

Be good all of you - you too, Pauline!

15 hours' work plus a course? wow! I won't write much so that you won't feel obliged to read it or respond!
Hang in there... (and as a weight control trick, how do you cater your food when working such long hours? I know that the professionals at our place tend to order in a lot of rubbish when pulling all nighters, but what to do when time is so precious!
Thanks Jo. Luckily it's 15 hours including the course and i do most of the studying at home, so I'm not in the office late at night. In my last job the tech teams pulled late/all nighters quite often and then it was always pizza delivery. Dangerous! Luckily here i can often work at home if I'm anticipating a really long day, so the food isn't too much of a problem, but I've definitely got less time to prepare proper meals.
When younger, and eager for (highly paid at that time!) overtime, I regularly worked late. At around 8pm it'd be Chinese, then at around midnight the guys would order in pizza... and then we'd still get hungry in the middle of the night!
Still - 15 hour days are tough!
It's the weekend!! Woohoo!!!! Night night and dukan dreams to you all.

How's your weekend missus? Have you got a quieter week coming up?

So where did the week go? Well, at least it's the weekend again. Just popping my head up for air to say I'm still here, lovely ladies :) work is mad and I'm still doing late nights on the course, but just one more week of that, thank goodness. Monday is completion date for the house, and then we've got 2 weeks to pack up, fix up, move out, and move in! So any spare minute that I'm not working, studying or sleeping, I'm slowly working through a long to do list involving repairmen, mortgage and insurance plans, address changes... Hopefully once that's out the way there's time for the fun stuff like decorating, shopping for furniture... The cats are eyeing the boxes with suspicion, of course - they probably think there's another long haul flight coming up, instead of a 10 minute drive down the road!

Food is not so great right now but at least I've stuck to the cycling, and I think things will get back to normal in a few weeks when I have more time on my hands. It's almost November and I've got to take almost 3 weeks leave before the end of the year, so there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel!

Hubby unwinding at the pub after work so I got to chill out on the coach with some chicken thighs and a bowl of ff yoghurt and a good old 80s movie: the breakfast club! What a trip down memory lane :)

Hope to have time to catch up on all the diaries this weekend, but if not, love and hugs and dukan willpower to all of you Cxxx
OMG I'm exhausted just reading your post.
Good luck with the move
Gosh yes indeed... roll on those three weeks off! Good luck with the move x
Thanks ladies xx

Things should start getting back to normal now. Taking some time off this week for the move and by next week it will be done! Just have to get my eating on track now, and get moving with the exercise again. Can't believe after being cramped up in a teeny flat for almost a year, I get a spare room that's just waiting for my insanity workouts!

Will take a peek at diaries this week. Hope everyone is doing well and didn't suffer too much with the stormy weather.

Hope you're alright and not too stressed with everything! I know how much I hate moving house (despite moving twice in 7 months)

Keep smiling pretty lady!xx
Thanks krys! Not too stressful so far - much easier than the intercontinental move in jan! But our first house purchase so that's a biggie:)
Phew, we're in! Exciting but exhausting, and quite stressful when you are rushing for work and can't find anything, or realise that the shower is broken/ toilet doesn't flush / oven/ washing machine etc doesn't work... At least I'm burning lots of calories lifting boxes, scrubbing surfaces and running up and down stairs!

Bike storage is a bit of a problem right now and the commute is longer, so I'm probably going to put cycling on hold for a bit and try walking an hour a day instead. The way back includes a hill, so hopefully it will be a good substitute!

Still super busy but will keep popping in when I can.

Happy Wednesday gorgeous gals cxx
Congrats & hope you'll be very happy in your new house! xxx