Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

Well ive had a horrible christmas. Migraines, sickness, family fall outs..everything!
Had two days of not eating. All our fresh food has not hardly been touched. Ive not wanted to cook. Im hoping i start to feel better now :(
I want to stop drinking. I was going for dry january but feel i need to stop today..not forever just for a while. Im not a good drunk!

Here goes...!
I bought myself a new soup maker and i love it! At the moment im just using up left over veg but cant wait to try more.

Weighed myself this morning and im 8.11 on the dot..must be not drinking thats helped!

Well today my mum came round and says she has an appointment next week at the hospital, which could end up being bad news :( Ive been crying all day thinking of the worst. However i can do nothing till results come back. It puts things into perspective about life though. Little worries are nothing when there are other things which could be worse. I do want to lose weight but if i want that biscuit i will, life is too short.

Breakfast- Yoguhrt, berries and honey but i only managed half.
Lunch- homemade pea and ham soup with wm roll (hexb)
Dinner- Pork chops, no fat on mine with homemade applesauce and roast veg.
Snacks- 2 digestive biscuits

Dry january- No alcohol - complete!

Im going to have a bottle of pretend wine ( no added sugar juice )in a wine glass, as its friday! wooo wild.

If anybosy is doing dry jan, I have a thread and its had a bit of interest. Come join us.

I also registered for parkrun, which we start tomorrow :) New year, new commitments
Hey- just read through your whole diary! You've done amazingly well!!! I can't wait to hit the '8's'!!! Food looks gorgeous too!!
Thanks steph! Somedays i think im talking to myself...which is ok too..but its nice to know people are hearing me! Lol. How are you getting on with slimming world? Have you been doing it long?
I always felt like I was talking to myself on my diary too- so much so that I started assessing each post with 'dear diary' - haha
I've been on and off every diet under the sun for years! My start weight was 14.2 and I rejoined slimming world in October because I hit the 10 stone mark!! That psychologically made me do something and finally push myself to get to goal! Strange how numbers have such an effect on me!!
So now, I'm 9 stone 3 and really want to get into the 8's before my holiday at the end of the month! Next little milestone is to lose at least a pound this week so I can say that I've lost 5 stone in total!! Bring it!!! Haha!
You have done so well! And not long to go either...

Well i was meant to be on my way to my first parkrun,however my lift has let me down :( i hate relying on other people.

Todays plan

Breakfast- ff yog/ berries honey left over from yesterday. Takes me a while to manage breakfast though!

Lunch- butternut squash soup and i will make some leek frittata to keep in the fridge and will have a slice of that.

Tea- meeting a friend at lloyds wetherspoon so i will edit this
evening. This will also test my no drinking too as i would usually have a bottle of wine to share! But thinking about it i will not spend as much money!

Aw thank you!! I seem to be really having to try lately though to just pull off a pound or half a pound!!
Shame about your lift letting you down! I'm all set to go to the gym this afternoon. Aiming to go every day this week and do even a little but of something.
So far I've had magic porridge with a banana. Had to use the muller Greek yogurt (0.5 syns) I haven't decided what type of day to have yet so porridge may be my HEXB but poss 4.5syns.
Have a good day!
Lunch looks lovely- what is it?? Well done on the run! I've recently taken up running because I had to! I hated it at first but I'm slowly getting into it- at the mo (because it's too cold outside) I'm running between 20 and 40 mins on the treadmill (with small incline) at the gym daily! Think I need to invest in some running trainers as my ankles were a tad sore today! :-(
It was frittata, i added leek, ham and peppers and the soup was a ready made bag of veg with butternut squash and lemongrass...was yum!

I love running. I got up to 5k before christmas then didnt run for two wks over xmas and now really unfit again! Starting over building up my fitness.

Have you looked on sportsdirect webpage? I bought my running trainers for around 15pound. Sales atm too!

I went out for tea tonight and survived not drinking ! Achievement! Proud of myself. I had steak and chips but thought the chips were a lik treat!
Oooo I'll have to give the frittata a try! Looks yum!!
Isn't it amazing how fitness levels can reduce so quickly!? I did the Santa dash at the beginning of December with no training and man I struggled! I was quite embarrassed to be honest- as if me running in itself doesn't look hideous but running in an oversized Santa suit! Eeek!

Good idea about sport direct- there's one across the way from my gym so might take a look in there tomorrow!

Well done for not drinking whilst you were out! I'm trying not to drink until after weigh in, see if it has an effect on this weeks loss :)
Ooo id love to do a run like santa dash...i think i may make more effort to do some this year , like 5k fun runs!

I had a slice of frittata for breakfast, its so easy just getting a slice out the fridge!

My parents popped in for lunch so i defrosted all my soup so we had soup and i made egg mayo rolls with light mayo and wm bread. I had lots of grapes too.

Tea is 2 cod not sure on syns :/ with chips, kale and mushy peas.

Ive had lots of coffee today so would of used my hexa.

If im hungry later i will snack on grapes and carrots...oo my mum bought me some 2.5 syn popcorn from sainsburys so i wil have a bag of that as a treat!

Ive had a brilliant hangover free weekend seeing friends and shopping!
Todays plan

Breakfast- slice of frittata...last bit gone!

Lunch- wm wrap(hexb) pizza with peppers, mushrooms, onion and lf cheese ( hexa) 1 syn of lightest mayo
Grapes and carrot

Tea- chicken and chorizo (2syn) paella with peppers and peas

Snacks- banana, quavers (5.5), quinia bake (1)

I walked my dog for 45 mins. I also walk my friends dog seperately. So walked for around 1.5 hrs.
Not found the motivation to go jogging yet!!

Back to work kind of enjoying my afternoons snuggled on the sofa browsing minimins :( good job a work part time eh! Hehe

Edit- i went running and i struggled so much! Im starting from day1 really building up my fitness again

Total syns 9.5. I will have an options hot choc and a packet of sainsburys popcorn which will bring me up to 14 syns
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Quinoa bakes. I account 1 syn for each even though they are not. Otherwise id eat them all!


Tonights paella, midway through cooking.

Slightly went over my syns..ive been very peckish tonight so i had two digestives with nuttella..i was craving something sweet!!
Morning becki!
Paella looks sooooo nice!! I might have to try that!!
Well done on day 1 of the jogging! I find its hard to get back into it after a few days/weeks off so you've done the hard part!
Well done!! Went over my syns yesterday too with a thick slice of white toast! Was it worth it?? I'm not sure but what's done is done I suppose!! X
Luckily im not into white bread!!

First day bk at work today..i enjoyed it but i will sleep tonight!!

Breakfast- ff yog grapes and tsp o honey


Lunch- leftover paella and yog, grapes and honey again for pud.

Tea- spaghetti bol, i only had a tiny bit of pasta and had a bed of kale and carrtot instead to make it a bit lighter....there was a reason for this..pudding!!! Mum bought some calorific cake!



Snacks- banana, alpen light hexb, quinoa bake 1syn.

I will say all my syns have gone with the cake!

I walked dogs for 1 hr and jogged for 20 mins.

Im sleeeepy now!! :)