Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

That's Fabolous. I'm really hoping I can achieve my goal! I just feel like it's miles away at the mo but know it'll come if I put the work out! X

Breakfast- syn free frittata which i made today with spinach tomato an onion.

Im meeting a friend in town at 11am so want to resist goodies!

Lunch- cous cous with tuna

Tea- its my work xmas doo. Were going to harvester and ive already chosen what im eating. Im not doing syns as it was imposible to choose wisely.
starter- prawn cocktail
Main- turkey dinner
Pud- rocky road

And loadssss of wineee!

I will try my best to be on plan sunday but next week will be a a strict one!
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Wowwww. Im hungover...

There is only one thing required..


Safe to say im back on plan as

Not long to go till christmas day so strict next week. Lots of exercise too!

Lots of slimming world friendlies in my fridge for this week..

Speedy tomato soup. Left chunky, how i like it!

Quinoa muffins for a pre workout energy boost.

Chickpea dahl loaf



Start of a new week :)
Breakfast- 1 quinoa muffin. I will count 1 syn but the only syns in the whole batch was two tblsp of honey ( i dnt count the quinoa) i will say 1 syn each to be strict. Banana

Lunch- speedy chunky tom soup. Two slices if chickpea dahl. Satsuma. Persimmon

Tea- tomato spaghetti with prawns, chirizo ( 3 syns approx) and feta cheese ( hexa)

Snacks- options hot choc with mini marshmellows (3.5 syn)Danio yog ( 1.5)i resisted buying a proper pudding and went for a better option so pleased!

Ran for 20 minutes. Walked for 30
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Todays plan

Breakfast-2 boiled eggs, persimmon

Lunch-left over paella. large carrot.

Tea- macaroni cheese (3syn and hexa) with sweetcorn and brocoli

Snacks- starbucks choc coin ( 5.5) danio yog (1.5) qiunoa muffin (1) banana

I was out for an hour doing a mixture of jogging and walking with the dog :)
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Breakfast-two boiled eggs and persimmon

Lunch- sw cauliflower cheese (heaxa) carrot. Pink and white (2.5)

Tea- sw sweet and sour chicken made with sf orangeade. Sweet potato

Snacks- alpen light (hexb) apple banana.pombears (5)

Done walks and jogs today. Was out for around an hour in whole
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Breakfast- 2 boiled eggs

Lunch- tomato and red pepper soup


Tea- baked bean lasange hexa


Snacks- alpen light hexb, carrots.

I dnt have any fruit or fresg veg till our shop sunday. I think i might nip to the shop tonight and get a pack of apples or something!

Im still 8.12! I run every day and have done for a while! :((((
I want to feel the best i can for xmas day.

Ive walked 40 mins today and will go for a 20 min jog when i finish work.

Only syns im planning is either a glass of red wine this evening or a baileys hot choc

Breakfast- 2 boiled eggs

Lunch- left over baked bean lasange

Tea- pizza topped chicken. With some type of veg. Not sure whats in the freezer! Carrot chips


I got some apples last night to last till sunday!

I walk dogs in my spare time and today i have 3 walks. Not including my own so 4 walks in total! And i hope to jog...although woke with periid pain for some reason and im.not due!

No alcohol today as yesterday i had half a bottle of red and two large baileys...:(
A migrane came on at 1.30 and felt terrible all day :( im just craving pizza! :(


Harvester it is. Alot more sw friendly. Chicken salad and a few chips
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Thought a walk in fresh air would do me good today but after trying to jog up a hill i came over all dizzy so a slow walk bk to the car!

Break- one quinoa muffin (1) apple

Lunch- tomato soup, salad

Tea- bit of a mish mash. Cba to cook. Chicken and mushy peas! Tiny bit of left over bean lasange.

Snacks- 1/2 small eggnog latte, 2lindt chocs.

Had all my syns today!! Doesnt feel like it though. Its saturday too!!
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Up early as i couldnt sleep :( im tired tho. I was tossing and turning and was hungry! Came down for toast and a coffee so hexb gone and 1 syn of butter.

Plan for today is...

Breakfast- fruit..i hav apples in fruit bowl and when shopping arrives im going to have mango! 2 boiled eggs

Lunch- syn free leek and potato soup

Tea- i really fancied chinese yesterday so i have a jar of blackbean sauce in my cupboard. I know the whole jar is around 20syns but if i split it between 3 it wont be too bad!


Had another migraine today so went straight to bed. Couldnt cook so just had a ham roll and a packet of velvet crisps. Ive never suffered with migraines before :(
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I could do..but im not a biscuit fan so i dnt bother! I made sw forrero rocher today tho!


Also prepped some fruit for the fridge


I want some sw options available but also having a few treats too! Nice balance :)
Going out for a pub lunch today. Will be good and hav a jacket potato probably.

Not sure on breakfast. Not hungry. I will probably hav some fruit before i take the dog then something else of im hungry after.

Hoping all migraines stay away today!

Tea- leek and chicken soup


Snacks/ drinks-


Lunch has been cancelled. Too many ppl ill. I need to go to town but paranoid about getting a migraine whilst out! :(((
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Im officially off counting syns till january 2nd! Im not going to go mad however.

I will still keep up with my diary and be as honest as possible!

Break- mango, sweet clementine and boiled egg

Lunch-leftover chiclen and leek soup

Tea- buffet at mother in laws