Edel's diary - just don't ask!

Hi Delly,

Hows it going today hun! Get that doggie out for a walk!

Hi Jools,

I'm having a grand day today. I really must do a proper update sometime soon. I've got my old office chair back again (much better!) and my knee is grand, but I need to charge my ipod before I take muttley out so I'm going to have a wee snooze while OH is making dinner and I'll take her out after DS goes to bed (around 8) . If I'm not on for the rest of the night, hope you're all doing well.
Thanks Jools,

I did get out for my walk. 35 minutes worth at a really good speed. (think I might have killed the dog though) so that's 3 1/2 activity points banked this week.

I think I might need some different music for the pod though as I'm starting to get bored with the "walking" playlist I'm using at the minute.

I've had a fairly good day food wise today too, I've saved 2.5 points for the weekend. I just need to find something to replace the scone I have a teatime in the mornings.

Any suggestions anyone?
Sorry Edel! Im the worst person in the world to offer suggestions - as you'll have seen from my food diary, I tend to eat the same thing over and over til I get sick of it - Im so uncreative!!!

Well done on getting into the next stone!!!! isnt that such a fantastic feeling?????? brilliant!

Keep up the walking missus, your doing great xx
You know, it is a brilliant feeling - but I'm disgusted to have to drop down to 24 points per day (not really !!!!)

As for the walking, I've even varied my route a bit to make it longer and am thinking of reversing it sometime soon. I'm definitley feeling the difference - I'm walking much faster for longer and without getting so out of puff. - much better than the gym.
I haven't tried the WW ones but do have the Tesco Light choice (healthy living rebranded) lemon drizzle slices (1pt) and carrot and orange slices (1.5pts) in the cupboard for my nightly cuppa after DS goes to bed. They are very good.
hi sweetie how you doin and more to the point hows your dog? LOLX

I'm good, thanks for asking Paula - as for the dog, she's really getting on my nerves at the minute..... with all the rain this year, my back garden is waterlogged and she's bringing half of it in on her paws so my kitchen floor is bogging with muck and I'm sick trying to keep it clean, short of putting wellies on the dog, keeping her indoors all the time or keeping her out all the time - which I don't want to do, I don't know what else to do.
It's been so long since I've had time to write a decent update, I thought that since DS is watching Finding Nemo for the 40 million'th time I might get the chance to actually write something for 5 minutes.

Since WI I've had a fairly good week. My boss came back to work on Wednesday (her mum died on Christmas Day) and things have been pretty busy at home. I was also tempted with the Thornton's carmel square - they're miniscule, literally twice the size of your thumbnail but only 1.5 points each (I had memorised the cals and sat fat to work it out later). I did manage to pull back for the rest of the day and stuck to my points.

I had another good day on Thursday - probably because I spent some time trying to get some makeup on before work (looked like death warmed up) and forgot to eat breakfast - it's ok though, I had a scone at teatime. The rest of the day was fairly uneventful, I managed to get the dog out for a walk on Thursday night, earned some activity points - just as well when you hear about Friday, and saved 2.5 points from my daily allowance.

Friday started off pretty well, but I was quite tired. OH started on day shift for the first time in 6 months so I had to get both Joel and I ready for work and creche. Work itself was fine, I'd even managed to spend just 17.5 points up until after dinner. Unfortuntaely it didn't finish off as well.

My in law's are currently on hols for 3 months (travelling through sunnier climates) and we haven't spoken to them since they left last year. We got a text from them on Thursday night with the telephone no. of the hotel they were staying. OH made arrangements for my SIl to call to our house to phone them on Friday night after 8 as she doesn't have a land line of her own. ....So, she calls in at 7.30 and brings her 3yo son along with her:rolleyes:. Normally I'm pleased to see them, but DS's bedtime is 8pm and I knew that there'd be no way he'd go to bed until after they left. I had expected that she'd leave her LO at home so that she could get peace to speak to her parents - but what do I know??:rolleyes: The worst thing is, he won't leave her side. If she goes upstairs to use the loo, he stands crying at the bottom - if she goes into another room and closes the door, he'll stand at the door crying to get to her. (drives me crazy:(). Our house was MAD while they were here and I just couldn't settle.... it was after 9 before they both left and got DS to bed, so bang went my eating cut off time.... I ended up eating I don't know how many mini bars of dairy milk (you know the kind you get in a tin of "heros") and a load of rich tea biscuits. I know I should have counted them but I was just so annoyed. (it's just as well I saved my points and took the dog for a walk on Thursday).

Anyway, I was in bed early on Friday night and DS had me up early yesterday morning. No housework done as he wanted me to stay with him and play all day. I'd just taken him out for a walk in the pram when my mum rang - she was calling over in 5 minutes, so I had to turn around and come back.

I did eventually get out for our walk and DS fell asleep in the pram on our way round tesco. I stopped off at another local shop and picked up some treat sized crunchie bars to make sure that what happend on friday night doesn't happen again. .

I managed to save 3 points yesterday and had some bonus exercise last night - a very vigourous game of scrabble with OH :eek:. Hoping for a good day again today.

See what I mean about no-one getting 100% Paula -something always happens to throw you off.
oh mate,your post has really helped me i sometimes feel im the only one who suffers with the mad cycle of dieting.I know what you mean bout inlaws i dont really get on with my mother in law so it used to be the same when she came to visit and i had to sit there all sweet and smile.
People have no consideration a t times.
Bless ya heres to a good weekxx
I'm devastated - I've finally made the decision to have my wee dog looked after by someone else. There's just so much going on in my life that something had to give and unfortunately it looks like it's her. It's not fair on her, she's not getting as much attention or exercise as she needs.

A friend of mine has agreed to look after her for me for a few weeks to see if I can bear to be without her. If I can, then she has to go. If I can't, then I'll have to find some way to live with the muck she's bringing into the house and dog hairs everywhere.
Thanks Marie - yes it is a shame, she was my wee infertility dog, my baby when I thought I couldn't have any and I love her to wee pieces.... hopefully enough to recognise that I can't give her what she needs and not be selfish and bring her back cos I miss her.

It's not a permanent arrangement. At the minute she's being looked after for a few weeks to give me a break. I'll just have to see how it goes from there. So technically, I'm not deciding anything just yet, but I'm upset all the same. I'ts now 4.30 pm and all I've had to eat today was porridge for breakfast and a pancake about 1/2 an hour ago.
sorry to hear about your dog hun.
Just this week when my dog spent all day barking & preventing me from sleeping i told the girls i was going to let him run away,but the truth of it is, we'd be lost without him. Hope you can sort out something that suita all of you
Having your friend look after your wee dog will give you time to gather your thoughts and be able to make the right choice for both you and the doggie. Eat some of your points though, can't get through the day on virtually nothing.
Thanks Pandora and minime. I'm still quite upset and I'm not too sure why - it's just a bloody dog after all!.

OH got a chinese to try to cheer me up a bit but I couldn't eat it. I had some chocolate too... about 12 points worth but that hasn't done anything to make me feel any better.
Thanks for your kind words everyone. This feels so very strange and my head tells me that I'm completely over reacting but I've been upset all day and crying on and off all day too. I really need someone to tell me what to do cos I don't know what's for the best.

My parents came over this afternoon and Mum said she had seen this coming about a year ago (dad started to say I told you so but mum shut him up!). It's not completely about the state my house gets in when the ground is wet or the amount of muck she brings in on her paws. I feel so guilty that she doesn't get enough exercise or attention and if we do have another child, it'll only get worse. I know that it's not all completely my responsibility but I know my OH and he'll never take her for walks regularly. Not having her around would also mean that I could start walking at lunchtimes when I get shifted to a different office that's been built in a greenfield site and I wouldn't be under so much pressure to not take my walk at lunchtime and walk her in the evening instead. But I will miss taking her to the beach in the summer and for long walks in the brighter evenings that I know are only round the corner.

My FiL also loves the wee dog and I think I may have had more support in getting her exercised if he wasn't on hols abroad for the past 3 months. He's going to be so annoyed if he comes back and find out that I've given her away.

One of my main worries is that she is stealing food from my DS. I don't know if any of you have seen the episode of It's me or the dog where they had to get a black cocker spainel put down because it had started to nip the children in the house if they dropped food and tried to pick it up again, but that show really affected me and although I'm fairly sure she wouldn't bite DS, it is still a worry.

What I'm really hoping for is that my friend and her dad get so attached to the dog that the decision is taken away from me and they ask to keep her.
Just sending your some hugs, sounds like your in a difficult place at the moment. You don't have to make your mind up just yet, maybe you need to wait and see how things are over the next week or so. It may not be as difficult as you expect, or it will go the other way and it will be. Either way, you'll have the information you need to make the right choice for you and your family. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

I want my doggie back! I just don't know if it's the right thing to do.