
i just did my online shop they sent me the exotic ones which i have never seen (i wanted the cherry ones lol )

i will make a note on my next shop and see if they have it

i love coconut ( mmmm what if u put these in the freexer frozen coconut ice cream mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)
They have choc bits in too it would be like bounty icecream dont know if you have a morrisons nearby but they are doing 10 for £2 on mullerlights! Gunna nip there this afternoon I think! x

I love the cherry ones too got 2 of them in the fridge lol x
Jan 7th

Breakfast -

Lunch -
Kinder snack bar 3pp
Cherry muller light 2pp
TOTAL - 5pp

Dinner -
Big tasty, medium fries, still fanta comes out at 36 but as DH ate a quarter of burger and I hardly touched the drink so counted it at 30pp
sf strawberry jelly w tiny bit light whipped cream 1pp
TOTAL - 31pp

Snack -
Maltesers bunny 4pp
Choc cake and cream 7pp
TOTAL - 11pp

D - 47/48 W - 0/49 TOTAL 47/48

Really want a ham and cheese sandwich though so will have one shortly but iv not used any weeklys so far so it's okay x
Ended up pigging out last night used loads of weeklys so got 28 weeklys left til Friday!!
Having a roast dinner at my mums this afternoon so tried to be low points everywhere else! Had some readybrek for breakfast! Not had it since I was a kid I forgot how nice it was lol x
Aim today is to try and stay in weeklys
I got it for my LO cus hes going through a fussy phase tryna get him to eat abit more, iv not had weird cravings this time or any proper ones only thing iv had is sprite last few days and before that was mango juice, with my LO I craved loads most weird was the smell of bleach o craved haha
Just about to have my roast now mm smells so nice!
8th jan

Breakfast -
Readybrek with ss milk 5pp

Lunch -
Chicken, mash, roast potato, Yorkshire pudding, greenbeans, carrots, gravy 18pp
Toffee pavlova (tiny bit) 4pp
TOTAL - 22pp

Snack -
Malteaster bunny 4pp

Dinner -
Micro chip butty w Mayo 13pp
Cherry mullerlight w banana and pineapple 2pp
Freddo 3pp
TOTAL - 18pp

D - 48/48 W - 1/28 TOTAL 49/48

Really happy with today, I wanted to stick to dailys but iv only gone 1pp over so I can deal with that :)
Yesterday I didn't point anything as I was so busy I completely forgot

Breakfast - none

Lunch - salad bowl from pizza hut, 3 slices regular hawaian stuffed crust pizza, lots of blue cheese dip, 2 glasses 7up

Snack - large decaff caramel latte from costs

Dinner - bowl of chicken stew and dumplings, basically ate the dumplings and that was it, 2 slices buttered bread, 2 glasses limeade

Going to try to be abit more healthy today, will try pointing again on Friday I think after weigh in x
If they go up 1lb a week I'll be happy just need to keep an eye on it but iv found it alot harder now cus I'm not smokin I'm alot hungrier!
You've done well giving up smoking and eating healthy, it must so hard giving up while pregnant most of my friends gained loads of weight just by quiting so started back.

Got a feeling my blood pressure is quite low again thats while I been eating the wrong things cos been feeling very dizzy and sick so probably the walking hasn't helped this wk.

A lb a wk is a good target I wouldnt mind if I was to only gain that too, I only have a stone to lose after birth x
It's one thing I really hate smoking in pregnancy it really winds me up, I quit straight away with all my pregnancys, I do want a fag all the time but I just find it too selfish couldn't bring myself to do it!!
Ate crap today, really need to focus on eating more healthily!
If i put on 1lb a week then I'll be around pre pregnancy when I've given birth so that's my aim! Don't want loads of weight on top of what I already need to lose lol x
Wednesday 11th jan

Breakfast -
Readybrek with SS milk and abit of sugar

Lunch -
2 double cheeseburgers, bottle of peach iced tea, freddo

Snack - Jammy wagonwheel, half packet £1 pack of jellybabies

Dinner -
Tuna cheese melt on 50/50 bread, milkyway krispyroll, kinder snack bar,

Other drinks - cup of tea, large decaff caramel latte from costa, sprite zero

Too much chocolate and sweets today! Been really busy though so just kept grabbing it without thinking!!!
How many weeks are you now? Iv got low blood pressure too and I'm always struggling with the dizziness and feeling faint it's awful isn't it!

It's weigh in today and im scared iv been naughty this week so I feel like I'll have put on loads! Will have to be better this coming week!
Im just 27 wks now its going too fast im due around Easter. The low blood pressure can be awful at times especially when you got LO'S to run around after- how you feeling with it?

I was so scared to get on the scales yesterday need to be good this wk I want to be like you and only gain a stone before birth so hopfully most of that be babies weight and then I can get back on track with losing rest of pounds that I need to lose x.
Jessie - I would mention it because it could be something else I had to have blood tests to check it was nothing else before they put it down to blood pressure

Yeah it is so hard when you've got to jump up and grab a toddler can't really be slow chasing them haha, I can't even get all the way round tesco without having to leave DH to do it and go sit in the car, really affects my day to day life cus I'm unconfident going out on my own with LO incase I faint!

Not weighed yet cus I'm scared haha will do it soon though x
I will next time I go docs everything I get up sometimes when I sit at my desk even bathing my little one and when I get up In the night x