Emotional wreck....how did I stay on CD today?


Full Member
So a few may remember me from Late last year, I returned after Christmas but have been quiet up to now due to serious problems at home. I have struggled to keep on track whilst my marriage has been imploding. We started counselling a few weeks back but sadly this has not yet touched the sides and any attempt at communication is classed as me "nagging" or always "on his case".

Anyway, today it all came to a head and we are to divorce, he is currently out getting pi**ed, texting me all the names under the sun. But, I am two weeks into CD and have managed to stay on plan, god knows how as alcohol is seriously calling me. If ever the need to self medicate with food was called for...it's now.

I'm sorry to offload here, but just feel incredibly lonely right now and my already beneath the floor self esteem has just gone and bought a pick axe to dig deeper.
Am just determined not to stop SS, that's the only part of my life I currently can control.

Hi Dolly, hugs sweetheart I'll be thinking of you. I'm a couple of weeks in now too and went through a messy divorce so feel for you. Look after No.1 xx
Just wanted to send you Big Hugs:bighug:and to say well done for staying on plan:happy096:
What a nightmare for u dolly. Be brave and stay strong. Try not to feel lonely, there's lots of people on here to turn to XxX
well done! you are a better person than me with dealing with such big stress. i've buckled once or twice or more times than i can remember at less stress than you now.

all i can say is the that the name calling is his own insecurities, his own issues and nothing to do with you. he's texting you cause 'he can'!

your self esteem might be through the floor but i can say that you will probably be better off without him and you'll start filling in that hole and lifting yourself out of that pit! no need to get that axe to do any more work.
*hugs* I'm so sorry to hear that :( You are doing great already just by not giving in. Good luck, hun, stay strong.
Hi Dolly. How are you feeling this morning? Hope things didn't get worse if your drunk husband came home last night x
*stands and applauds*

Look at how strong you are! I'm so sorry your husband is being such a nasty git, but look at how amazing the woman is that he's choosing to abuse. You have got through the hardest two weeks of this diet at a time when most of us wouldn't even have tried. No matter how things go now you'll be able to tell yourself that if you handled that you can handle anything. You're brilliant, Dolly.
Massive hugs to you dolly, I'm in awe of your determination.

The people on here are lovely and if there was ever a place to offload and get plenty of support you're safe here.

Hope things start looking up for you, and stay strong! You're such an inspiration.

Aw Dolly sounds dreadful. You are obviously determined though… good for you!

Remember good things do come out of bad. In a few months time I’m sure you be feeling more positive about life as well as be looking fantastic! ;)
To everyone, thank you so much for your kind words. They really meant so much. Today has been a very sombre day, he has sobered up and I'm guessing, very much in denial that it really is "the end".
As sad as it is, and how difficult the next few months are going to be, I do deep down know that it is the right decision, however 15 yrs cannot be written off overnight. We now have to sell the house and move forward, emotionally and hopefully without bitterness.
Think last night is just the beginning of a shed load of tears!

But I am still 100% SS..... I think it's best I don't drown myself in vodka xxxx
well done for stayin so strong. you should be so proud of yourself.

Just remember alcohol is a depressant and a distraction...it would only make you feel worse in the long run and act as a distraction to your real emotions.

By dealing with your issues and no doubt heartache head on...although there is no denying it will be really tough...but at least you WILL be dealing with it and therefore the sooner your heart will be on the mend and the quicker you can start a new and brighter chapter in your life. xxxxxxxx
Dolly my thoughts are with you Hun.I am going through something similar myself and unlike you, I have been heavily self medicating with food until now.
I have decided that enough is enough and all the food and alcohol just make you feel worse and the problems where still there once sober,or the binge was over.
Hopefully things will get better, they have for me and I am in such a happier place emotionally.I just need to sort the physical now!
Good luck with everything.x
Well done dolly for staying so strong, i really do admire how strong you have been both emotionally because of the rollercoaster that you have been on and what your going through now and the determination of still staying on SS.
I hope the next few month go as well as can be for you hun, and the weight keeps coming off.
By the time its over you will be a new woman, mentally and physically xxxx