Exante Support Group - join us if you are on Exante VLCD

I loved the mushroom soup, it's probably my favourite at the moment. :D
I had my vanilla shake cold - I'm not really sure how to make the shakes hot... do you boil the water in the kettle and then mix it all in the blender?
I've only had the choc one hot, I put boiling water out of the kettle into my mixing jug, add the powder and blend it with my electric hand blender.
Okay, I'm definitely going to try the chocolate shake (with a little coffee) hot this weekend. It sounds pretty good. :D
Hope you have a nice weekend. x
Hi Quak

Thanks for the advice about exercising. I thought I would have a go but found I was tired after 2 minutes and I thought my legs were going to buckle under me. Too soon I think for anything but a walk.
Another question if you don't mind as you been on vlcd longer - did you find that you got really spotty in the first couple of weeks. I've just got to day 13 and over the last couple of days I've got a couple of horrible spots on my nose and chin. It's a bit like I'm entering puberty again! I thought it might be all the crap coming out of me (sort of detox) because I'm clearing my body out and filling it with the right nutrients but it's not looking pretty.

Hi Diversity

Good to see you're plodding on through - not long now and you'll be in to week 2. I never thought I'd make it to the end week one never mind getting to the end of week 2 which is now on the horizon.
Tried the chocolate hot yesterday and although I made a mess of it - should have blended it properly (a bit lumpy I'm afraid) it was so nice to drink something other than water and black coffee.

Also read on a lighterlife website that the soups could be made into crisps in the microwave - thought I'd try it - not good either - had to go in the bin!

Quak - have you tried any of these variations that seem to be OK.

Any ideas would be welcome.

Hi Julie
Not tried anything other than the choc shake hot, I like the soups as they are and can't see making them into crisps to be anything like as filling or comforting than a hot bowl of soup! You need to use a blender for the choc otherwise it does go a bit lumpy, and you can get a nice frothy head on it that way.
As for the spots, yes I did have a bit of an outbreak but then I do from time to time as I have quite oily skin - have resorted to clean and clear to keep it less spotty - who would have thought you could still get spots at nearly 50 for goodness sake! Ah well, they do say that oily skin stays younger looking for longer.................
When is your next weigh in? How are you feeling in yourself now?
Walking is really good for you, a brisk half an hour a day will do the trick :) save the hard stuff for when you are on a higher calorie allowance.
Hi Quak

My next weigh in is Monday morning then that will be two weeks completed. Fortunately I still feel very focused on doing this and I've been surprised that I haven't really felt hungry - that's one thing I'm learning - it's the smell of food and the thought of eating that drives me to want to eat and not because I'm actually hungry and need food.

Hopefully the spotty phase will pass - I wouldn't mind the spotty teenager look if I had the fresh teenager skin to go with it but my skins been around for 44 years! Other things i've found are that I'm sleeping like a log now which I'm quite enjoying. One thing my OH isn't enjoying so much is I've been very windy! I think I had such a drastic change in my food that my whole body is having to acclimatise. I used to have a terrible diet being the classic carb comfort eater. I was a secret eater as well.

It's been a bit of a relief to take food out of my life for a while to get some control back. I just wish I'd done this ages ago before I put on as much weight as I have.

Vegetable soup tonight...mmmm.... my favourite.

Julie x

Hi Julie
My skin has been around for 47 and a half years so I know what you mean, although I have to say the skin on my face is sooooooo much better than the skin on my belly!!!!! I know exactly what you mean about the carbs and the secret eating - I was exactly the same and am loving the control of this diet - it has been a revelation!
I also had a realisation this morning, in the nearly 13 weeks I have been on this diet, not once have I thought about breaking it or cheating in any way whatsoever..................and that in inself is an absolute miracle as previous dieting attempts have always given me the ability to weave things in that I should not be having. But, and the big BUT is that my attitude to food is also changing as I like being 3 and a half stone lighter and feeling fitter and better about myself and getting into much smaller clothes. I feel like a reconstituted teenager and am loving it!
PS don't worry about the wind, it should settle down a bit, personally I have been the opposite and am much less windy! I also don't have the streaming nose I usually have, am sure I have allergies to quite a few foodstuffs so will introduce things gradually and see what provokes the reaction. I know bread is probably top of the list of no-nos which is a good reason for avoiding it. Surprised kleenex have not gone out of business since I went on this diet lol

Good luck for Monday!!!
B xx
Hi just wondered if i could join your group as there is no group on here for the product i use which is the same as Exante just called a diffrent name, is this ok snack xx
Hi guys. :wave_cry:
I had my first WI this morning and I've lost 8lbs this week. I sneakily weighed myself yesterday morning and I'd lost 10lbs but I just had to eat something "normal" last night because I felt like I was going to pass out.
Unfortunately I don't think this diet is for me as it's just too restricted and has left me feeling like it's a huge effort even to do something simple like have a bath (no energy whatsoever. :()
I know I'd feel much better on a diet where I eat food because I've done it before... I'm just feeling a bit weak and pathetic for giving up so soon, but I can't put my body through this anymore. I guess sometimes you just know when enough is enough.

Those of you who have stuck to it for weeks on end, well, I think you're amazing and wish you all the luck in the world. :D
Hello snack - what product is it you are using? No problem you using this forum if it helps you.

Diversity - really sorry you are not staying with us as you were doing so well, would you be better just going up the programme to working solution instead? Others on here have lost that way - Sarah and dreamingmaid both did it I think.

B xx
Hi Diversity. I too would suggest you go up to Working Solution. I only mananged 1 week on TS. I felt really rotten on it, but once I added a meal I was back to my old self and even managed to get back to running and circuit training. I've just started again as I have managed to put on 10lbs over the last few months and will be following WS.
Good luck however you decide to lose.
Hi quak i dont think i m allowed to mention the name on here because someone was trying to sell the products on here at one time. But i ll put it up and if theres a problem im sure some one will remove it [sorry if i upset anyone] it is the kee diet xx:)
ps just wondered what your soups etc are like as mine are gross ? xx
pps can we take fibresure on these diets or will it knock us out of ketosis xx
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I really like all the exante soups, especially the veg and mushroom ones. Think they are yummy and just what you need on a cold evening.
Not sure what fibresure is but I have just starting using psyllium husks which I got from our local health food shop, it seems to be doing the trick, just been mixing it with my shakes but it is early days yet for a review on it!
Just wondered if any one on here has been on the diet for longer than 12 weeks i ve done 13 weeks and have 2 stone to go but my mum is at the stage where she thinks im about to keel over and die.Have tried to explain to her that im ok:sigh:i know shes only worrying out of kindness but shes freacking me out xx
Hi all, this is my first day doing Exante. I have previously done CD/Atkins. I want to boost my weight loss for Xmas. Have had the banana shake (not sweet enough) and the mushroom soup was nice. Have kept 1/2 bar to munch with coffee once kids in bed.Determined to do it this time and look good in that little black dress at Xmas!:)
Just wondered if any one on here has been on the diet for longer than 12 weeks i ve done 13 weeks and have 2 stone to go but my mum is at the stage where she thinks im about to keel over and die.Have tried to explain to her that im ok:sigh:i know shes only worrying out of kindness but shes freacking me out xx

I am on week 14 as of today and I keep getting the comments about how long I have been on it but I am telling everybody that I feel better than I have done in years (maybe even decades) and have no intention of coming off it yet - but I have a lot more still to lose as you can see from my ticker. Me and the dog even did some jogging tonight which I could not have done 3 months ago without possibly keeling over and dropping dead. As long as you feel well I see no problem with you continuing while you are above the 25BMI limit. Tell them you are doing it FOR your health - not against it!
B xx
Hi all, this is my first day doing Exante. I have previously done CD/Atkins. I want to boost my weight loss for Xmas. Have had the banana shake (not sweet enough) and the mushroom soup was nice. Have kept 1/2 bar to munch with coffee once kids in bed.Determined to do it this time and look good in that little black dress at Xmas!:)

Good luck - I do the same with my bar at night!
B xx
Hi all
Not been about much last week as I had family up to stay. I made the decision to eat what i wanted for my evening meal (within reason!) last week as I wanted to eat with them, not sure if it was the right or wrong decision but I enjoed the week! Anyway the price to pay was staying the same when I weighed in on Monday, could have been a lot worse so I am happy with that and back on track again. Hope everyone is having a good week x
Don't Like My Soup

Hi all, have had a slight problem, tried tomato & basil soup and could't finish it, thought it tasted horrible. :sigh: I bought 2 wks supply of diet and have 3 more sachet's of it. Just hope I like the other flavours. I ended up having some chicken for dinner instead! Hope to do better tomorrow. :mad: