Extra bar after exercise


Full Member

I went back to the gym today after a week off (I did the Moonwalk 26.2 miles last weekend). I hardly did anything compared to what I usually do because I started Exante on Tuesday. Anyway I've been so hungry I've just had an extra bar - I'm hoping this doesn't kick me out of ketosis but I really needed it.

What do those of you who exercise do - next time I will have a shake straight afterwards.

and I was so hungry I had an extra bar
I have been hillwalking and power walking but found that an ice lolly made with the drinks mixes ( but double the strength) distracted me from feeling hungry plus I don't eat before so I save a porridge or bar for after. I think a lot of it is that crooked thinking that you are hungry when really it is thirst.
Main thing is you are exercising but if you have to have extra I would stick with shakes as they are lower carbs.
Hope that helps
I've had 3 today :p. I just go with what I fancy that day and today is a bar day!

I usually run or do circuits although only 3-4 times, not every day! X
I emailed Exante regarding having an extra shake due to a very high BMI and they replied saying they don't advise anyone to have an extra shake as it could put them out of ketosis. Im not sure if it would apply here but I am guessing so.
Thanks for all the advice. I guess everyone is different. I will see how I feel after the gym tomorrow but definitely back to no more than 1 bar a day.

You're better off having protein (chicken/fish/egg) after exercising, particularly because protein is used to repair muscles (which is why athletes use protein shakes).
Yeah I would agree with jael, if you are really pushing yourself at the gym I would add a chicken breast or something after, then you know the carbs won't push you out of ketosis and it's probably less dalories than a pack aswell?
The shakes are nearly double the sugar of a bar, hence why I have a bar. Also has more fibre and protein and less fat so suits my lifestyle more when exercising.

Like the others say, you'd be better to have pure protein though as I guess if you're having extra bars, i.e more than 3 inc your shakes, then you're also having more of the vits/nutrients which has been calculated for a day.
If you add an extra bar onto your 3 packs a day you're risking coming out of ketosis. Generally the carb limit for ketosis is about 70g per day, although it varies from one person to the next and some are more carb sensitive than others. 3 packs is about 60g of carbs so a 4th pack/bar will take you over that 70g and may take you out of ketosis. That's why it's better to have pure protein.
Thanks Guys - pure protein it is then. I didn't need any extra today though as I didn't push as hard. I booked our holiday today, we're going to Turkey in four weeks time so I'm on a mission to get as much off as I can before then. First week weigh in tomorrow morning. I'm slightly apprehensive, not sure why as apart from one extra bar I've kept on track. I think I'm worried that I won't have a good loss.