Failed already?


Ok, so yesterday was my first day doing TS. by the end of the day I was absolutely starving despite filling up on water all day. I gave in and had a second bar.

This morning, I had a large coffee with two sweeteners. I've just found out the recommendation is that we only have sweetener in tablet form, not powdered which is what I had.

So......have I failed already? I don't want to weigh myself this early on!

Alan, just get yourself out to the shops and buy some tablet sweetner, but no, you haven't failed. You wont be in ketosis yet anyway on day 2, so best just forget it and keep at it.

Good luck.
as Mary said , nope you havent failed , I have an extra bar now and then if I need it and no damage done , you wont be in ketosis anyway so the sweetener wont have done any harm , just keep it up and you will do great :)
Ok, so yesterday was my first day doing TS. by the end of the day I was absolutely starving despite filling up on water all day. I gave in and had a second bar.

This morning, I had a large coffee with two sweeteners. I've just found out the recommendation is that we only have sweetener in tablet form, not powdered which is what I had.

So......have I failed already? I don't want to weigh myself this early on!


You haven't failed at least you had a exante product and didn't head for the food, what some people have done from reading these posts is either start on four products (but try not to have two bars) and then cut down to three once in ketosis or they spilt the three products in half so you can have them up to six times, you may find this easier for you. Also make sure you drink lots and lots of water as this will stop you feeling hungry.
As with the sweetners just pop to the shop and get the tablet form of sweetner.
Don't give up the first week is the worst, once you are in ketosis you will find it much easier. Have a read through this forum as there are lots of tips from experienced Exante users. Good Luck :)
Thank you for the comments, i've decided to split the shakes in half from now on, they were a bit thick for my liking anyway!

Hoping today goes better!!
Yeah, splitting the shakes is a good idea. That or make with more water. I make mine using 300ml rather than the 200-250 it says on the pack.