Fat and 50!! I think not..

Alison is a very good instructor so I should be O.K...

I know I need to do something else (exercise wise) and I figure better the devil you know :) My knees are feeling better this morning, only a little twinge not throbbing!! Alison is very good at convincing you your having fun even when you think your about to drop and she's promised to be kind :D I figure I'll sleep well tonight.

This getting old milarkie dose my head in at times..The problem is most of the time I don't feel 48!!! Then my body turns round and reminds me :) Theory is get the weight shifted and that should help... I hope.
Well that's, that idea out the window:sigh: I should have known there was no way I would make any classes til I've finished looking after my friends dogs:( I didn't finish with them til 8 o'clock!!! Classes started at 6.05..

On the plus side I have spent 1&1/2 hours walking them..
Really cross with myself today :mad: Every now and again I get a eat everything head on..... And today is one of those days!! The stupid thing is I know I'm doing it but instead of stopping I go out of my way to buy rubbish :confused: I don't even have the PMT excuse (peri menopausal!)

I end up thinking what a plonker:doh: 2lb lost last week. I dread to think what I've put on today :eek:

I think the best thing to do is put weigh in off till Sunday that way I know exactly where I stand at the beginning of August and I can start the new month afresh..

I would love to get down into the 10 stone bracket. I've been yo yoing between 11&1/2 and 12&1/2 for ages and I'm sure if i could just get bellow 11stone my head would be in the wright place to finish this.

Let operation get your arse in gear commence!!!!!
I hate days like that :( I'm slowly getting better at stopping after just the one naughty!! But sometimes I just seem to have a demon in my head telling me to eat EVERYTHING!!!!

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Sorry you had an "eat everything" day. I just sat and ate 4 chocolate mousses!!!! Thank God they were low cal ones! :)

You'll be back on track tomorrow, I know you will. :)
Thanks ladies..I'm glad it's not just me :)

I went and brought myself some Cadbury's Highlights, so I'll be drinking that instead if I get the eat chocolate voice in my head again!!

I sat myself down and had a chat last night and pointed out that if I eat sensibly I will be in the 10 stone something bracket this time next month :D
I'm hoping to go over to my friends in Italy the second week in September so if I can get a stone off by then that will be great.

So focus.. Arse in gear.. Get on with it!!!!!!
I've been eating better if not as well as I should!! I'm also doing plenty of walking with the mad dogs. So hope i'll balance out :eek:

This evening I'm going to go through the recipes on here and see if I can work out a menu plan that O.H. will eat as well. I have to say he's pretty good he'll eat most thing :) I also brought myself a food tub so I can take a salad or some fruit and yogurt with me when I'm out and about... That way I have no excuse for straying..

You would have thought that after being in one diet or another since I was a teenager I would have got myself sorted by now!! It doesn't seem to matter how determined I am there's a little demon on my shoulder saying "Go on you know you want the chocolate. One won't hurt":devilangel: I know I shouldn't and that I'll regret it but dive in anyway!!!!!!! :booboo: :doh:

This may sound a little daft but I'm going to take a note pad with me and if I get cravings I'm going to stop (if possible) and write down why I should eat the chocolate and why I shouldn't eat it. I'll also do this if I get an I'm hungry feeling (I do drink water first if I start feeling hungry)

I may have said this in an earlier post but I think I'm eating to many empty calories and I'm not varying what I eat enough. It's the same old, same old... So variety is the key... :)
Well no surprise that I stayed the same!!! To be honest I'm surprised I didn't put on!!

Anyway tomorrow is a new month. I've been out and brought lots of fruit for snacking :) I've also made sure I've got plenty of salad in. I have to be honest and say I'm not a big fan of cooked veg (my mum used to cook it with in an inch of it's life :p). Put me off for life!! But I do like salad so I'll stick with that instead.

As those of us doing Slinky for Santa know it's still possible to lose 20lbs before Christmas so that's my goal.
Well that's better!! Stuck to plan and did lots of walking with mad dogs:chores016::chores016:

Also had to explain to one of them that biting the hand that's feeding them whilst their humans are away is a really bad idea!!!:eek:

My new, old car is ready. I'm sure the neighbors will be delighted not to have to listen to Suzi Suzuki as I drive round the village :eek:
But I will be very sad to see her go.. She's served me well :)

So the plan is to stick with the plan and get into my size 16 jeans... For starters anyway :D
So there's me walking around thinking I'v got something in my trainer, then my welly, then my slipper. At which point I think hmm. Maybe it's my foot.... Der yep... That would be the blister :eek: I can't help it :)

Diet wise O.K. but not great..It would be better but other than walking the dogs I'm not doing anything extra... So next Tuesday I'll be back to my normal routine and I won't have any excuse..

I know a lot of you find you can still get decent loses just by cutting your cals but with me I need to get my arse moving as well (possibly due to my under active thyroid) .

So like Squeezy says this month is the month and although I don't think I'm going to lose much this week...Next week look out..

Completely off subject but I thought I'd share with you an Ahhhhhhh moment I had this morning whilst walking the dogs...

I'm lucky and live in the country (some people's idea of hell I know). Anyway I'm walking down the lane by the yard where I keep my horse (the boy's on their leads) . When just ahead a deer comes through one hedge across the lane and into another field.. I watched her go across the field. As she reached the other side her twin fawns ran out to greet her and hit the milk bar :D Altogether now...Ahhhhhhhhhh
Sometimes I wonder why I bother!!!!

My OH's mum is no longer able to drive, so she has kindly allowed me to have her car (yes there are strings attached!!).. Anyway my OH get's it M.O.T'ed. and also some body work that needed doing sorted.

So I think "I know I'll get him a nice steak for his tea"...Go shopping they (Waitrose) have a lovely looking Rib Steak, which I buy...Sealed in in the pan and then popped it in the oven... It's so big I have to serve it on the serving platter..........

OH..."What sort of steak is this then?"

"Rib darling.I brought it especially for you :D"

OH..Well it bloody tough :mad:"

As I say sometimes I just don't know why I bother :banghead:
Next time just give it a quick wipe round the loo seat before serving :) that'll tenderise it I'm sure!!

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I'll remember that advice ladies :D
I thought it was about time I wrote something on here again!!

So.Finished looking after the mad dogs, kept my cool when my friend told me I shouldn't have worried about the one who ran off as he often dose!!!! Nice of you to tell me :mad:

I'm now looking after another friends dogs til Thursday, so more walking.

I'm going back to my Zumba class tomorrow and if I can be organized I will try out her Body Attack before hand!!

I need to be super focused this week as I will be weighing in a day early due to the fact that I'm going down to Brighton Thursday afternoon for the Jamie Jamboree on Friday.. All of which means eating out Thursday and a big lunch Friday, topped off with no exercise either day (unless I can get up early on Thurs) :rolleyes:

I've been self sabotaging again!! I know why I do it (childhood crap) but I need to make myself break the cycle.. I also know some people will say "well that was your childhood..Forget it..Move on" If only it were that easy:ashamed0005:

I've seen a lovely cocktail dress and I'm seriously thinking of buying it 1 or 2 sizes to small as motivation..I'll see how I feel when I get back at the weekend :)

Off to tackle the housework:fear: Having not been at home for 3 weeks there is rather a lot to do.. Oh joy :p
Hey you, nice to read a new post of yours. :)

How come you always end up looking after everyone dogs when their away? I guess you are surrounded by lots of land for walking with them.

I'm feeling the same as you about getting my ass in gear this week. I have to start back with the decent exercise regime this week. I got about 4 weeks till this family reunion, so I really need to shift myself. We can use each other as motivation if you like? :)

As for the self sabotage, I actually understand. I had a terrible childhood and am finding it hard to forget and leave it behind. I know it's not healthy to hold on to stuff, but sometimes it's just too hard to let go, especially when it has shaped the person you are. If you ever want to talk or sound off, you can always PM me. It's just an option when things seem hard. Trust me, I'm so f****d up from my childhood all the help in the world hasn't helped. :)

You will do great this week, I know it. Good luck with the exercise. :)
Thanks Squeezy :)

I realized just now that it's exactly 3months til my BD. So I'm setting myself a goal of losing a stone by then. I'm signed up for Slinky for Santa but Christmas is still a long way off in my head but knowing I'm going over to stay with my friend in Italy for my birthday gives me something positive to aim for. As you have with your family reunion and your 2st down already!!!! Fantastic :D

So positive thoughts for both of us :)

As far as the dogs go.. The ones I'm looking after at the moment ( Toby the terrible terrier and Pip a sweet Lab) belong to a friend in the village and her daughter walks my dog if I'm out for the day.. Living where I do it's not hard to go out walking.. Only round the village you stop for a chat as much as you walk :)