Fat and 50!! I think not..

Couldn't agree more Little Noo.
What are friends for other than sharing your hopes and dreams and having a laugh. :) It can be amazing therapy coming on here and writing everything down, and then you get all the fab replies from everyone else. :)
It would seem my rambling's were of some use...

I've had a much better day today.. Only 1 Topic :eek:

Not the healthiest of dinners but strawberries and fat free yogurt for afters :)

I've been wearing my new pedometer today and I've done 16391 steps so far today :D
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Stick with that pedometer hun, it's showing just how much you are shifting yourself. I would never make that many steps. Keep it up hun :)
I will indeed Squeezy.. It's all the running aroud after the animals in my life :)
I seem to be getting back on the wagon..Hanging off the side a bit still but I'll drag myself back properly over the next day or two :)

I gave myself a pleasant surprise today!!!! (Squeezy.. Behave....)

I terked down to the bottom of the valley which of coarse meant I had to trek back up.. I made it with only one short stop and managed to hold a conversation the whole time!!!!! :D I have to addmit to puffing some what but all in all a good result :)

18589 steps today :) My new pedometer only does km! It say's I've done 5.57km but I don't know what that is in miles???
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It would appear so.. Sadly the waist line is taking a bit longer :D
Hey :) glad your feeling better!! I come from a very similar background so I totally empathise with the whole self sabotage/not sticking to stuff thing :( I'm exactly the same!! BUT even tho I keep abandoning my CC for a few weeks here or few months there I am actually still a LOT lighter than when I started :) so overall it's working!
Have fun dog sitting :) I'm desperate for a couple of dogs but can't have them till the kids are a lot bigger. The AS one doesn't really understand about not squeezing pets into dollhouses, toy cars, action man's clothes etc........getting him a kitten was a BAD plan.........lol

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Thanks Tina..I finally caught up with your diary last night!!! Well done on quiting the evil weed. I'm sure the weight gain will soon come off :)
For a start, why do I have this terrible reputation for being naughty?? I really don't understand!!!! ;) ;)

Secondly, well done you. Sounds like you are really in the swing of it. The pedometer is a fab idea, and it proves that you are not as dormant as you thought. Keep it up littlesis, this is our week!! :)
I apologies Squeezy.. No really I do ... Why I would think you have naughty thoughts.. I ashamed I even thought that :ashamed0005:

Yesterday was an O.K. day.. Although I'm doing plenty of walking I really need to get different exercise back into my day :character00116: 14301 steps yesterday, 4.29km..

I had a sneaky weigh this morning.. Well to be honest I have a sneaky weigh every morning!!! Anyway I'm a pound up so I'm hoping for STS tomorrow which is WI day.. I won't make my 7lbs target this month but all things considered any loss will do :eek:

I'm going to spend a large part of today writing my name and address on fliers as I got a stall at our village fete with my J.a.H. stuff.. I'm just trying to get my face out there and people seeing the products, then hopefully I'll get some party bookings :fingerscrossed::woohoo::woohoo:

I'm going off track here a bit but.... This last month I've been bitten by every mozzie in the county :( Nobody else has been so I'm not sure why they are picking on me??? Dose anyone know of a spray or body lotion that works that will fend the little bleeps off??
I get bitten all the time, and I think the insect repelent sprays are expensive. Believe it or not Avon do a body oil spray and that works a treat and keeps my skin nice and soft too.

Sounds mega boring writing out all thos flyers, but the fact you have got a stall is brilliant and you are bound to get bookings. :)
I need to sort myself a stamp out with my details on.. I spent 1 hour writing the fliers out. Then did a load of invites for a New Catalog party I'm doing.. Then a friend e-mailed me to say she can put some fliers in her hairdressers for me, which is great but now I have to do more!! :0
Well not at all surprised I stayed the same :sigh: But in all honesty I should be glad I didn't put on :eek:

I started this months weight loss challenge thread, thinking it might motivate me to lose..Hmmm. Less said about that the better I think!!

I went on a real downer yesterday.Not even to sure why :confused: I was very tiered.. My OH get's himself in a staight at least twice a year.. Firstly when it's time for hay making and then this time of year.. Harvest He's only been farming half his life and he's a farmers son but every year it's the same :sigh: I understand why and I put up with the moods and the sniping but what get's me down is he need to talk in the middle of the night :eek::eek: I end up so tiered I don't know what to do with myself :(

Sooo.. Today, I have to make sure all my catalogs have my details on..Make some Coconut ice to encourage people over to my stall tomorrow!! I'm a bit miffed because the new catalogs, fliers and kit I ordered hasn't arrived and I don't think it will for tomorrow..

Goal's for the coming month.....

Kick myself up the a**e :asskick:
I'm not going to set myself any huge goals but I will get my first stone off and I will get exercise back into my daily routine.... :character00116:

I've downloaded C25K..Now the trick is I believe to follow the program and not just read it :8855:
Hi Little Sis, you'll be ok, don't be so hard on yourself!! You know you'll get there even with your farmers help. Lol! Being tired always makes everything a hundred times worse. Try and chill. Xx
I completley agree with Fiona. Tiredness is awful. It affects everything. Mood, judgement and physical well being. You must stop being so hard on yourself. A sts is fantastic. You haven't gained anything, which is great because there isn't any more added on to what you have to loose. :)

I think you should only set small goals for yourself, because you beat yourself up too much and it's not fair. Maybe get up in the morning and set yourself a daily challenge. Like walk for an extra 10 mins, or use my HRM today.

I know you have got it in you to loose lot's of weight and get fit and healthy, and we are all here behind you. I only lost a pound this week, and I have been angelic. Sometimes there are no reasons behing these things. :)

Behind you all the way hun, lot's of love xxx:)
Thanks ladies....

The weather is meant to be improving so I should get more sleep over the coming week :D

We have two parties to go too this weekend!! One is a Hog Roast the other a BBQ.... So I don't think I'll be very good this weekend :eek:
But I hope to spend Sunday digging one of the boarders over so that should compensate for any over eating the night before and on Monday me and the dog will go for a long walk :doggy : Probably best not to tell him I've down loaded C25K til I start jogging :chores016:

I'm a bit nervous about how I'll get on tomorrow. I'm not looking to sell anything as such but if I could get a few party booking I'll be happy :D
Just be your usual fantastic self and you are bound to get some bookings hun. :)
If all else fails I'll bribe them with homemade Peppermint Creams and Coconut Ice :D