Fat and 50!! I think not..

lol....Now there's an idea..

Have you cracked that password yet??
Nope I've given up. I shall just buy myself a super fancy iPad or summat an drive him mad with jealousy :) I know the best ways to torment him!!!

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Love it!! :D
Just a suggestion..... But someone I know who is a computer wiz uses Password as his password.. When I asked him why?? He said know one ever thinks of trying something so obviousness!!!
Love it!! :D
Just a suggestion..... But someone I know who is a computer wiz uses Password as his password.. When I asked him why?? He said know one ever thinks of trying something so obviousness!!!

Oooh, clever!!!!

I like using really, really rude words as my passwords. :eek:
Naughty,naughty ;)
Quite pleased with myself yesterday. I made a batch of chocolate brownies and only ate 2 of them...Whilst they may not be saintly, I could normally eat my way through most of them!!

I've just had a request for a Madeira cake!! My friends son's are coming to visit tomorrow and I always used to make it for them when they were younger :D

I start looking after my friends two dogs on Tuesday and they need lots of walking so I'm hoping that will help burn the calories. All in all I've a very busy 3 weeks coming up but I'm hoping to use that to my advantage :) Forward planning for meals, healthy snacks and plenty of water....

That's the plan anyway!!!!!
Sounds like a great plan. There is nothing like being busy to put you off eating crap!! :D
Hey well done on the loss at your last WI! I don't mind a bit of venison myself.

Here's to the dog walking exercise!
Just had a phone call from my brother to say my mum's had a fall and possibly broken her hip!!

Unfortunately neither I or any of my brothers are close to my mum (abusive childhood!) However both the brother who rang me and myself feel that she is our mum and despite what happened in the past nothing changes that. I have suggested before that I try to find her somewhere to live closer to me (at the moment she live in Leics and I'm in Glos.) I think I may have to push for that to happen. It takes so long to get to visit her I normally go for the weekend but of coarse because I'm H/S I'm not going to be able to go up for more than a day and then I'm going to have to arrange for someone to walk the dogs..

Oh well I'll just have to wait and see what the hospital have to say.
Thanks Samalama.
Well mum has broken her hip!! Hopefully she is being operated on today. So I'll know more later :-/

I hoping keeping busy will stop me from falling off the wagon :)

Just a quick note to everyone..I'm having real problems with my computer (it keeps crashing) It's hopefully being sorted today but I may have to change my user profile on here!! It's one of the things it keeps suggesting I do!! If that happens I'm hoping I'll have to start a new diary ;(
Hope it all goes well hun
TTfan. I have my own mare Spider she is half Welsh section B and half Arab and a right little madam :) I look after a friends horses in exchange for her stabling and keep. So there are 4 in total and 2 of them are retired. I used to work full time as a live in groom on stud/showing yards. In fact I worked on the yard where Spider was born. Long hours, great fun and an appalling diet. For me not the horses :D I always say if I took the same care of myself as I do the horses I'd be super healthy :)

Wonderful :) Spider sounds gorgeous, I always prefer the right little madams! It's strange, I've always found that spending time around yards leads to quite an unhealthy lifestyle too, not just with food, but most people tend to smoke and drink too much as well. I guess you need something to warm you up on cold winter days!

Sorry to hear about your mum, I hope it all gets sorted OK.
Thanks for the good wishes. Mums had her op.. Back on the ward, soar but O.K. Two of my brothers are going to see her tomorrow just to make sure everything is going as it should. Then one of them who lives the closest will pop in to see her every day till the weekend when myself and another brother can get up there.

Computer fixed.Something to do with the ram??? All gobbldy gook to me :)
Thanks Squeezy :)