Fat birds can't fly

Got in from work at 8pm, not in the mood, had a bit of a bad day today, and all I want is KFC variety bucket haha


Kelloggs ricicles and skimmed milk 174

Weight watchers meal chicken curry 296
Kingsmill crustless 47

Shape delight 109
Kingsmill crustless 94
Philly light 47
Wafer thin ham 19
Space raiders 61
Fruit winder 64

Weight watchers chocolate cone 147
Pringles 30g 155
Cadburys animals 95



Dog walk one hour 322
Working all day on feet running around after stupid customers lol god knows how many cals I burn :)


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Week 4, and I feel like I'm slipping a little bit, past two days I've been over by a few hundred calories, at work all day tomorrow too. Glad I got in some exercise today with the dog, I am thinking by next Wednesday I will have gained a lb or two lol x

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I've had thee most stressful hectic run off my feet for 6 hours straight day ever! Haha and surprisingly happy?? Crazy,

I got out in the cafe today at work, I work at winfields which is a megastore for outdoor wear and they have a cafe, I have cafe experience so they stuck me in there, we were short staffed, crazy busy! And I feel like I've one the biggest work out ever! Haha

You may think I then want to bag my cals, well, I've had a bad week with ups n downs of news so I'm going Frankie n bennys tonight ordering what I want, and not giving a hoot cos its gonna be just as busy tomorrow for another 4 hours and I reckon I'd of burnt a good deal of it off haha I'm gonna enjoy my night and enjoy the cinemas :) bak on it tomorrow, and a hard week next week at the gym hopefully x

My net diary says I've burnt 1000 cals today running about :) x

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Sooo Friday and Saturday, I was little miss piggy woops! Time to get back on it I reckon, I had half an Easter egg yesterday, haha so I don't feel like I'm missing out too much today. Back on it! I reckon I've put 2lbs on or so, I'm gonna put off weighing myself lol x

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Just browsing minis and came across your diary, enjoyed reading it, try get back on track, 10lb in 3 weeks is really good.
I'm thinking of doing a food diary, sometimes we don't realise how much we eat until it's written down.
Good luck :)

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Hi there :) aw thanks! Yeh I feel great for loosing it, not so great today though as from Friday-Sunday, I have eaten a load of rubbish lol I am DEFFO back on it today, and gonna hold off weighing myself for another week and do it next Wednesday instead, as I'll of deffo put a few lbs back on lol :-( x

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I need to kick myself into gear! Big style, I'm not gonna go into what I've eaten and how bad, you can imagine lol from friday-Tuesday, I've just eaten *****! This needs to stop, I'm going shipping later, and turning this bad streak around, I was doing incredibly, so I need to get my arse into gear, tomorrow is the day! Should be weigh in day, but I'm gonna leave that til next Wednesday, x

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omg i have been exactly the same!!! like on weight loss self destruct mode!!! why o why!!!! honestly i feel crap now!!! so fat and bloated, back on the health kick and low cals today! am going out for dinner tonight with a friend but will NOT let it ruin my fresh start!!! we are going to the harvester so im going to have grilled salmon fillet with green beans and a jacket potato yummmm! :)

Hope your ok! kick start buddies?! xxx
Anddd she's back on it :-D


Kingsmill crustless 94
Weight watcher jam 23

Kingsmill crustless 94
Wafer thin ham 38
Philly light 47
Space raiders 61
Cadburys animals 95

Chili con carnie ww meal 288
Ww ice cream pot 74

Velvet crunch 83
Ww jam 23
Kingsmill crustless 97
Hot choc 40
Kitkat 112


+53 spare

I ate soooo much bread today! But I stuck to the cals, and tea was crap lol I was just rushed off my feet with work and doing up the house, I weighed myself this morning rather surprised I only put on 2lbs, so 13.13 now I'll leave it for now til I'm back to 13.11 again lol then I'll be happy haha x

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Good day hon, stick with it you will be fine , I fin I always feel bloated of I have to much bread even if it within calories also god knows what they put in it put once I start eating it I can't stop lol. Glad up back on track
Right guys and girls! I'm back on this!! I've had far too many days off, I'm getting into it now starting from tomorrow, I will loose this flab, :) ill weigh myself in the morning ad let you know how much I've gained :-( lol its my own fault,

I've got some good news, bf and I have decided to (hopefully all being well and dependency on my job) to try for a baby at the end of this year! I want to get my body healthy and fit in prep for this lol (yes I know what your thinking, you'll just get fat again haha)

tomorrow is the start of kicking my butt into shape woohoo :-D x

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14.1!! Nooooooo :-( that's deffo given me a kick up the bum! I will loose this weight,

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Thank you :)

I will post my diary tomorrow had a hectic day I'm shattered lol x

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Just had some dinner :) sticking to it haha u had spaghetti and sausages lol with a slice of toast, on the go today, been painting my con, and doing up some old furniture shabby chic style :) having a good day really! All I keep thinking about is prepping for baby haha really exciting :) how are you today? Xx

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I am good, trying to be extra good as I am away at the weekend for father in laws 50th and haven't seen some of the family coming for about 3 years so feeling but excited and nervous lol, ah bless about the baby stuff how exciting ! What are you doing to the furniture I live crafts and stuff and make a lot of things my self
Ahhh I failed yesterday, what on earth is wrong with me! I am just rubbish lol ok, line under, let's start a fresh, AGAIN lol it's becoming a joke now haha working 8:30-5 today so my eating hours will be at work, and I work in a cafe surrounded by food lol! I'll take a tin of soup haha I have a cake business I do, and I also recycle old furniture and buy stuff off eBay, paint them up in a shabby chic style and re-sell them, here's one nearly finished that I did yesterday
This was a little solid dark wood coffee table that I sanded down, waxed painted, I just need to distress the white and hey presto it's done lol x

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I also do fimo!

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  • image-716372767.jpg
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Ooo ooo love the table , I make jewellery cards and cupcakes would love to get into furniture it's having the room, they look fab, I have just started with fimo it's great