Fat boy starts today!

Haha! That sounds like a good idea with the water bottles. I suppose you have to space it out as well don't you? You can't just down 2 litres and think that's the forcing finished in an hour.lol.
I'm trying to prepare myself mentally first.:)
you're absolutely right you have to make sure that you drink your water throughout the day otherwise if you just drink it all in 1 go it will just come out in 1 go and your body won't absorb the water which my pharmacist told me has an impact on the amount of weight you lose, as you don't want your body to hold on to the water. I just sip throughout the day and it helps!
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I'm slowly but surely learning. I'm going to try get myself used to drinking water.
Looking forward to speaking to the chemist in a few weeks.:)
Hey I have edited my last post as I typed it using my smart phone, which clearly isn't that smart as it left like a million typo's that I didn't check as I hate touch screens *rant* lol oh so you are seeing your chemist in a few weeks, so is that when you are planning to start? Wish you all the best with it, it's day 21 for me and i'm well chuffed!! It's hard, I get some crazy cravings but I do not want to cave in as I want to see how far I can get in this race! Anyway keep us updated with your progress :)
Yeah I go on holiday next week, and as eager and determined as I am, It would be pointless doing it for a week then the food bit just to eat again. Looking forward to starting though,so enjoying it whilst I can! Before I change my whole life style:)
Bubz well done on the weight loss chum :grouphugg: Well after doing the refeed since Thursday I lost 1lb which I am pleased with as I have only been taking 2 shakes and salad so pleased enough at having a loss :clap:
Hey Debbie thank you very much :D well done to you on your refeeding aswell you have not put on any weight and infact lost some!! :D how does it feel to be eating again? I really miss it :( lol I am going to refeed in just a little over 4 weeks, but I am so glad that I am 3 weeks into it - looking back actually time has flew by and I can imagine that 4 weeks will go quickly! You will be on hoiiday in 4 days, bet you are well excited?!?! I would be! Anyway definately looking forward to you coming back on the LT :D isn't it amazing how you spend like almost 2 months on xenical and then only a few weeks on LT and how much you have lost! I had the worst night last night craving a burger but I resisted it, I literally had to fight myself lol but I chugged down like a litre of water and then the craving died... I never realised it only takes 20 minutes for them to go! So feels like the worst is over as tonight i'm feeling much stronger and it's day 22! Can't wait for day 60!!!

Kylaa you are absolutely right, no point starting till you get back off from holiday and be sure to enjoy your holiday with yummy foods so that you can start the diet without missing anything! lol I had a real feast before I started LT, and I must admit it really helped as it was like the last supper, a lovely moment! :p

Hi bubz, completely agree with the last supper, going to enjoy my holiday but going to feel so frumpy and like a balloon, that's how I know I'm ready to try something different, in the form of lipooooooootrim haha. Having a play around with the site to try come to terms with it, not used to it at all but managed to do my signature thing :D (think its wrong though) might pop into chemist tomorrow to get the foot in the door, so when I come back I can get straight to it.
Not started my water yet:( spoke to my dad and we agreed he bottled water is a wise investment!
Was wondering, can u do the shakes for say 4/5 weeks.. Then do the 'refeed?' And eat for a week.. Then continue as you started?:eat:

Messages don't seem to be working::(
Hiya kylaa, yes absolutely they say minimum to do is 3 weeks so you can do it short term, refer and then do it again, that's what I'm gonna do once I get to week 8 as it will be the end of the fasting month and I'm gonna enjoy a big feast and then spend the next week burning it off lol where you off on holiday to, anywhere nice? All holidays are nice haha
That's even better though. It's nice that you can have a break if your struggling.
I've been doing my research and can't wait to give the crushed ice with shakes a try, seem much more appealing.

Off to Newquay, Cornwall. Going next Thursday till the following Friday. So want to start the Monday:)
I actually love this diet I'm seeing such amazing results the fat is literally dropping off and I ain't even hungry, of course there have been times where I have been really really crave a burger but as long as you push through you were really see results and it's not even been 4 weeks yet and I think I've lost 30 pounds which would take me about 3 to 4 months before. Once I finish Lipotrim I think I'm going to start going to the gym 3 to 4 times a week because I really want to maintain a good metabolism. Its almost 4 weeks and the time has flew by for me but I must admit you have a few days where it feels like it takes forever lol

Cornwall sounds lovely have some clotted cream tea and that special ice cream mmm! I always hated diets from hearing bad stories about stains and fad diets etc so I was reluctant but Lipotrim is something else honestly it's just plain old fashioned biology lol so that's always good anyway definitely keep us updated on this forum once you start. Its talking on here that has really helped me get through so we're here to support everyone! I was well excited to start and I'm still excited as every time I jump on the scales I'm losing weight lol all the best to you chuck
HaHa opps!!!! My friend gave me a vanilla shake to try. It didn't stir very well and I didn't have a whisk on me. Took one sip and spat it out. I really shouldn't have done that lol.
I'm going to invest in a good blender :p
My favourite is the chocolate and to be honest i think it is for most people, you may like that it tastes like a high quality protein shake and easy to swallow but definately invest in a good blended shaker, I've got one I bought ages as go from Holland and Barratt and it comes with this lil wish ball made from springs that help whisk it whilst you shake it, I've found that if you put the powder in first there's no lumps for me, but the flavours will grow on you once you start eating. Drink lots of water when you get a craving, it's a grant way to trick the body!
Bad news for me, i had a bereavement within the family and had to break the diet without choice as my family are so upset i sdidnt want to hurtttheir feelings by not eating at this time, so i have given myself a bit of a set back but hey that's life and life is so short to regret . Glad I managed a whole month without eating and glad that I didn't eat due to cheating and desires but rather circumstances. Anyway hope you areall well aand il be rejoining in a few days
Sorry to hear that. Kind regards.
Speak soon x
Sorry to hear that, you definitely did the right thing for you and your family by the sounds of it. :( Very sorry for your loss x
Thank you kay, yeah I travelled down to London to see them, got back today so gonna jump back on it ttomorrow and start a fresh, lost 30lbs in the first month though so can't complain but I've just put back on all that water weight but that should go off in the next few days lol
Hi Lindo, Thanks for that buddy, I am straight back on it today - :) I am going to stop with the day counting now as I know I have made into a month so just 2 more of them for me! Oh and that is fantastic, that you have completed your first week, that is fantastic and well done to you pal keep up the good work! :D yes you must complete with the icemoose as you can easily do it too!

From having to have this emergency eating day, I have actually had a chance to reflect and think about a lot of things - I suppose as I had not planned to eat for a further 4 weeks, that moment when I had to eat came as a real suprise. I broke the diet with some chicken and rice, which was deliciously prepared at my families house - to be honest, I was actually quite scared to eat it - I had read that going weeks without eating shrinks your stomach and that you need to eat again slowely... but once I got eating, I hardly ate anything! I had a small plate of rice, with only a few peices of chicken and like 1 tiny cut of lamb... this would have been like a starter for me in the past, or atleast only half of the meal... but actually I was stuffed! So my stomach has certainly shrunk...

Also, since I had broken the diet, I thought screw it, let me go have that burger and chips I have been craving for... once I put it in my mouth, I realised it was not as tasty as I had fantasized... I really found myself back in the reality of what food actually is, and i feel I would have been much happier with fresh foods such as a boiled potato and some vegetables than with anything fried - the fried food didn't taste nice! :O so it's not a joke about the LT diet changing your perception on food, in all honestly it really has... and now that I am back on the diet I feel any craving I get now I will laugh at... as I know what the costs of eating it are... feeling crap and guilty, for food that actually isn't so delicious to me. The chips smell of oil (new smelling perceptions?!) and the burger isn't half as enjoyable when you perceive it as being so bad for your health. In all honestly, I just wanted to get back on the diet... I realise that I feel so much healthier on the LT diet, and coming to realise that the human body does not need half as much food as we consume here in the west! Now I understand how people around the world (well for the most part) are able to survive on only some few small morsals of food.

Anyway, Lindopski posted a link on one of the threads which is a really motivating and fantastic website - it has artificial pictures of what 1,5 and 100lbs of simulated fat looks like... it is so interesting I wanted to share it with all my chums on here so check it out:

What 1lb Of Fat Really Looks Like (Scary Photos) | Body Transformation Lab

Final words of reflection I suppose are that, if you get a craving and the food feels irresistable, I believe from my experience that once you eat it you will be like "what's all the hype about", as I have had a very beneficial and unexpected wake up call... I am sure my mind will still crave for the next 4 weeks, but in a suprising turn of fate I now also have the reality of it too :) my best tip for those who are having a craving is a great psychological tip - when you crave it, close your eyes and imagine you are eating it... as for us, we only tend to let our cravings get to the fantasy stage of wanting it... push it further and imagine eating/drinking it and it will help (it really helped me get through in the 4th week!).
Wow bubz it sounds like you have had a food epiphany! Amazing and actually really good for me to read since I've been obsessed lately with eating beans on toast haha! Sounds like you've inadvertently given yourself a huge boost now and you are even more focused on your goal 30lbs is a hell of a lot of weight in one month it's absolutely amazing and I have no doubt that you'll tackle the next few with the same can do attitude! :D wooo you can do it! Stay strong and keep sipping that yummy yummy water! Xxx