Fear of a (please don't let me be a) fat bridesmaid!

I thought the pancakes were yum. I had the blueberry and raspberry ones. I followed the instructions and got 2 really decent sized american-style pancakes... must remember to order more of them next month.

I haven't tried the black bean pot but I do like the other meals I've had (bolognese and noodles in particular). I tend to go for a shake at breakfast, bar for lunch and meal or soup in the evening, just so that I've having a variety of textures each day to stop me getting bored. I (rather sadly) enjoying picking out my food the night before too, so I know in the morning what I'm going to eat.

It really does seem we all have different tastes though, and the black bean pot seems to be the 'marmite' of exante products...
Fab thank you for the tips!! Eggs and pancakes are weekend breakfasts for me I'm looking forward to them!

Just going to stick to shakes and bars for now.

Bex I think the list they give you is an indication but it says under that it can be changed. X
Oh right thanks I thought it was strange, bit miffed as the curry was what I really wanted to try lol! Will buy some next time to try x
We really are all different :)

I can't stand any of the shakes and they all went in the bin - yuk :eatdrink017:

.....but I love all the hot meals

The black bean pot is actually my favourite! :D

I'm also very fond of the eggs - now I've perfected my microwave method :)
oh how do you do your eggs if you don't mind me asking? X
oh how do you do your eggs if you don't mind me asking? X

As Sadie described really :)

Add about 120-150 mls water, whisk well with a fork and add plenty of black pepper

....then nuke in 30 second increments until nice and fluffy

The trick is not to over cook the mix as it turns back to liquid :rolleyes:

Tastes lovely, and just like eating 'real' scrambled eggs :D
I cannot cope with the meals so far! Would love to like the eggs then as someone said above I'd be able to have a range of textures!

I'm currently making my way through another blueberrie smoothie I added loads (100mls) extra water so ended up with a Blumming pint of it but it's still tastes very artificial but it's much better than one of the meals lol

It's funny how we all like different things isn't it. So far I'm all for the honeycomb shake and peanut bar but haven't tried any other bars. BIG fingers crossed for eggs n pancakes but got to get through tomorrow first.
I'm a bit like that with the eggs and pancakes my weekend will be rubbish if they taste like c**p lol! I also like the peanut butter bar seems to really fill me for ages. If you haven't tried and have a spag Bol it's not half as bad as some of the vile meals I've tried! We seem to be liking some of the same things so far x
I think the mixed packs can be variable - I don't think I got everything I thought I would, but extras of other stuff.
Bolognaise made me practically sick but I didn't mind the shepherds pie if you've got any of them.

Bit concerned that I still haven't been hungry or dizzy or headaches. I'll cry if this week I've got 1lb!
I wouldn't worry about not getting headaches!!
It's 11.30 so I should be asleep but I'm not and I'm soooooo hungry! I've drank so much water but still hungry
Soooo I've woke up with that headache! X
Make sure you get your water in 3ltrs min, better to get to 4

Hope your headache goes soon
I've been having 4 every day plus couple of black teas so I hope it goes too.

I'm having the cherries and berries shake this morning doesn't taste much different from the blueberrie smoothie so it's ok.

Sooooo I'm going to see bodyguard tomorrow at the theatre at 2.30 with a friend that doesn't know I'm doing this diet and when I've casually mentioned it before she went wild so I can't cope with the drama this early on. We were due to meet at 1 so id of had time to have breakfast and lunch perfect BUT now she needs to come to mine at 10am so I'll of had breakfast but she's said we'll go for lunch as that makes sense if I'm with her for 4 hours before it starts lol I can't say no! What on earth can I eat?!?!? What do you do when you have to eat out? Please help! X
Hope your headache goes soon x
Emma, love the photos. Your nails look amazing!!!
Aww Womble you cutie thank you they're my own too not stick on

Anyone any suggestions about food tomorrow I'm gutted I'm not going to do a full week being good! So need to limit the damage x
Try to stick to protein and salad and avoid alcohol, so maybe go for chicken or tuna with salad and fizzy water.