February 100% Challenge - Let's Go!

Yeah our council one is £38 per month but I can get corporate membership of a private one for £43 - so for just a few pounds more I get free breakfasts until 9am (although probably not SW friendly), unlimited sunbeds (not that I'd use them), clean towels and robes each visit, half price guests, 15% discount in the bar and restaurant and a few other bits. It's just money I feel I should spend on the kids / family not just me... There's no guilt like maternal guilt.

Well hubby decided to drive 10 miles to get himself fish and chips. I resisted. Don't think I will bother with dinner as soooo tired.
Wow that's a long way to go just for fish and chips! Well done for resisting! I can understand about using the money elsewhere, I don't have kids so I don't have that issue but I knew if I did I wouldn't be able to justify it
wow that is a long way for a chippie tea!:eek:

OH & i joined the council leisure centre for £60 a month for the both of us and thats unlmited gym/swim & classes so not bad really. it is the only thing we have for ourselves every other penny goes on the baby - or so it seems!. OH uses the gym all the time but i never seem to have time to myself to go:confused:
i try and get out daily for a walk with the pushchair but thats been impossible for the last week, damn snow is getting right on my nerves now, im going a bit stir crazy...need to get out:(
I'm poorly. Proper poorly. Didn't really fancy dinner last night but had beans on toast as thought I should eat something. Went to be early but was up at midnight with my head down the toilet. Felt proper sick all night and got no sleep. Had head down toilet again at 8am. Been in bed all day and only got up now as hubby taken kids out so it's quiet. Have awful tummy ache and but feeling that I'm going to be sick has passed. Just had a plain digestive biscuit as thinking tummy needs something to work on. Don't care how many syns it is as I must be owed some from emptying my tummy!
I want a reward at WI for this!! :(
Oh you poor thing! I hope you feel better soon x

I have just got back from the gym and I was not too impressed to find that they have taken the treadmill off my programme one. I hope they put it on programme two! I did the treadmill anyway as I was waiting for a bike to become available. Spent an hour and a half in the gym and felt great when I came out. Hoping for a decent loss this week
Hope you're feeling better soon Edwin. My kids have both had a tummy bug, but so far I have managed to avoid it.

Well done at the Gym taz! I haven't done much exercise at all this week and bet it affects my weight loss on Tuesday! I was doing between 20 and 40 minutes on the wii fit each night, but haven't been on since Thursday! I have hardly had any sleep because of being up with the kids at night and jut haven't mustered the energy:sigh:. I am going to try and get on it tonight!

I'm still on track food wise here, although god know's how?! Yesterday was tough, I was so tired and felt really low, but I managed to stick to plan!!
Don't know how I'll fare tonight though. I am taking the kids out for the littlest ones birthday, which was yesterday, but he was too poorly to go:cry:. I will try and choose something SW friendly.
I have also got him a birthday cake, I will have a little slice of it, just because I'd feel bad if I didn't:cool:, but luckily he chose one with yucky royal icing on it, so it shouldn't be too hard to resist further slices:D! Now if it had buttercream or chocolate icing on there would be no helping myself!!

Keep on, keeping on, everyone:)
good work at the gym Taz;)

had a roast dinner(cooked by my mum, how could i refuse?) today and managed 17 syns in one sitting :whoopass:

it was blimmin lovely though and worth it and to be fair i only had 5 syns yesterday so im hoping that evens out a bit by thursday morning WI:rolleyes:
Take your Syns weekly rather than daily and it evens out better! I'm really pleased with my new gym programmes as there is more in them. As I can only commit to 2 sessions per week she had to make them longer which I am fine with
ok got nothing to loss but weight ,so count me in
Someone chain me up!! I've been really reallllly naughty this weekend. Back in the zone now though ha
Did Ok, eating out today!

Went for damage limitation and have guestimated about 16 Syns for the day, so am quite happy with that!
I have also squeezed in 30 minutes on the wii fit, so we'll see what the scales say on Tuesday!
I have written down what I've been eating in my food diary!
I made a yummy Syn free cottage pie for dinner. In fact, I made 2! One for dinner and one for the freezer!
Yesterday was a green, worked overtime so only had two meals.

Lunch - Baked Polenta with Sainsburys Veg Ravioli and 42g of RF Cheddar
Dinner - Chicken Chow Mein (chicken as a HEb) so works out at 1 syn for the sauce

Snacks - a piece of chickpea cake

Other Syns - half a bottle of bud 3 syns and an Options 2 syns

Didn't manage my other HEs as wasn't at home and the OH only has white bread and no cereal / bars :( but didn't cheat so still pleased with my day.

Today is green, baked polenta for breakfast, jacket at work for lunch and smash pizza for tea (yog and fruit for snacks, got blueberries and banana) x
Morning all!!!

Well I am on cloud nine this morning!! I managed to loose 4lbs this week!!!! Not sure how as I have been 100% consistent since January!! Anyway, power walked into town with Daughter on Saturday and that did me some good Im sure!
How are we all??
wooo Mrs V thats fab! that is counted towards the challenge isnt it?

my scales havent budged since thursday:sigh: going to really up my water intake and see if that helps. ive been sampling a whole week of EE this week so perhaps its not going to work out as well for me as greens do:(
Well as of this morning I am the same on my scales as I was on Wednesday morning before WI. I will cut out all Syns now til Wednesday and hopefully I can get a couple of lbs off
I always do it that way. I have all my Syns in the few days after WI then go Syn free for a few days before WI. It works well for me but might not work for everyone