First ever VLCD

Aww thankyou!! How was your weigh in? xx

Not great really only lost another 4lbs, that's 16lbs in total but I did lose another 6.5 inches this week so that's 41inches in total which makes me feel much better, maybe the loss isn't so high because I've been working out, but regardless everyone can see a big difference and I can feel it.
It's the moment you've all been waiting for haha.

Ive lost 20lbs!!!!!!!!!!

12st exactly!!! I'm absolutely buzzing!! My bmi is healthy!!! Wooooohhhhooooooooooooo!!!

Another 2 months like this I'll be at goal!!


:flirt2::happy036::girlpower::clap::happy096::clap::winner::banana dancer:
Not great really only lost another 4lbs, that's 16lbs in total but I did lose another 6.5 inches this week so that's 41inches in total which makes me feel much better, maybe the loss isn't so high because I've been working out, but regardless everyone can see a big difference and I can feel it.

Inches is miiiiiles better than pounds. 41 too? That's pretty much a size 16 hips worth of inches gone!! Amazing!!

Muscle is heavier than fat, that's why, you're losing fat and gaining muscle!!



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Inches is miiiiiles better than pounds. 41 too? That's pretty much a size 16 hips worth of inches gone!! Amazing!!

Muscle is heavier than fat, that's why, you're losing fat and gaining muscle!!


Very true, I'm much more solid than wobbly now, and it's not as if I'm gonna lose all these inches and it never show on the scales, I'm sure I'll maybe have a week of a big loss and several of small losses. But that picture really helps, it's better to see things in a way your brain can process the actual amount of fat, if ever I feel abit low I just look through my slimsperation album and it all makes sense again :)

Congrats! Congrats!

Just caught up on your thread- fab news & super pleased for you. Xxx
On my way home from London :( don't want to leave!! My friend was soooo shocked when she saw me, last time she saw me I was bigger than her and now I'm smaller. Woo! Her mum kept telling me I'm gorgeous and that I could be a model (ha!) which was nice to hear. Here's a pic, wearing a size 12 top and jacket!! Wahh!!



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On my way home from London :( don't want to leave!! My friend was soooo shocked when she saw me, last time she saw me I was bigger than her and now I'm smaller. Woo! Her mum kept telling me I'm gorgeous and that I could be a model (ha!) which was nice to hear. Here's a pic, wearing a size 12 top and jacket!! Wahh!!


You look amazing!! Hope you had a great time (who wouldn't getting compliments like that)
It all pays off!
Back home now and I'm sooo tired. Stuck to my diet as much as I could although I did walk into McDonalds today in the train station. I sort of looked and thought 'what am I doing?!' Walked out and into M&S and got a low carb veggie wrap which was only 200 cals for the whole thing, a carrot and humous pack and a big tub of mixed fruit. I wasn't even thinking about what I was choosing just kind of grabbed. I've missed fruit so bad!! So not entirely on plan but still healthy choices and a trillion times better than a Big Mac. I'm still classing it as a 100% day.

I'm so determined to finish my challenge. Seeing how much I've changed already and everyone's comments is a massive confidence boost. I actually like photos of myself now, full length and everything. I don't look fat anymore because I'm not fat anymore. Sometimes I don't see it in the mirror it's only when I see a photo I can really tell. It's like the reverse of what it used to be. I used to be slimmer in my head than reality, now I'm slimmer in reality than I am in my head! Madness!

This is literally the best thing I have ever done. I'm still enjoying myself, probably more than I used to and I know that I will make it and be a size 8. That day seemed like it was never going to come for so long. I've wanted it since I can remember and now I actually believe its finally gonna happen. And soon!!

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!!

sounds like you've had an amazing weekend and great that you're still so fired up to finish this :D:D:D good for you!!

I'm back on day 1 today, I'll never get any results if I don't fricking make a start will I!!!!

Photo is gorge xxx
sounds like you've had an amazing weekend and great that you're still so fired up to finish this :D:D:D good for you!!

I'm back on day 1 today, I'll never get any results if I don't fricking make a start will I!!!!

Photo is gorge xxx

You are getting results! You're still nearly a stone and a half down! But the best results are from when you just go for it, wish I'd done it sooner but at least I'm doing it now.

Thanks about the photo, it's the first full length pic I've ever liked!

I am soooo tired. Couldn't get to sleep last night then when I finally did drift off the cat woke me up at half 6. I'm not in work today but got so much stuff to do. I feel like just sleeping all day. I've ran out of mac and cheese so I'm having 3 shakes and a meal until I get paid and can order some more. I'm hoping my next order will be my last xx
Oh and I'm day 40 today. Almost half way through. Woooo!!!! It's come round so quick I can't believe it! I'm now finally out of bed, just hope I actually wake up soon xx
Going sooo quick!!

Great to hear you sounding so positive, nothing better than when confidence from within starts showing itself.

It helps with people egging you on. I think if it wasn't for you lot I'd have never even gotten started! It's nice to speak to people who know what you're going through and with some saying I'm an 'inspiration' (me? Ha!) makes me more determined to carry on to prove it can be done.

Been out and bought my carpet finally. Got that and underlay for just under £100 so quite chuffed. Should finally have my room done by tonight. Can't be bothered doing much else today just feel really tired and my wisdom tooth is coming through again so that's not making me feel much better. Had 2 shakes so far, gonna make chicken and veg for my tea and have a final shake later. Sounds weird but I'm looking forward to getting back to work so I can get back in a routine again. Don't think I'll be having another night out for a while if I keep feeling like crap afterwards. Must be getting old haha.
