First ever VLCD

I've decided I'm still gonna do the 30 day shred tonight though. Need to get into some form of exercise routine and 30 minutes doesn't seem too daunting. I'll take some more before pics and wait until the 30 days to take some more and see the difference. Think that's when I might weigh myself again too. I'll only have just over a fortnight left of my challenge by then. Eek!

Carpet laid. Bed built. Soooo tired!! But can't sleep as usual. Eurgh. Not due to the diet I don't think, my wisdom tooth has been giving me grief all day and I just can't get comfy. How annoying.

Day 41 and back in work. I know I said I was looking forward to it yesterday, what was I even thinking?! Start at half 11 so I'm still not out of bed haha.

Gonna have a 4 shake day today I think. Either that or turn a chilli pack (if I can find one) into 'crisps' not long till payday so I'll be able to order more of my beloved mac and cheese!

Should probably get up now otherwise I never will. Hope everyone has a fab day xx
It's the moment you've all been waiting for haha.

Ive lost 20lbs!!!!!!!!!!

12st exactly!!! I'm absolutely buzzing!! My bmi is healthy!!! Wooooohhhhooooooooooooo!!!

Another 2 months like this I'll be at goal!!



Just catching up....amazing well done on your 20lbs whoop whoop!!! :)
Sat in work totally bored out of my mind!! Only an hour and a half to go!

Had 3 shakes today, gonna have my last one when I get home. I'm really looking forward to getting paid so I can order some mac and cheese! Don't think I'm gonna cope too well without it, I think I've become slightly addicted haha.

Got told by a girl in work that I'm looking slim! YES! SLIM!!! All my work clothes are disgustingly large on me now, I'm wearing the dress I wore when I went to Southampton back in November, looks miles better on now, and I'm wearing tights so can get away as a work dress. Had a lot of compliments in it too. Sufficed to say I'm having a good day despite being bored as absolute sin with this job.

My size 14s are getting too big now too!! Good job the ones I have a super skinny so I should be able to get away with them for a while longer. Gonna order some 12s when I get paid and see if they fit. I'm a 12 on top so here's hoping!! Not been a size 12 since I can remember. I was a size 14 at 11 years old! I think I might/proabably will cry when I fit in a 12 bottoms. Get paid in just over a week so we'll soon see!!

How's everyone getting on today?

Hello skinny girl ;) I've smashed day two 100% I'll be joining you in the size 14s soon :)

Woo! Go you! Glad you're back on it and feeling good. We're all gonna be skinny girls in no time!! Can't believe I'm nearly a 12!! Arrgghh!!! I'm determined to be a size 10 by the end of this challenge and eventually an 8. It's been my goal from the beginning and nothing is gonna stop me getting there. Exciting!!

Man I'm so tired. Just put up the most mahoosive set of drawers in existence and then a bedside table. Got half way through that, realised the time a d thought I best stop hammering so that's not quite finished. I feel like this room is taking forever!! I need one wall repapering because my auntie did it and it looks terrible!! Quite pissed seeing as its £30 a roll. Still need to get my curtains and stuff too. Urgh. Sick of it now, just want it done!

I'm planning on repainting the whole house this year but can't bring myself to make a start because when it's 'in progress' it'll look worse than it does now and I'm scared I'll get bored half way and want to leave it!! CBA

You'll definitely make your size 8 - you're unstoppable!! :D:D
Amy the unstoppable slimming machine!!! Way to go girlfriend! You're flying along. It's hard to believe
after years of being unhappy with your size that it can all be changed around in just 40 days!!
I have no doubts at all that you'll be in those size 8's very soon! Yay! xx
I'm planning on repainting the whole house this year but can't bring myself to make a start because when it's 'in progress' it'll look worse than it does now and I'm scared I'll get bored half way and want to leave it!! CBA

You'll definitely make your size 8 - you're unstoppable!! :D:D

Thats what I'm like now! Feel like getting a hammer, smashing the place up and ordering in DIY SOS haha xx
Amy the unstoppable slimming machine!!! Way to go girlfriend! You're flying along. It's hard to believe
after years of being unhappy with your size that it can all be changed around in just 40 days!!
I have no doubts at all that you'll be in those size 8's very soon! Yay! xx

Haha loving the nickname!! I'm hoping to be!! I'm ordering some 12 bottoms when I get paid and gonna get some 10s too to see how long it takes to get there. I'm toying with the idea if using slimming world to get to an 8 from a 10 or I might just go the whole hog with s&s and use slimming world to maintain. Need, need, need to start exercising too. Gah!!

Have my weigh in fri morning as I'm staying at my parents tonight and I don't have a scales. Shakes are fine. I'm in the zone just finding it so hard to drink the water. Can barely manage 2litres. I know I can lose it faster if I drink more water but I just can't seem to get it into me! Back doing exercise. Curves mon, wed and fri. Then c25k tue, thur and either sat or sunday with 1 rest day. So badly need to tone up. My arms are brutal and lower stomach is a diaster.
Have my weigh in fri morning as I'm staying at my parents tonight and I don't have a scales. Shakes are fine. I'm in the zone just finding it so hard to drink the water. Can barely manage 2litres. I know I can lose it faster if I drink more water but I just can't seem to get it into me! Back doing exercise. Curves mon, wed and fri. Then c25k tue, thur and either sat or sunday with 1 rest day. So badly need to tone up. My arms are brutal and lower stomach is a diaster.

Oh let us know how you get on! I'm the same with water but mostly have shakes so think I'm just about managing 2ls, not every day though. I forget to drink, I forget to even have my shakes sometimes. Well done on the exercise! Wish I could get the motivation! It's my thighs and stomach that I need to tone. My stomach looks like I've had a kid, it's awful! I wanna start the 30 day shred and keep saying I will but I'm working lates and can't be bothered doing anything when I get home xx