First ever VLCD

About the same really, about 18/20 though I didn't have any size 20 clothes I went to try on a pair of 18 jeans from Tesco and they were too small I refused to go up another size and then started slim and save, I bought two pairs of 18 jeans from simply and they fit but one pair was a bit tight around the tummy now they both positively hang off me!
Maybe I might have to do a bit longer than 12weeks on slim and save then. How long have you been on it in total? Since September? Have you had any breaks or slip ups since you started?

I only had a couple of 20s. I was so embarrassed buying them but it still didn't shock me into losing anything because I've never had any comments about my weight unless its in an argument with someone and that only been a couple of times, once from my size 8 sister!! It was only when I was travelling this year and I was so unhappy. My friends were getting all this attention and I just felt like the "fat friend" it knocked me so bad I couldn't enjoy the trip as much as I wanted to so it was then that I decided to do something when I got back.

I started when I started this diary. I did quite well at first but never really stuck to it properly. I'd lost half a stone travelling so when I got back I was 14st9. I lost about a stone and a half from September to November. Could have been more if I'd have just stuck to it religiously. Then I went to see my friend down in Southampton and ended up having a Macy's and a dominoes in ONE DAY (eurgh) and put on 2lbs. From there I never really got back in to in but my weight maintained around 13st4. I tried again come December to get back on track but with it being my birthday that month and everything I think I only got back down to 13st2. Then I just went off plan completely and thought because I'd stayed the same weight for a couple of weeks that I'd cracked it and didn't need to watch what I was eating. Consequently after Xmas I weighed in at 13st10 and was devastated. So I tried AGAIN to get back but never really stuck to it 100% because I never had done and managed to get back to 13st4, then had a Pizza Hut on New Years Day and went back up to 13st6. From there I thought '**** this for a game of soldiers, I'm never gonna be skinny if I carry on like this' and started my challenge.

So yea, I've struggled, I've gained weight back and gone completely off track and have absolutely no idea how I'm gonna do once I've finished my challenge, all I know is that I will finish because I'm determined to get it done and I feel amazing losing weight. I kick myself all the time thinking I could have been at goal ages ago if I hadn't have fannied about so much haha xx
Well this time round you've done so well with it and the results are really showing!!

I've managed to stick to it 100% and that's a lot to do with seeing other people getting the kind of results I want, hopefully I'll manage to get the results in a good amount of time but I think I've been too optimistic thinking I could lose 4stone/4 dress sizes in 12weeks.

Fingers crossed by the next time I weigh I'll have a big loss and feel better for it xx
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Well this time round you've done so well with it and the results are really showing!!

I've managed to stick to it 100% and that's a lot to do with seeing other people getting the kind of results I want, hopefully I'll manage to get the results in a good amount of time but I think I've been too optimistic thinking I could lose 4stone/4 dress sizes in 12weeks.

Fingers crossed by the next time I weigh I'll have a big loss and feel better for it xx

Yea I don't think 4 stone is really that possible in 12 weeks unless you were quite a lot heavier. I've aimed for 2-2 and a half, hoping for 3 but don't think that's gonna happen. I've lost 1st6 so far so it might do, I'll just have to wait and see. Think the thing with this diet is because we usually see quite a big loss in the first week we sort of expect that every week and we want it to come off even quicker than it already is. That's how I felt anyway. Just got to have patience aint we?! Haha xx
Yea I don't think 4 stone is really that possible in 12 weeks unless you were quite a lot heavier. I've aimed for 2-2 and a half, hoping for 3 but don't think that's gonna happen. I've lost 1st6 so far so it might do, I'll just have to wait and see. Think the thing with this diet is because we usually see quite a big loss in the first week we sort of expect that every week and we want it to come off even quicker than it already is. That's how I felt anyway. Just got to have patience aint we?! Haha xx

I know, and patience isn't really a quality I hold haha.
Ah well two stone is still a lot, as long as I'm an 8/10 before my birthday in June I'll be happy!!
I know, and patience isn't really a quality I hold haha.
Ah well two stone is still a lot, as long as I'm an 8/10 before my birthday in June I'll be happy!!

I'm exactly the same! I just want to be a size 8 now!! I really hope by the end of March that I'll be there as that is the goal I've set but suppose it's just a case of waiting! Wasn't that long ago when I was a size 16 so I've done well so far! xx
Fingers crossed you will be, you've not long to go now, you might even find with your height that a size 10 is the right size for you, you already look slim now you don't want to be skinny,shapely and slim is when women look their best, I wish I was a bit taller. Then I'd probably be a size 14 now!

I think mini goals is the key for us, but I always end up looking to far into the future. It will happen when it happens I suppose, as long as I'm making it happen and not expecting to wake up and magically be a size 8/10 x
Hi Amy, just wanted to compliment you on how fab you looked in that sparkly dress! :wow:girl!! x
Fingers crossed you will be, you've not long to go now, you might even find with your height that a size 10 is the right size for you, you already look slim now you don't want to be skinny,shapely and slim is when women look their best, I wish I was a bit taller. Then I'd probably be a size 14 now!

I think mini goals is the key for us, but I always end up looking to far into the future. It will happen when it happens I suppose, as long as I'm making it happen and not expecting to wake up and magically be a size 8/10 x

I know what you mean, people at work are starting to tell me I look skinny and that I'm a "good weight" and shouldn't lose any more. But like you said before, it's what makes us feel good. I know I probably will look good at a size 10 but I've had in my head for so long that I want to be a size 8 that I know I won't be happy until I get there! I'm just a stubborn cow haha.

Mini goals definitely work, they give you the boost you need when you acheive them. It's actually pretty funny you saying about waking up and magically being a size 10, I feel like that's what has happened to me. I've woken up and I'm magically a 12! Never thought it would happen!! xx
Finally the day is done!! Got home to my order, not impressed I can't have mac and cheese but there you go. Gonna have a bar, just doesn't feel right having chocolate haha xx
Day 50!

The scales haven't been hidden from me again so consequently I've ended up weighing AGIAN! Need to nip this in the bud! Another 2lbs off taking me to 11st10!


So I've worked out I've got just over a week to lose 4lbs and I'll have lost 2 stone in 2 months. Wowzers. The scales have definitely now been hidden so looks like I'm not gonna find out if I make it.

I was naughty and had A chocolate in work today. Just one. The looks on people's faces was actually quite funny, they couldn't believe what I was doing. There was a time when that would have been the look if I had have said no! Tasted lush but no more for me now. Not for a while anyway xx
So I've worked out I've got just over a week to lose 4lbs and I'll have lost 2 stone in 2 months. Wowzers. The scales have definitely now been hidden so looks like I'm not gonna find out if I make it.

I was naughty and had A chocolate in work today. Just one. The looks on people's faces was actually quite funny, they couldn't believe what I was doing. There was a time when that would have been the look if I had have said no! Tasted lush but no more for me now. Not for a while anyway xx

Oh I hate that though, I hate people judging!
Oh I hate that though, I hate people judging!

It was only a laugh. I know there was some sarcasm probably behind it but that doesn't bother me. I'm hoping to not be there for too much longer its just so convenient where it is! I'm applying for Emirates once I hit a size 10, I've decided not to wait until I hit goal xx
Sooo I missed my alarm this morning and went I to panic, rushing about, thinking about what excuse I could give work when I realised I still have an hour before I'm in. What a tool.

Well today is day 51 which means that I only have 37 days left of my challenge. If I can lose 20lbs like I did in the first 37 days that will take me down to 10st4 and make me a very happy girly!!! So I'm back 10000%, trying to not have any nights out or weekends away until then but it's highly unlikely that will be the case. I'll just have to wait and see how I do xx
You can soooooooo do it girlie! Absof*ckinlutely! Have a lovely weekend chick, chat next week xx
Brew, bar and bed for me I think. God when did I get so boooooring?!!! Absolutely zapped, then again I get paid at midnight so might stay up and do some late night shopping. Yes. That sounds like a blooming good plan!
