First Weigh In Today

Thanks for the suggestion, however, unfortunately I am regulated by cost as my finances are restricted.
Another 7 pounds gone! However I am in a quandry. When I get to 10 stone my BMI will be 21.9 which is just right in the middle. However I still have this ugly fat that I can hold in my hand on my belly and I don't think another 7 pounds is going to do anything about it. The quandry is this. Do I stop at my planned weight; ie 9 stone 9 so I have some weight in hand for when I start refeed; or do I lose more in an effort to try to shift more of this belly fat. I hate it, it is the bane of my life. I exercise, walk tried it all and still it won't reduce it. I am at my wits end. I am thin all over except for my belly, if I didn't have my belly I would be a perfect size 12, as it is I have to wear 14s.
Maybe decide when you have lost the 7llbs...are you doing an exercise to try to tone up a little??
Yes I am doing abdo exercises but it pulls my abdomen in but that part still sticks out.
Wow Charlotte you have done amazingly well......hope you decide on what you feel is best, have you asked where you get your lipotrim from for their advice.....?
The place where I get the lipotrim they know nothing and just sell it. The pharmacist knows, but he is rarely there. Actually I like it like that because it means I am in control and not have someone telling me what weight I should be.
Know what you mean...I found this site far more informative than what I got at the chemist....
In a way that the way it should be are the one with the experience....having gone through it...
But I still don't know what to do about this belly fat. I do have a hernia, as I previously mentioned, but this isn't what is pushing my stomach out. I just don't want to be able to lift up my belly to wash under it, it's disgusting.
Have you asked your doctor? You may be a candidate for a tummy tuck? I know surgery is a bit extreme but if its up-setting you so much?
In my dreams, he said he would be laughed at if he put me in for a tummy tuck. You just can't get one on the NHS. I guess I'll have to wait for the lottery to come up to pay for it.
You should still push him for some real suggestions for you to help to tone/improve your tummy's appearance and that will help your confidence and how you feel..thats all part of your good health!! Best of luck
He will be of no help except the usual exercise stuff.
Awh...thats a shame...try not to let it get you down.....maybe others have some suggestions for you to try.
Im sure he must be able to refer you to someone else if he cant help you Charlotte. Dont let him away with it or see a different Doctor next time, maybe a lady, she may be more understanding.
Well I'll try, but then he didn't even approve of this diet, had never heard of it and thought it quackery!
mmmm doesnt sound very understanding does it...I'd try another doctor by Rachel's suggestion...