First Weigh In Today

Yeah thanks. I do have a hernia, and when I've got to my target weight and maintained it awhile my doctor said he'd put in to get it fixed. It developed after I had laparoscopy to remove my gallbladder, it is near the site of entry. My husband keeps saying pointy belly now because it really does look horrible.
Oh poor you...when you get to target - it will be great to have the op and have it sorted!!
Yes but I still think I will have a belly. Atm I am skinny, very skinny on my arms legs face and upper abdomen, but my lower abdomen...well its like a mountain and I pray that losing another 1.5 stone will at least put a dent in it.
Charlotte I am sure the final stone and a half will help! I was talking to one of the team at the gym and she gave me some good toning tips for my tum and inner thighs (which I am sad to say are just floppy and flabby and far too hideous!) Hopefully the exercises will go someway to alleviating the floppiness!
Charlotte I am sure the final stone and a half will help! I was talking to one of the team at the gym and she gave me some good toning tips for my tum and inner thighs (which I am sad to say are just floppy and flabby and far too hideous!) Hopefully the exercises will go someway to alleviating the floppiness!

Oh they sound gym suggested that I buy some of those leg weights that you can strap to your ankles for when you are walking about the house etc. The extra weight really helps to slim and tone the legs and tummy!!! Tesco do a range of ones that are really cheap.
You would think that the weight we had origially been carrying around would have ment that our legs would already be toned!! Its just not fair!!
Im trying everything lol. I got some leg weights and wore them today and later this week an exercise bike is coming...something has to work.
It will work Charlotte, Elle and Bea are living proof!!

Awh thanks Rach!!!!

Charlotte - Rach is right...we have seen great results...keep postive!!:D
Well another 6 pounds down and only 14 to go....
Thank you all. I reckon I have another 6 weeks on tfr then I shall move to refeeding for 6 weeks, then I am on my own....actually I have a diet plan all mapped out for that and end of January is my start date for completely finishing of Lipotrim, if all goes to plan.
Oh thats a really good idea! Well done so far!
For now I have it under control, but the real battle begins when i start "normal" food again. However, I am determined I am not going through this again and let myself go. Losing mum really knocked me for six, but I've pulled myself together, quit smoking, lost the weight, and I am going to start doing extra exercise as soon as the catalogue send me an exercise bike that isn't broken! (so far I am on number 3). I know it will be hard and I will still stare in envy at the size 6s tucking into full english breakfasts etc while I am out, but that is the burden I must bear if I wish to remain at a healthy weight.
Charlotte, that's fantastic!! You've lost so much so fast, you must be well chuffed! As for the bikes, you're better off investing in a spinning bike or a normal bike plus a turbo trainer (which is what cyclists use to train indoors while using their usual bike), not only are they better made, the position your body has in one of them is much better and less prone to injury.